Pierre Bayle-lezing

De Pierre Bayle-lezing wordt sinds 1990 ongeveer om de twee jaar in Rotterdam georganiseerd door de Pierre Bayle Stichting. De lezingen zijn vernoemd naar de Franse hugenoot Pierre Bayle.

Gehouden lezingen

  • 2015 Justin Erik Halldór Smith, The Gravity of Satire: Offense and Violence after the Paris Attacks
  • 2011 Bertus de Rijk, Kritisch denken en onze hang naar de vaste grond
  • 2009 Susan Neiman, Crimes and Misfortunes: Does Bayle's vision of history have a future?
  • 2006 Kwame Anthony Appiah, The Difficulties of Religious Toleration
  • 2004 Jonathan Israel, Bayle, Enlightment, Toleration and Modern Western Society
  • 2002 John Searle, The Future of Philosophy
  • 1999 Alain Finkielkraut,
  • 1995 Hilary Putnam, Non-scientific Knowledge
  • 1994 Adam Michnik, The East-European Revolutions of the year 1989
  • 1993 Peter Burke, History as Fact and Fiction
  • 1992 Léon Poliakov, De la judeophobie
  • 1991 Michael Ignatieff, The Republic of Letters, Now and Then
  • 1990 Martha Nussbaum, Political Animals: Aristotle on Nature and the Human Order

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