Primary van Arizona 2008

De primary van Arizona was een voorverkiezing die op 5 februari 2008 werd gehouden, de dag van Super Tuesday. Hillary Clinton en John McCain wonnen.


voor de primary
Arizona Democratische primary 2008[1]
Kandidaat Stemmen Percentage Nationale gedelegeerden[2]
Hillary Clinton 229,501 50.37% 31
Barack Obama 193,126 42.39% 25
John Edwards 23,621 5.18% 0
Bill Richardson 2,842 0.62% 0
Dennis Kucinich 1,973 0.43% 0
Sandy Whitehouse 632 0.14% 0
Christopher Dodd 484 0.11% 0
Edward Dobson 398 0.09% 0
Mike Gravel 340 0.07% 0
Richard Grayson 322 0.07% 0
Carl Kruger 291 0.06% 0
Chuck See 249 0.05% 0
William Campbell 248 0.05% 0
Frank Lynch 248 0.05% 0
Libby Hubbard 209 0.05% 0
Michael Oatman 192 0.04% 0
Rich Lee 162 0.04% 0
Peter Bollander 154 0.03% 0
Evelyn Vitullo 132 0.03% 0
Philip Tanner 130 0.03% 0
Tish Haymer 107 0.02% 0
Orion Daley 98 0.02% 0
Leland Montell 94 0.02% 0
Loti Gest 82 0.02% 0
Totaal 455,635 100.00% 56


Officiële Resultaten[3]
Arizona Republikeinse primary 2008
Kandidaat Stemmen Percentage Gedelegeerden
John McCain255,19747.17%50
Mitt Romney186,83834.53%0
Mike Huckabee48,8499.03%0
Ron Paul22,6924.19%0
Rudy Giuliani13,6582.52%0
Fred Thompson9,4921.75%0
Duncan Hunter1,0820.20%0
Alan Keyes9700.18%0
John McGraph4900.09%0
Frank McEnulty3330.06%0
Sean Murphy2690.05%0
John Fitzpatrick1990.04%0
James Mitchell Jr.1930.04%0
David Ruben1040.02%0
Michael Burzinski980.02%0
Jerry Curry980.02%0
Jack Shepard780.01%0
Bob Forthan750.01%0
Michael Shaw620.01%0
Hugh Cort580.01%0
Daniel Gilbert530.01%0
Rick Outzen530.01%0
Charles Skelley500.01%0
Rhett Smith440.01%0

* Inclusief 3 unpledged Republican National Committee gedelegeerden


  1. 2008 Presidential Preference Election, Democratic. Arizona Secretary of State (2008-02-15). Geraadpleegd op 2008-02-20.
  2. New York Times Election Guide 2008
  3. State of Arizona Official Canvas (pdf). Arizona Secretary of State. Geraadpleegd op 2008-05-24.
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