Ranks and insignia of the Forest protection (Nazi Germany)

The ranks and insignia of the Forest protection (Reichforstschutz) were the paramilitary rank system used by the national Forest protection agency in Germany during World War II. The collar tabs and shoulder boards underlay identified the service. Green for State Forestry Service, gray for Communal Forestry Service, black for Luftwaffe and Heer Forestry Service and brown for Private Forestry Service.[1]

Rank Insignia

Ranks (1934–1938)

Shoulder insignia Name Translation
Generalforstmeister General Forest Master
Oberlandforstmeister Senior country forest master
Landforstmeister Country forest master
Oberforstmeister Senior forest master
Forstmeister Forest master
Forstassessor Forest Assessor
Forstreferendar District forester
Forstamtmann Forestry Office man
Oberförster Senior Ranger
Revierförster Area Ranger
Förster Ranger
Hilfsförster Auxiliary Ranger
Unterförster Under Ranger
Forstaufseher Forester
No insignia Forstanwärter Forester Candidate

Ranks (1938–1942)

Collar insignia Shoulder insignia[3] Name Translation
Reichsforstmeister Reichs Forest Master
Generalforstmeister General Forest Master
Ministerialdirigent Secretary
Oberlandforstmeister Senior Country Forest Master
Landforstmeister Country Forest Master
Oberforstmeister Senior Forest Master
Forstmeister Forest Master
Forstamtmann Forestry Office man
Oberförster Senior Ranger
Revierförster Area Ranger
Förster Ranger
Unterförster Under Ranger
Hilfsförster Auxiliary Ranger
Forstaufseher Forester
Forstanwärter Forester Candidate

Ranks (1942–1945)

Collar insignia Shoulder insignia[3] Name Translation
Reichsforstmeister Reichs Forest Master
Generalforstmeister General Forest Master
Ministerialdirektor Director of the Ministry
Ministerialdirigent Secretary
Oberlandforstmeister Senior country forest master
Landforstmeister Country forest master
Oberforstmeister Senior forest master
Forstmeister Forest master
Forstassessor Forest Assessor
Forstreferendar District forester
No insignia Anwärter für den höheren Forstdienst Candidate for the higher forestry service
Forstamtmann Forestry Office man
Oberförster Senior Ranger
Revierförster Area Ranger
Außerplanmäßiger Revierförster Supernumerary Area Ranger
Revierförsteranwärter Area Ranger Candidate
No insignia Forstlehrling Forestry apprentice
Oberforstwart Senior Forester Ranger
Forstwart Forest Ranger
Außerplanmäßiger Forstwart Supernumerary Forest Ranger
Forstwartanwärter Forest Ranger Candidate
Forstaufseher Forester



  1. "Reich Forstschutz". German Daggers. Retrieved 26 March 2019.
  2. Zoebisch, Stefany. "Forestry rank insignia". Forestry of the Third Reich. Retrieved 14 August 2019.
  3. Zoebisch 2015, p. 4:16.


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