List of members of the European Parliament for Spain, 2019–24

Elected members

On the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party list: (S&D)

  1. Iratxe García
  2. Lina Gálvez
  3. Javi López Fernández
  4. Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero
  5. Iban García del Blanco
  6. Eider Gardiazabal
  7. Nicolás González Casares
  8. Cristina Maestre
  9. César Luena
  10. Clara Aguilera García
  11. Ignacio Sánchez Amor
  12. Mónica Silvana González
  13. Juan Fernando López Aguilar
  14. Adriana Maldonado López
  15. Jonás Fernández
  16. Alicia Homs Ginel
  17. Javier Moreno Sánchez
  18. Isabel García Muñoz
  19. Domènec Ruiz Devesa
  20. Estrella Durá Ferrandis

On the People's Party list: (EPP Group)

  1. Dolors Montserrat
  2. Esteban González Pons
  3. Antonio López-Istúriz White
  4. Juan Ignacio Zoido
  5. Pilar del Castillo
  6. Javier Zarzalejos
  7. José Manuel García-Margallo
  8. Francisco José Millán Mon
  9. Rosa Estaràs
  10. Isabel Benjumea
  11. Pablo Arias Echeverría
  12. Leopoldo López Gil

On the Citizens – Party of the Citizenry list: (Renew)

  1. Luis Garicano
  2. Maite Pagazaurtundúa (UPyD)
  3. Soraya Rodríguez
  4. Javier Nart
  5. José Ramón Bauzà
  6. Jordi Cañas Pérez
  7. Susana Solís Pérez

On the Unidas Podemos list: (GUE–NGL)

  1. María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop
  2. Sira Rego
  3. Ernest Urtasun (in the Greens-EFA)
  4. Idoia Villanueva
  5. Miguel Urbán
  6. Manu Pineda

On the Vox list: (ECR)

  1. Jorge Buxadé
  2. Mazaly Aguilar
  3. Hermann Tertsch
  • Margarita de la Pisa Carrión

On the Ahora Repúblicas list: (Greens-EFA)

  1. Oriol Junqueras
  2. Pernando Barrena (in the GUE–NGL)
  3. Diana Riba

On Together for Europe list: (Non-Inscrits)

  1. Carles Puigdemont
  2. Antoni Comín
  • Clara Ponsatí i Obiols

On the Coalition for a Solidary Europe list: (Renew)

  1. Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (PNV)


  1. "Advanced search | Search | MEPs | European Parliament". Retrieved 2020-01-07.
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