List of least concern mammals

As of September 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 3117 least concern mammalian species.[1] 56% of all evaluated mammalian species are listed as least concern. The IUCN also lists 127 mammalian subspecies as least concern.

203 critically endangered mammalian species (3.5%)505 endangered mammalian species (8.7%)536 vulnerable mammalian species (9.3%)345 near threatened mammalian species (6.0%)3306 least concern mammalian species (57%)872 data deficient mammalian species (15%)
Mammalian species (IUCN, 2020-1)
  • 5850 extant species have been evaluated
  • 4978 of those are fully assessed[lower-alpha 1]
  • 3651 are not threatened at present[lower-alpha 2]
  • 1244 to 2116 are threatened[lower-alpha 3]
  • 81 to 83 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 81 extinct (EX) species[lower-alpha 4]
    • 2 extinct in the wild (EW)
    • 0 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
    • 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]

  1. excludes data deficient evaluations.
  2. NT and LC.
  3. Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. Chart omits extinct (EX) species

Of the subpopulations of mammals evaluated by the IUCN, one species subpopulation has been assessed as least concern.

This is a complete list of least concern mammalian species and subspecies evaluated by the IUCN. Species and subspecies which have least concern subpopulations (or stocks) are indicated. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.


There are 125 species and 96 subspecies of primate assessed as least concern.

Great apes


  • Fat-tailed dwarf lemur
  • Reddish-gray mouse lemur
  • Gray mouse lemur

Old World monkeys


  • Allen's swamp monkey
  • Agile mangabey
  • Red-tailed monkey
  • Campbell's mona monkey
  • Moustached guenon
  • Dent's mona monkey
  • Lowe's mona monkey
  • Blue monkey
  • Mona monkey
  • De Brazza's monkey
  • Greater spot-nosed monkey
  • Lesser spot-nosed monkey
  • Grivet
  • Malbrouck
  • Vervet monkey
  • Green monkey
  • Tantalus monkey
  • Angola colobus
  • Mantled guereza
  • Patas monkey
  • Grey-cheeked mangabey
  • Formosan rock macaque
  • Crab-eating macaque
  • Japanese macaque
  • Rhesus macaque
  • Bonnet macaque
  • Gabon talapoin
  • Angolan talapoin
  • Olive baboon
  • Yellow baboon
  • Hamadryas baboon
  • Kinda baboon
  • Chacma baboon
  • Central African red colobus
  • Maroon leaf monkey
  • Southern plains gray langur
  • Northern plains gray langur
  • Nepal gray langur
  • Gelada


  • Schmidt's red-tailed monkey
  • Red-tailed moustached monkey
  • Zanzibar Sykes's monkey
  • Doggett's blue monkey
  • Stairs's white-collared monkey
  • Kolb's white-collared monkey
  • Moloney's white-collared monkey
  • Tanzania Sykes' monkey
  • Rump-spotted blue monkey
  • Stuhlmann's blue monkey
  • Eastern putty-nosed monkey
  • Western lesser spot-nosed monkey
  • Eastern lesser spot-nosed monkey
  • Gray's crowned monkey
  • Black-footed crowned monkey
  • Congo basin wolf's monkey
  • Sclater's Angolan colobus
  • Powell-cotton's Angolan colobus
  • Peter's Angolan colobus
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro guereza
  • Omo river guereza
  • Mt. Kenya guereza
  • Western guereza
  • Long-tailed macaque
  • Macaca fuscata fuscata
  • Yakushima macaque
  • Pale-bellied bonnet macaque
  • Dark-bellied bonnet macaque
  • Central yellow baboon
  • Northern yellow baboon
  • Grey-footed chacma baboon
  • Southern chacma baboon
  • Dollman's maroon langur
  • Muller's maroon langur
  • Presbytis rubicunda rubida
  • Southern gelada
  • Ko Tarutao dusky langur
  • Blond-tailed langur
  • Cantor's dusky leaf monkey[2]
  • Reid's dusky langur

New World monkeys

There are 61 species and 41 subspecies of New World monkey assessed as least concern.



  • Ursine howler
  • Black howler
  • Brown howler
  • Guyanan red howler
  • Amazon black howler
  • Mantled howler
  • Bolivian red howler


  • Southern brown howler
  • Golden-mantled howler
  • Juruá red howler monkey
  • Purús red howler monkey
  • Colombian red howler monkey



  • White-fronted capuchin
  • Brown weeper capuchin
  • Black-capped squirrel monkey
  • Common squirrel monkey
  • Tufted capuchin
  • Azaras's capuchin
  • Black-striped capuchin
  • Large-headed capuchin


  • Colombian white-throated capuchin
  • Hershkovitz' weeper capuchin
  • Grey weeper capuchin
  • Guianan weeper capuchin
  • Bolivian squirrel monkey
  • Peruvian squirrel monkey
  • Humboldt's squirrel monkey
  • Ecuadorian squirrel monkey
  • Guianan squirrel monkey
  • Sapajus apella apella


Includes the titis, saki monkeys and uakaris.

  • Madidi titi
  • Baptista Lake titi
  • Prince Bernhard's titi
  • Brown titi
  • Chestnut-bellied titi
  • Ashy black titi
  • Coppery titi
  • White-tailed titi
  • White-eared titi
  • Hershkovitz's titi
  • Hoffmanns's titi
  • Lucifer titi
  • Black titi
  • Red-bellied titi
  • White-coated titi
  • Rio Purus titi
  • Red-headed titi
  • Collared titi
  • Red-backed bearded saki
  • Equatorial saki
  • Golden-faced saki
  • White-faced saki



  • White-headed marmoset
  • Common marmoset
  • Black-tufted marmoset
  • Pygmy marmoset
  • Silvery marmoset
  • Hershkovitz's marmoset
  • Maués marmoset
  • Black-tailed marmoset
  • Satéré marmoset
  • Brown-mantled tamarin
  • Geoffroy's tamarin
  • Emperor tamarin
  • Mottle-faced tamarin
  • White-lipped tamarin
  • Martins's tamarin
  • White-mantled tamarin
  • Red-handed tamarin
  • Moustached tamarin
  • Black-mantled tamarin


  • Eastern pygmy marmoset
  • Western pygmy marmoset
  • Ávila Pires' saddle-back tamarin
  • Cruz Lima's saddle-back tamarin
  • Spix's saddle-back tamarin
  • Lesson's saddle-back tamarin
  • Illiger's saddle-back tamarin
  • Red-mantle saddle-back tamarin
  • Saguinus fuscicollis leucogenys
  • Geoffroy's saddle-back tamarin
  • Weddell's saddle-back tamarin
  • Saguinus imperator imperator
  • Bearded emperor tamarin
  • Geoffroy's red-bellied tamarin
  • Gray's red-bellied tamarin
  • Thomas' red-bellied tamarin
  • Saguinus martinsi martinsi
  • Ochraceous bare-face tamarin
  • White saddleback tamarin
  • Saguinus mystax mystax
  • Red-cap moustached tamarin
  • White-rump moustached tamarin
  • Saguinus nigricollis hernandezi
  • Spix's black mantle tamarin

Night monkeys


  • Azara's night monkey
  • Nancy Ma's night monkey
  • Black-headed night monkey
  • Three-striped night monkey
  • Spix's night monkey


  • Aotus azarae azarae
  • Bolivian night monkey


There are 21 species and 15 subspecies in Lorisoidea assessed as least concern.



  • Golden angwantibo
  • Calabar angwantibo
  • Gray slender loris
  • Milne-edwards's potto
  • East African potto
  • Potto


  • Bosman's potto



  • Southern needle-clawed bushbaby
  • Northern needle-clawed bushbaby
  • Somali bushbaby
  • Dusky bushbaby
  • Mohol bushbaby
  • Senegal bushbaby
  • Kenya coast galago
  • Prince Demidoff's bushbaby
  • Grant's bushbaby
  • Thomas's bushbaby
  • Zanzibar bushbaby
  • Brown greater galago
  • Northern greater galago
  • Bioko Allen's bushbaby
  • Gabon bushbaby


  • Nigeria needle-clawed galago
  • Kenya lesser galago
  • Ethiopia lesser galago
  • Galago senegalensis senegalensis
  • Uganda lesser galago
  • Udzungwa galago
  • South African large-eared galago
  • Tanganyika large-eared galago
  • Miombo silver galago
  • Zanzibar small-eared galago
  • Kikuyu small-eared galago
  • White-tailed small-eared galago
  • Pangani small-eared galago
  • Cross river squirrel galago


Cetartiodactyla includes dolphins, whales and even-toed ungulates. There are 118 species and 15 subspecies of cetartiodactyl assessed as least concern.

Non-cetacean even-toed ungulates

There are 96 species and 15 subspecies of non-cetacean even-toed ungulate assessed as least concern.


  • Giant forest hog
  • Desert warthog
  • Common warthog
  • Bushpig
  • Red river hog
  • Wild boar

Deer species

  • Moose
  • Chital
  • Roe deer
  • Siberian roe deer
  • Elk
  • Red deer
  • Sika deer
  • Fallow deer
  • Gray brocket
  • Amazonian brown brocket
  • Indian muntjac
  • Reeves's muntjac
  • Northern red muntjac
  • Mule deer
  • White-tailed deer


  • Sri Lankan sambar deer



  • Impala
  • Hartebeest
  • Blackbuck
  • Springbok
  • Nilgai
  • Alpine ibex
  • Spanish ibex
  • Siberian ibex
  • Japanese serow
  • Taiwan serow
  • Peters's duiker
  • Harvey's duiker
  • Red forest duiker
  • Black duiker
  • Black-fronted duiker
  • Ogilby's duiker
  • Red-flanked duiker
  • Weyns's duiker
  • Black wildebeest
  • Blue wildebeest
  • Common tsessebe
  • Bontebok
  • Mongalla gazelle
  • Chinkara
  • Roan antelope
  • Sable antelope
  • Waterbuck
  • Kob
  • Lechwe
  • Günther's dik-dik
  • Kirk's dik-dik
  • Salt's dik-dik
  • Grant's gazelle
  • Bates's pygmy antelope
  • Royal antelope
  • Suni
  • Mountain goat
  • Klipspringer
  • Gemsbok
  • Oribi
  • Muskox
  • Bighorn sheep
  • Dall sheep
  • Snow sheep
  • Grey rhebok
  • Maxwell's duiker
  • Blue duiker
  • Mongolian gazelle
  • Bharal
  • Steenbok
  • Cape grysbok
  • Sharpe's grysbok
  • Southern reedbuck
  • Mountain reedbuck
  • Bohor reedbuck
  • Pyrenean chamois
  • Chamois
  • Common duiker
  • African buffalo
  • Nyala
  • Giant eland
  • Common eland
  • Bushbuck
  • Sitatunga
  • Greater kudu


  • Aepyceros melampus melampus
  • Red hartebeest
  • Coke's hartebeest
  • Alcelaphus buselaphus lichtensteinii
  • Damaliscus lunatus jimela
  • Damaliscus lunatus lunatus
  • Bangweulu tsessebe
  • Damaliscus lunatus tiang
  • Blesbok
  • Common waterbuck
  • White-eared kob
  • Ugandan kob
  • Red lechwe
  • Southern mountain reedbuck
  • Eastern giant eland


  • Water chevrotain
  • Indian spotted chevrotain
  • Yellow-striped chevrotain
  • Sri Lankan spotted chevrotain
  • Lesser mouse-deer
  • Greater mouse-deer

Other non-cetacean even-toed ungulate species

  • Pronghorn
  • Guanaco
  • Collared peccary
  • Vicuña


  • Bowhead whale
  • Common minke whale
  • Short-beaked common dolphin
  • Gray whale
  • Southern right whale
  • Risso's dolphin
  • Southern bottlenose whale
  • Fraser's dolphin
  • Atlantic white-sided dolphin
  • White-beaked dolphin
  • Hourglass dolphin
  • Pacific white-sided dolphin
  • Northern right whale dolphin
  • Humpback whale
  • Melon-headed whale
  • Harbour porpoise
  • Dall's porpoise
  • Pantropical spotted dolphin
  • Striped dolphin
  • Rough-toothed dolphin
  • Common bottlenose dolphin
  • Cuvier's beaked whale


There are 192 marsupial species assessed as least concern.


  • Clara's echymipera
  • Common echymipera
  • Long-nosed echymipera
  • Northern brown bandicoot
  • Southern brown bandicoot
  • Striped bandicoot
  • Papuan bandicoot
  • Long-nosed bandicoot
  • Raffray's bandicoot


There are 65 species in the order Diprotodontia assessed as least concern.


  • White-striped dorcopsis
  • Brown dorcopsis
  • Macleay's dorcopsis
  • Spectacled hare-wallaby
  • Agile wallaby
  • Antilopine kangaroo
  • Black-striped wallaby
  • Tammar wallaby
  • Western grey kangaroo
  • Eastern grey kangaroo
  • Western brush wallaby
  • Whiptail wallaby
  • Common wallaroo
  • Red-necked wallaby
  • Red kangaroo
  • Northern nail-tail wallaby
  • Allied rock-wallaby
  • Short-eared rock-wallaby
  • Herbert's rock-wallaby
  • Unadorned rock-wallaby
  • Rothschild's rock-wallaby
  • Tasmanian pademelon
  • Red-legged pademelon
  • Red-necked pademelon
  • Swamp wallaby


  • Long-fingered triok
  • Great-tailed triok
  • Striped possum
  • Biak glider
  • Sugar glider
  • Squirrel glider


  • Mountain cuscus
  • Ground cuscus
  • Eastern common cuscus
  • Southern common cuscus
  • Northern common cuscus
  • Ornate cuscus
  • Rothschild's cuscus
  • Silky cuscus
  • Stein's cuscus
  • Common spotted cuscus
  • Banggai cuscus
  • Short-eared possum
  • Mountain brushtail possum
  • Common brushtail possum


  • Rock-haunting ringtail possum
  • Common ringtail possum
  • Green ringtail possum
  • Coppery ringtail possum
  • Lowland ringtail possum
  • Weyland ringtail possum
  • Painted ringtail possum
  • Herbert River ringtail possum
  • Masked ringtail possum
  • Pygmy ringtail possum

Other Diprotodontia species

  • Feathertail glider
  • Rufous rat-kangaroo
  • Long-tailed pygmy possum
  • Southwestern pygmy possum
  • Tasmanian pygmy possum
  • Eastern pygmy possum
  • Feather-tailed possum
  • Musky rat-kangaroo
  • Honey possum
  • Common wombat

Shrew opossums

  • Dusky caenolestid
  • Incan caenolestid



  • Kultarr
  • Tropical antechinus
  • Agile antechinus
  • Yellow-footed antechinus
  • Cinnamon antechinus
  • Swamp antechinus
  • Brown antechinus
  • Subtropical antechinus
  • Dusky antechinus
  • Brush-tailed mulgara
  • Little red kaluta
  • Habbema dasyure
  • Short-furred dasyure
  • Black-tailed dasyure
  • Long-nosed dasyure
  • Three-striped dasyure
  • Wallace's three-striped dasyure
  • Speckled dasyure
  • Wongai ningaui
  • Pilbara ningaui
  • Southern ningaui
  • Red-bellied marsupial shrew
  • Narrow-striped marsupial shrew
  • Paucident planigale
  • Long-tailed planigale
  • Common planigale
  • New Guinean planigale
  • Narrow-nosed planigale
  • Fat-tailed false antechinus
  • Ningbing false antechinus
  • Rory Cooper's false antechinus
  • Woolley's false antechinus
  • Fat-tailed dunnart
  • Little long-tailed dunnart
  • Gilbert's dunnart
  • White-tailed dunnart
  • Grey-bellied dunnart
  • Hairy-footed dunnart
  • White-footed dunnart
  • Long-tailed dunnart
  • Stripe-faced dunnart
  • Slender-tailed dunnart
  • Ooldea dunnart
  • Red-cheeked dunnart
  • Lesser hairy-footed dunnart


  • Derby's woolly opossum
  • Brown-eared woolly opossum
  • Bare-tailed woolly opossum
  • Black-shouldered opossum
  • Water opossum
  • Chacoan gracile opossum
  • White-eared opossum
  • Big-eared opossum
  • Guianan white-eared opossum
  • Common opossum
  • Andean white-eared opossum
  • Virginia opossum
  • Bushy-tailed opossum
  • Aceramarca gracile opossum
  • Agile gracile opossum
  • Wood sprite gracile opossum
  • Northern gracile opossum
  • Brazilian gracile opossum
  • Kalinowski's mouse opossum
  • Patagonian opossum
  • Lutrine opossum
  • Massoia's lutrine opossum
  • Alston's mouse opossum
  • White-bellied woolly mouse opossum
  • Woolly mouse opossum
  • Rufous mouse opossum
  • Mexican mouse opossum
  • Linnaeus's mouse opossum
  • Tate's woolly mouse opossum
  • Quechuan mouse opossum
  • Bare-tailed woolly mouse opossum
  • Robinson's mouse opossum
  • Bishop's slender opossum
  • Tschudi's slender opossum
  • Gray slender opossum
  • Panama slender opossum
  • Neblina slender opossum
  • White-bellied slender opossum
  • Dorothy's slender opossum
  • Delicate slender opossum
  • Brazilian slender opossum
  • Pinheiro's slender opossum
  • Brown four-eyed opossum
  • Sepia short-tailed opossum
  • Northern three-striped opossum
  • Northern red-sided opossum
  • Yellow-sided opossum
  • Gray short-tailed opossum
  • Emilia's short-tailed opossum
  • Amazonian red-sided opossum
  • Pygmy short-tailed opossum
  • Osgood's short-tailed opossum
  • Hooded red-sided opossum
  • Ronald's opossum
  • Long-nosed short-tailed opossum
  • Anderson's four-eyed opossum
  • Deltaic four-eyed opossum
  • Southeastern four-eyed opossum
  • McIlhenny's four-eyed opossum
  • Mondolfi's four-eyed opossum
  • Gray four-eyed opossum
  • Cinderella fat-tailed mouse opossum
  • Thylamys citellus
  • Elegant fat-tailed mouse opossum
  • White-bellied fat-tailed mouse opossum
  • Thylamys pulchellus
  • Common fat-tailed mouse opossum
  • Argentine fat-tailed mouse opossum
  • Grayish mouse opossum

Marsupial moles

  • Northern marsupial mole
  • Southern marsupial mole


There are 175 species, 14 subspecies, and one subpopulation in the order Carnivora assessed as least concern.


  • Caracal
  • Jungle cat
  • Sand cat
  • Wildcat
  • Jaguarundi
  • Geoffroy's cat
  • Ocelot
  • Serval
  • Canada lynx
  • Eurasian lynx
  • Bobcat
  • Leopard cat
  • Cougar

Eared seals


  • South American fur seal
  • New Zealand fur seal
  • Antarctic fur seal
  • Juan Fernández fur seal
  • Brown fur seal
  • Guadalupe fur seal
  • Subantarctic fur seal
  • South American sea lion
  • California sea lion


  • Arctocephalus australis australis
  • Tasmanian fur seal
  • Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus
  • Loughlin's steller sea lion


  • Small-toothed palm civet
  • African civet
  • Angolan genet
  • Common genet
  • Rusty-spotted genet
  • Pardine genet
  • Servaline genet
  • Haussa genet
  • Cape genet
  • Giant forest genet
  • Masked palm civet
  • Asian palm civet
  • Brown palm civet
  • Golden palm civet
  • African linsang
  • Malayan civet
  • Large Indian civet
  • Small Indian civet

Earless seals


  • Bearded seal
  • Grey seal
  • Ribbon seal
  • Leopard seal
  • Weddell seal
  • Crabeater seal
  • Northern elephant seal
  • Southern elephant seal
  • Ross seal
  • Harp seal
  • Spotted seal
  • Harbor seal
  • Ringed seal
  • Baikal seal


  • Atlantic bearded seal
  • Pacific bearded seal
  • Northwest Atlantic grey seal
  • Northeast Atlantic grey seal
  • Western Atlantic harbor seal
  • North Pacific harbor seal
  • Eastern Atlantic harbour seal
  • Baltic ringed seal
  • Pusa hispida hispida
  • Okhotsk sea ringed seal


  • Grey seal (1 subpopulation)


  • Side-striped jackal
  • Golden jackal
  • Coyote
  • Gray wolf
  • Black-backed jackal
  • Crab-eating fox
  • Culpeo
  • South American gray fox
  • Pampas fox
  • Hoary fox
  • Raccoon dog
  • Bat-eared fox
  • Gray fox
  • Bengal fox
  • Blanford's fox
  • Cape fox
  • Corsac fox
  • Tibetan sand fox
  • Arctic fox
  • Kit fox
  • Pale fox
  • Rüppell's fox
  • Swift fox
  • Red fox
  • Fennec fox


  • Northern hog badger
  • Sumatran hog badger
  • Tayra
  • Lesser grison
  • Greater grison
  • Wolverine
  • Saharan striped polecat
  • Striped polecat
  • North American river otter
  • Patagonian weasel
  • American marten
  • Yellow-throated marten
  • Beech marten
  • European pine marten
  • Japanese marten
  • Fisher
  • Sable
  • Japanese badger
  • Asian badger
  • European badger
  • Honey badger
  • Chinese ferret-badger
  • Javan ferret-badger
  • Burmese ferret-badger
  • Amazon weasel
  • Stoat
  • Steppe polecat
  • Long-tailed weasel
  • Yellow-bellied weasel
  • Indonesian mountain weasel
  • Least weasel
  • Malayan weasel
  • European polecat
  • Siberian weasel
  • Back-striped weasel
  • Egyptian weasel
  • American mink
  • African striped weasel
  • American badger


  • Eastern lowland olingo
  • Northern olingo
  • Western lowland olingo
  • Ring-tailed cat
  • Cacomistle
  • White-nosed coati
  • South American coati
  • Kinkajou
  • Crab-eating raccoon
  • Raccoon


  • Molina's hog-nosed skunk
  • Humboldt's hog-nosed skunk
  • American hog-nosed skunk
  • Striped hog-nosed skunk
  • Hooded skunk
  • Striped skunk
  • Sunda stink badger
  • Palawan stink badger
  • Southern spotted skunk
  • Western spotted skunk


  • Marsh mongoose
  • Bushy-tailed mongoose
  • Black-footed mongoose
  • Alexander's kusimanse
  • Angolan kusimanse
  • Common kusimanse
  • Flat-headed kusimanse
  • Yellow mongoose
  • Ethiopian dwarf mongoose
  • Common dwarf mongoose
  • Small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus)
  • Indian gray mongoose
  • Kaokoveld slender mongoose
  • Indian brown mongoose
  • Egyptian mongoose
  • Small Asian mongoose
  • Long-nosed mongoose
  • Somali slender mongoose
  • Cape gray mongoose
  • Slender mongoose
  • Ruddy mongoose
  • Crab-eating mongoose
  • Stripe-necked mongoose
  • White-tailed mongoose
  • Gambian mongoose
  • Banded mongoose
  • Selous' mongoose
  • Meller's mongoose
  • Meerkat

Other Carnivora species

  • Spotted hyena
  • Ring-tailed mongoose
  • African palm civet
  • Banded linsang
  • Spotted linsang
  • Aardwolf
  • American black bear
  • Brown bear


Afrosoricida includes tenrecs and golden moles. There are 32 species in the order Afrosoricida assessed as least concern.

Golden moles

  • Hottentot golden mole
  • Yellow golden mole
  • Sclater's golden mole
  • Cape golden mole
  • Stuhlmann's golden mole
  • Grant's golden mole


  • Lesser hedgehog tenrec
  • Large-eared tenrec
  • Highland streaked tenrec
  • Lowland streaked tenrec
  • Short-tailed shrew tenrec
  • Cowan's shrew tenrec
  • Dobson's shrew tenrec
  • Drouhard's shrew tenrec
  • Pale shrew tenrec
  • Gracile shrew tenrec
  • Microgale grandidieri
  • Naked-nosed shrew tenrec
  • Lesser long-tailed shrew tenrec
  • Major's long-tailed tenrec
  • Pygmy shrew tenrec
  • Greater long-tailed shrew tenrec
  • Least shrew tenrec
  • Shrew-toothed shrew tenrec
  • Taiva shrew tenrec
  • Talazac's shrew tenrec
  • Thomas's shrew tenrec
  • Ruwenzori otter shrew
  • Mole-like rice tenrec
  • Giant otter shrew
  • Greater hedgehog tenrec
  • Tailless tenrec


Anteaters and sloths

  • Pale-throated sloth
  • Brown-throated sloth
  • Linnaeus's two-toed sloth
  • Hoffmann's two-toed sloth
  • Silky anteater
  • Northern tamandua
  • Southern tamandua


There are 271 species in the order Eulipotyphla assessed as least concern.


  • Assam mole shrew
  • Chinese mole shrew
  • Taiwanese mole shrew
  • Northern short-tailed shrew
  • Southern short-tailed shrew
  • Elliot's short-tailed shrew
  • Indochinese short-tailed shrew
  • Burmese short-tailed shrew
  • Himalayan water shrew
  • Japanese water shrew
  • Chinese water shrew
  • De Winton's shrew
  • Lamulate shrew
  • Lowe's shrew
  • Lesser Congo shrew
  • Cyrenaica shrew
  • Arabian shrew
  • Jackass shrew
  • Asian gray shrew
  • Hun shrew
  • Bates's shrew
  • Mindanao shrew
  • Beccari's shrew
  • Thick-tailed shrew
  • African dusky shrew
  • Cinderella shrew
  • Congo white-toothed shrew
  • Long-footed shrew
  • Crosse's shrew
  • Reddish-gray musk shrew
  • Dent's shrew
  • Long-tailed musk shrew
  • Dsinezumi shrew
  • Elgon shrew
  • Elongated shrew
  • Greater red musk shrew
  • Bornean shrew
  • Fox's shrew
  • Southeast Asian shrew
  • Savanna shrew
  • Bicolored musk shrew
  • Gmelin's white-toothed shrew
  • Goliath shrew
  • Grasse's shrew
  • Luzon shrew
  • Greenwood's shrew
  • Hildegarde's shrew
  • Lesser red musk shrew
  • Hutan shrew
  • Crocidura indochinensis
  • Jackson's shrew
  • Jouvenet's shrew
  • Lamotte's shrew
  • Ussuri white-toothed shrew
  • Latona's shrew
  • Sulawesi shrew
  • Sumatran giant shrew
  • Bicolored shrew
  • Sulawesi tiny shrew
  • Butiaba naked-tailed shrew
  • Ludia's shrew
  • Moonshine shrew
  • Mauritanian shrew
  • MacArthur's shrew
  • Malayan shrew
  • Makwassie musk shrew
  • Swamp musk shrew
  • Gracile naked-tailed shrew
  • Javanese shrew
  • Kilimanjaro shrew
  • Sunda shrew
  • Montane white-toothed shrew
  • West African long-tailed shrew
  • Somali dwarf shrew
  • Savanna dwarf shrew
  • Peninsular shrew
  • Nigerian shrew
  • Blackish white-toothed shrew
  • Black-footed shrew
  • African black shrew
  • West African pygmy shrew
  • African giant shrew
  • North African white-toothed shrew
  • Palawan shrew
  • Sumatran long-tailed shrew
  • Small-footed shrew
  • Sahelian tiny shrew
  • Crocidura phanluongi
  • Fraser's musk shrew
  • Negev shrew
  • Sulawesi white-handed shrew
  • Roosevelt's shrew
  • Greater white-toothed shrew
  • Lesser rock shrew
  • Asian lesser white-toothed shrew
  • Siberian shrew
  • Sicilian shrew
  • Lesser gray-brown musk shrew
  • Desert musk shrew
  • Somali shrew
  • Lesser white-toothed shrew
  • Taiwanese gray shrew
  • Thalia's shrew
  • Therese's shrew
  • Turbo shrew
  • Savanna path shrew
  • Voi shrew
  • Voracious shrew
  • Lesser Ryukyu shrew
  • Whitaker's shrew
  • Xanthippe's shrew
  • Yankari shrew
  • Zarudny's rock shrew
  • Colombian small-eared shrew
  • Ecuadorean small-eared shrew
  • Goldman's broad-clawed shrew
  • Goodwin's broad-clawed shrew
  • Yucatan small-eared shrew
  • Medellín small-eared shrew
  • Merida small-eared shrew
  • Merriam's small-eared shrew
  • Mexican small-eared shrew
  • Wandering small-eared shrew
  • Blackish small-eared shrew
  • North American least shrew
  • Scaly-footed small-eared shrew
  • Tamá small-eared shrew
  • Thomas' small-eared shrew
  • Piebald shrew
  • Hodgsons's brown-toothed shrew
  • Taiwanese brown-toothed shrew
  • Long-tailed brown-toothed shrew
  • Long-tailed mountain shrew
  • Mexican shrew
  • Dark-footed mouse shrew
  • Forest shrew
  • Elegant water shrew
  • Mediterranean water shrew
  • Eurasian water shrew
  • Transcaucasian water shrew
  • Cockrum's grey shrew
  • Crawford's gray shrew
  • Large-eared gray shrew
  • Lesser large-headed shrew
  • Hero shrew
  • Common shrew
  • Arctic shrew
  • Arizona shrew
  • Tien Shan shrew
  • Baird's shrew
  • Lesser striped shrew
  • Marsh shrew
  • Buchara shrew
  • Laxmann's shrew
  • Kamchatka shrew
  • Cinereus shrew
  • Crowned shrew
  • Greater stripe-backed shrew
  • Siberian large-toothed shrew
  • Long-tailed shrew
  • Zacatecas shrew
  • Chinese highland shrew
  • Smoky shrew
  • Slender shrew
  • Iberian shrew
  • Prairie shrew
  • Azumi shrew
  • American pygmy shrew
  • Taiga shrew
  • Saint Lawrence Island shrew
  • Southeastern shrew
  • Mount Lyell shrew
  • Maritime shrew
  • Jalisco shrew
  • Merriam's shrew
  • Eurasian least shrew
  • Eurasian pygmy shrew
  • Montane shrew
  • Dwarf shrew
  • Mexican long-tailed shrew
  • Orizaba long-tailed shrew
  • Ornate shrew
  • Pacific shrew
  • American water shrew
  • Kashmir pygmy shrew
  • Preble's shrew
  • Radde's shrew
  • Flat-skulled shrew
  • Olympic shrew
  • Apennine shrew
  • Caucasian shrew
  • Saussure's shrew
  • Shinto shrew
  • Fog shrew
  • Inyo shrew
  • Trowbridge's shrew
  • Tundra shrew
  • Barren ground shrew
  • Long-clawed shrew
  • Vagrant shrew
  • Chestnut-bellied shrew
  • Veracruz shrew
  • Verapaz shrew
  • Caucasian pygmy shrew
  • Alaska tiny shrew
  • Himalayan shrew
  • Etruscan shrew
  • Least dwarf shrew
  • Greater dwarf shrew
  • Madagascan pygmy shrew
  • Malayan pygmy shrew
  • Climbing shrew
  • Asian house shrew
  • Remy's pygmy shrew
  • Anderson's shrew
  • Lesser dwarf shrew
  • Grant's forest shrew
  • Johnston's forest shrew
  • Greater forest shrew


  • Four-toed hedgehog
  • North African hedgehog
  • Southern African hedgehog
  • Somali hedgehog
  • Moonrat
  • Amur hedgehog
  • Southern white-breasted hedgehog
  • European hedgehog
  • Northern white-breasted hedgehog
  • Long-eared hedgehog
  • Indian long-eared hedgehog
  • Short-tailed gymnure
  • Daurian hedgehog
  • Hugh's hedgehog
  • Shrew gymnure
  • Desert hedgehog
  • Brandt's hedgehog
  • Indian hedgehog
  • Bare-bellied hedgehog
  • Mindanao gymnure


  • Star-nosed mole
  • True's shrew mole
  • Greater Chinese mole
  • Kloss's mole
  • Long-nosed mole
  • Himalayan mole
  • Japanese mountain mole
  • Small Japanese mole
  • Insular mole
  • Large mole
  • Japanese mole
  • American shrew mole
  • Hairy-tailed mole
  • White-tailed mole
  • Eastern mole
  • Gansu mole
  • Broad-footed mole
  • Coast mole
  • Townsend's mole
  • Short-faced mole
  • Long-tailed mole
  • Altai mole
  • Blind mole
  • Caucasian mole
  • European mole
  • Levant mole
  • Spanish mole
  • Roman mole
  • Balkan mole
  • Gracile shrew mole
  • Chinese shrew mole
  • Japanese shrew mole


Lagomorpha comprises rabbits and relatives. There are 59 species in the order Lagomorpha assessed as least concern.


  • Pygmy rabbit
  • Antelope jackrabbit
  • Snowshoe hare
  • Arctic hare
  • Japanese hare
  • Black-tailed jackrabbit
  • Cape hare
  • Yunnan hare
  • Korean hare
  • European hare
  • Granada hare
  • Abyssinian hare
  • Manchurian hare
  • Indian hare
  • Woolly hare
  • Alaskan hare
  • Burmese hare
  • Scrub hare
  • Chinese hare
  • Ethiopian highland hare
  • Desert hare
  • Mountain hare
  • Tolai hare
  • White-tailed jackrabbit
  • African savanna hare
  • Bunyoro rabbit
  • Natal red rock hare
  • Jameson's red rock hare
  • Smith's red rock hare
  • Hewitt's red rock hare
  • Swamp rabbit
  • Desert cottontail
  • Brush rabbit
  • Tapeti
  • Mexican cottontail
  • Eastern cottontail
  • Mountain cottontail
  • Marsh rabbit


  • Alpine pika
  • Gansu pika
  • Collared pika
  • Plateau pika
  • Daurian pika
  • Chinese red pika
  • Forrest's pika
  • Glover's pika
  • Northern pika
  • Ladak pika
  • Large-eared pika
  • Nubra pika
  • Pallas's pika
  • American pika
  • Steppe pika
  • Royle's pika
  • Afghan pika
  • Turkestan red pika
  • Moupin pika
  • Thomas's pika
  • Turuchan pika


There are 1399 species and two subspecies of rodent assessed as least concern.


There are 132 species in Hystricomorpha assessed as least concern.


  • Chilean rock rat
  • Degu
  • Mountain degu
  • Viscacha rat
  • Coruro


  • Bolivian tuco-tuco
  • Conover's tuco-tuco
  • Reddish tuco-tuco
  • Tawny tuco-tuco
  • Goodfellow's tuco-tuco
  • Haig's tuco-tuco
  • White-toothed tuco-tuco
  • Lewis's tuco-tuco
  • Maule tuco-tuco
  • Mendoza tuco-tuco
  • Highland tuco-tuco
  • Goya tuco-tuco
  • Peruvian tuco-tuco
  • Steinbach's tuco-tuco
  • Talas tuco-tuco
  • Collared tuco-tuco


  • Black agouti
  • Red-rumped agouti
  • Black-rumped agouti
  • Central American agouti
  • Red acouchi
  • Green acouchi

Neotropical spiny rat species

  • Broad-headed spiny rat
  • Bolivian bamboo rat
  • Amazon bamboo rat
  • Rufous soft-furred spiny rat
  • White-faced spiny tree-rat
  • Fischer's guiara
  • Armored rat
  • Yellow-crowned brush-tailed rat
  • Rio Negro brush-tailed rat
  • Plain brush-tailed rat
  • Sinnamary brush-tailed rat
  • Atlantic bamboo rat
  • Tuft-tailed spiny tree rat
  • Brazilian spiny tree-rat
  • Long-tailed armored tree-rat
  • Ferreira's spiny tree rat
  • Tufted-tailed spiny tree-rat
  • Pará spiny tree-rat
  • Speckled spiny tree-rat
  • Golden Atlantic tree-rat
  • Drab Atlantic tree-rat
  • Long-furred Atlantic tree-rat
  • Black-spined Atlantic tree-rat
  • Rusty-sided Atlantic tree-rat
  • Short-tailed spiny rat
  • Colombian spiny rat
  • Cuvier's spiny rat
  • Stiff-spine spiny rat
  • Goeldi's spiny rat
  • Guaira spiny rat
  • Guyenne spiny rat
  • Long-tailed spiny rat
  • Patton's spiny rat
  • Napo spiny rat
  • Roberto's spiny rat
  • Tome's spiny rat
  • Simon's spiny rat
  • Steere's spiny rat
  • Common punaré
  • Highlands punaré
  • Paraguayan punaré
  • Giant tree rat
  • White-spined Atlantic spiny rat
  • Soft-spined Atlantic spiny rat
  • Gracile Atlantic spiny rat
  • Ihering's Atlantic spiny rat
  • Hairy Atlantic spiny rat


  • Brazilian guinea pig
  • Shiny guinea pig
  • Greater guinea pig
  • Montane guinea pig
  • Chacoan mara
  • Brazilian yellow-toothed cavy
  • Lowland yellow-toothed cavy
  • Spix's yellow-toothed cavy
  • Capybara
  • Rock cavy
  • Southern mountain cavy
  • Andean mountain cavy


  • Namaqua dune mole-rat
  • Cape dune mole-rat
  • Common mole-rat
  • Bocage's mole-rat
  • Damaraland mole-rat
  • Mashona mole-rat
  • Mechow's mole rat
  • Ochre mole-rat
  • Ghana mole-rat
  • Cape mole-rat
  • Silvery mole-rat
  • Naked mole-rat

New World porcupines

  • Bicolored-spined porcupine
  • Bahia porcupine
  • Black-tailed hairy dwarf porcupine
  • Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine
  • Brazilian porcupine
  • Coendou pruinosus
  • Stump-tailed porcupine
  • Paraguaian hairy dwarf porcupine
  • North American porcupine

Old World porcupines

  • African brush-tailed porcupine
  • Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine
  • Cape porcupine
  • Malayan porcupine
  • Thick-spined porcupine
  • Crested porcupine
  • Indian crested porcupine
  • Sunda porcupine
  • Sumatran porcupine
  • Long-tailed porcupine

Other Hystricomorpha species

  • Bennett's chinchilla rat
  • Ashy chinchilla rat
  • Sierra del Tontal chinchilla rat
  • Desmarest's hutia
  • Common gundi
  • Lowland paca
  • Southern viscacha
  • Plains viscacha
  • Laotian rock rat
  • Mzab gundi
  • Coypu
  • Speke's pectinator
  • Dassie rat
  • Lesser cane rat
  • Greater cane rat


There are 981 species in Myomorpha assessed as least concern.


  • Chinese pygmy dormouse


Includes mice, rats, gerbils, and relatives.

  • Highland brush mouse
  • Western Saharan spiny mouse
  • Cairo spiny mouse
  • Gray spiny mouse
  • Eastern spiny mouse
  • Fiery spiny mouse
  • Johan's spiny mouse
  • Kemp's spiny mouse
  • Louise's spiny mouse
  • Mullah spiny mouse
  • Percival's spiny mouse
  • Golden spiny mouse
  • Seurat's spiny mouse
  • Southern African spiny mouse
  • Cape spiny mouse
  • Wilson's spiny mouse
  • Bocage's rock rat
  • Red rock rat
  • Grant's rock mouse
  • Hinde's rock rat
  • Tete veld aethomys
  • Kaiser's rock rat
  • Namaqua rock rat
  • Nyika rock rat
  • Thomas's rock rat
  • Squirrel-toothed rat
  • Striped field mouse
  • Alpine field mouse
  • Small Japanese field mouse
  • Chevrier's field mouse
  • South China field mouse
  • Western broad-toothed field mouse
  • Yellow-necked mouse
  • Sichuan field mouse
  • Broad-toothed field mouse
  • Ward's field mouse
  • Korean field mouse
  • Black Sea field mouse
  • Kashmir field mouse
  • Taiwan field mouse
  • Large Japanese field mouse
  • Wood mouse
  • Ural field mouse
  • Steppe field mouse
  • Luzon montane forest mouse
  • Mount Apo forest mouse
  • Mindanao montane forest mouse
  • Small Luzon forest mouse
  • Least forest mouse
  • Abyssinian grass rat
  • Sudanian grass rat
  • Nairobi grass rat
  • Neumann's grass rat
  • African grass rat
  • Guinean grass rat
  • Shaw Mayer's water rat
  • Lesser bandicoot rat
  • Greater bandicoot rat
  • Savile's bandicoot rat
  • Mindanao hairy-tailed rat
  • Small white-toothed rat
  • Bower's white-toothed rat
  • Przewalski's gerbil
  • Bagobo rat
  • Large Luzon forest rat
  • Andrew's hill rat
  • Yellow-haired hill rat
  • White-bellied Luzon tree rat
  • Fea's tree-rat
  • Indomalayan pencil-tailed tree mouse
  • Greater tree mouse
  • Lamia
  • Lesser tree-mouse
  • Blazed Luzon shrew rat
  • Luzon striped rat
  • Rümmler's brush mouse
  • African wading rat
  • Cutch rat
  • Earless water rat
  • African marsh rat
  • West African shaggy rat
  • Link rat
  • Defua rat
  • Pouched gerbil
  • Cape short-eared gerbil
  • Harrington's rat
  • Cape gerbil
  • Boehm's gerbil
  • Highveld gerbil
  • Gerbilliscus gambiana
  • Guinean gerbil
  • Gorongoza gerbil
  • Kemp's gerbil
  • Bushveld gerbil
  • Black-tailed gerbil
  • Phillips's gerbil
  • Fringe-tailed gerbil
  • Savanna gerbil
  • Hairy-footed gerbil
  • Namib brush-tailed gerbil
  • Dune hairy-footed gerbil
  • Bushy-tailed hairy-footed gerbil
  • Pleasant gerbil
  • Anderson's gerbil
  • Swarthy gerbil
  • North African gerbil
  • Cheesman's gerbil
  • Wagner's gerbil
  • Somalia gerbil
  • Black-tufted gerbil
  • Flower's gerbil
  • Lesser gerbil
  • Indian hairy-footed gerbil
  • Harwood's gerbil
  • Pygmy gerbil
  • Julian's gerbil (Gerbillus juliani)
  • Lataste's gerbil
  • Mackilligin's gerbil
  • Greater short-tailed gerbil
  • Harrison's gerbil
  • Balochistan gerbil
  • Nigerian gerbil
  • Pale gerbil
  • Large Aden gerbil
  • Cushioned gerbil
  • Least gerbil
  • Greater Egyptian gerbil
  • Rosalinda gerbil
  • Rupicolous gerbil
  • Lesser short-tailed gerbil
  • Tarabul's gerbil
  • Waters's gerbil
  • Indian bush rat
  • Mozambique thicket rat
  • Woodland thicket rat
  • Ruwenzori thicket rat
  • Eastern rainforest grammomys
  • Macmillan's thicket rat
  • Selous thicket rat
  • African smoky mouse
  • Miller's striped mouse
  • Temminck's striped mouse
  • Peters' striped mouse
  • Rakali
  • Beaded wood mouse
  • Allen's wood mouse
  • Angolan wood mouse
  • Montane wood mouse
  • Little wood mouse
  • Stella wood mouse
  • Eastern white-eared giant rat
  • Forrest's mouse
  • Lakeland Downs mouse
  • Barbary striped grass mouse
  • Bellier's striped grass mouse
  • Griselda's striped grass mouse
  • Senegal one-striped grass mouse
  • Buffoon striped grass mouse
  • Single-striped grass mouse
  • Typical striped grass mouse
  • Heuglin's striped grass mouse
  • Trefoil-toothed giant rat
  • Gray tree rat
  • Sundaic mountain leopoldamys
  • Edwards's long-tailed giant rat
  • Millet's leopoldamys
  • Neill's long-tailed giant rat
  • Long-tailed giant rat
  • Long-footed water rat
  • Ernst Mayr's water rat
  • Fly River water rat
  • Gray-bellied mountain rat
  • Mindanao mountain rat
  • Ethiopian forest brush-furred rat
  • Yellow-spotted brush-furred rat
  • Hutterer's brush-furred mouse
  • Yellow-bellied brush-furred rat
  • Fire-bellied brush-furred rat
  • Mount Cameroon brush-furred rat
  • Rusty-bellied brush-furred rat
  • Woosnam's brush-furred rat
  • New Guinean jumping mouse
  • Eastern small-toothed rat
  • Blanford's rat
  • Cansdale's swamp rat
  • Edward's swamp rat
  • Big-eared swamp rat
  • De Vis's woolly rat
  • Subalpine woolly rat
  • Rothschild's woolly rat
  • Large-scaled mosaic-tailed rat
  • Large mosaic-tailed rat
  • Southern multimammate mouse
  • Guinea multimammate mouse
  • Hubert's multimammate mouse
  • Verheyen's multimammate mouse
  • Natal multimammate mouse
  • Shortridge's multimammate mouse
  • Mountain spiny rat
  • Bartels's spiny rat
  • Hellwald's spiny rat
  • Malayan mountain spiny rat
  • Mo's spiny rat
  • Musschenbroek's spiny rat
  • Palawan spiny rat
  • Red spiny rat
  • Maxomys tajuddinii
  • Grassland mosaic-tailed rat
  • Cape York melomys
  • Fawn-footed mosaic-tailed rat
  • Dollman's melomys
  • Snow Mountains grassland mosaic-tailed rat
  • White-bellied mosaic-tailed rat
  • Papua grassland mosaic-tailed rat
  • Obi mosaic-tailed rat
  • Black-tailed mosaic-tailed rat
  • Arabian jird
  • Cheng's jird
  • Sundevall's jird
  • Moroccan jird
  • Indian desert jird
  • Libyan jird
  • Midday jird
  • Persian jird
  • King jird
  • Shaw's jird
  • Tamarisk jird
  • Tristram's jird
  • Mongolian gerbil
  • Vinogradov's jird
  • Golden-backed tree-rat
  • Somali pygmy gerbil
  • Eurasian harvest mouse
  • Sand-colored soft-furred rat
  • Miss Ryley's soft-furred rat
  • Soft-furred rat
  • Ethiopian striped mouse
  • Baoule's mouse
  • Little Indian field mouse
  • Toad mouse
  • Callewaert's mouse
  • Ryukyu mouse
  • Fawn-colored mouse
  • Cook's mouse
  • Cypriot mouse
  • Sheath-tailed mouse
  • Hausa mouse
  • Desert pygmy mouse
  • Macedonian mouse
  • Mahomet mouse
  • Matthey's mouse
  • African pygmy mouse
  • Temminck's mouse
  • House mouse
  • Free State pygmy mouse
  • Gairdner's shrewmouse
  • Phillips's mouse
  • Flat-haired mouse
  • Rock-loving mouse
  • Peters's mouse
  • Setzer's pygmy mouse
  • Shortridge's mouse
  • Thomas's pygmy mouse
  • Steppe mouse
  • Algerian mouse
  • Delicate mouse
  • Earth-colored mouse
  • Gray-bellied pygmy mouse
  • Volcano mouse
  • African groove-toothed rat
  • Angolan multimammate mouse
  • Brockman's rock mouse
  • Verreaux's mouse
  • Yemeni mouse
  • Short-tailed bandicoot rat
  • Anderson's white-bellied rat
  • Brahma white-bellied rat
  • Chinese white-bellied rat
  • Coxing's white-bellied rat
  • Smoke-bellied rat
  • Large white-bellied rat
  • Montane Sumatran white-bellied rat
  • Chestnut white-bellied rat
  • Lang Bian white-bellied rat
  • Narrow-tailed white-bellied rat
  • White-bellied rat
  • Long-tailed mountain rat
  • Tenasserim white-bellied rat
  • Spinifex hopping mouse
  • Mitchell's hopping mouse
  • Common rufous-nosed rat
  • Ghana rufous-nosed rat
  • Angolan vlei rat
  • Angoni vlei rat
  • Cuanza vlei rat
  • Dent's vlei rat
  • Southern African vlei rat
  • Laminate vlei rat
  • Saunder's vlei rat
  • Sloggett's vlei rat
  • Tropical vlei rat
  • Typical vlei rat
  • Bush vlei rat
  • Fat-tailed gerbil
  • New Guinea waterside rat
  • Long-nosed mosaic-tailed rat
  • Lorentz's mosaic-tailed rat
  • Thomas's mosaic-tailed rat
  • Moncton's mosaic-tailed rat
  • Long-nosed paramelomys
  • Lowland mosaic-tailed rat
  • Mountain mosaic-tailed rat
  • Brants's whistling rat
  • Littledale's whistling rat
  • Sulawesi giant rat
  • Bell groove-toothed swamp rat
  • Creek groove-toothed swamp rat
  • Least groove-toothed swamp rat
  • Northern Luzon giant cloud rat
  • Grey pogonomelomys
  • Shaw Mayer's brush mouse
  • Large tree mouse
  • Chestnut tree mouse
  • Gray-bellied tree mouse
  • Dalton's mouse
  • Delectable soft-furred mouse
  • Deroo's mouse
  • Jackson's soft-furred mouse
  • Lukolela swamp rat
  • Misonne's soft-furred mouse
  • Petter's soft-furred mouse
  • Forest soft-furred mouse
  • Tullberg's soft-furred mouse
  • Red-bellied mosaic-tailed rat
  • Sand rat
  • Bishop's moss-mouse
  • One-toothed shrew mouse
  • Mottled-tailed shrew mouse
  • Eastern shrew mouse
  • Ash-grey mouse
  • Silky mouse
  • Bolam's mouse
  • Western pebble-mound mouse
  • Little native mouse
  • Desert mouse
  • Eastern chestnut mouse
  • Sandy inland mouse
  • Long-tailed mouse
  • Central pebble-mound mouse
  • Western chestnut mouse
  • Western mouse
  • Country mouse
  • Sikkim rat
  • Annandale's rat
  • Ricefield rat
  • Western New Guinea mountain rat
  • Summit rat
  • Dusky rat
  • Philippine forest rat
  • Polynesian rat
  • Bush rat
  • Hoffmann's rat
  • Cape York rat
  • Lesser ricefield rat
  • Australian swamp rat
  • Opossum rat
  • Eastern rat
  • Molaccan prehensile-tailed rat
  • Moss-forest rat
  • Himalayan field rat
  • Brown rat
  • New Guinean rat
  • Osgood's rat
  • Pocock’s highland rat
  • Large New Guinea spiny rat
  • Turkestan rat
  • Black rat
  • Dusky field rat
  • Stein's rat
  • Tanezumi rat
  • Malayan field rat
  • Pale field rat
  • Slender rat
  • Long-haired rat
  • Four-striped grass mouse
  • Great gerbil
  • Bushy-tailed jird
  • Cordillera shrew-mouse
  • Sierra Madre shrew mouse
  • Ethiopian white-footed mouse
  • Ethiopian narrow-headed rat
  • Gray-tailed narrow-headed rat
  • Target rat
  • Mountain giant Sunda rat
  • Müller's giant Sunda rat
  • Celebes rat
  • Long-footed rat
  • Indian gerbil
  • Robbins's tateril
  • Congo gerbil
  • Emin's gerbil
  • Gracile tateril
  • Lake Chad gerbil
  • Petter's gerbil
  • Senegal gerbil
  • Tranieri's tateril
  • Loring's rat
  • Black-tailed tree rat
  • Acacia rat
  • Rudd's mouse
  • Giant naked-tailed rat
  • Giant white-tailed rat
  • Asiatic long-tailed climbing mouse
  • Red climbing mouse
  • Mimic tree rat
  • Hildegarde's broad-headed mouse
  • Woosnam's broad-headed mouse
  • Common rock rat
  • Kimberley rock rat


Includes true hamsters, voles, lemmings, and New World rats and mice.


  • Lesser hamster-rat
  • White-tailed antsangy
  • Betsileo short-tailed rat
  • Gregarious short-tailed rat
  • Emin's pouched rat
  • Gambian pouched rat
  • Montane African climbing mouse
  • Kivu climbing mouse
  • Lovat's climbing mouse
  • Gray climbing mouse
  • Brant's climbing mouse
  • Banana climbing mouse
  • Chestnut climbing mouse
  • Nyika climbing mouse
  • Grandidier's tufted-tailed rat
  • Major's tufted-tailed rat
  • Lesser tufted-tailed rat
  • Dormouse tufted-tailed rat
  • Tanala tufted-tailed rat
  • Webb's tufted-tailed rat
  • Voalavoanala
  • Bastard big-footed mouse
  • Gerbil mouse
  • Malagasy mountain mouse
  • White-bellied nesomys
  • Island mouse
  • Barbour's rock mouse
  • Pygmy rock mouse
  • Brukkaros pygmy rock mouse
  • Shortridge's rock mouse
  • South African pouched mouse
  • Mearns's pouched mouse
  • Bocage's African fat mouse
  • Northwestern fat mouse
  • Dainty fat mouse
  • Krebs's fat mouse
  • Pousargues African fat mouse
  • Tiny fat mouse
  • Fat mouse
  • Naked-tailed voalavo


  • Lesser bamboo rat
  • Chinese zokor
  • Rothschild's zokor
  • Smith's zokor
  • False zokor
  • Siberian zokor
  • Transbaikal zokor
  • Hoary bamboo rat
  • Chinese bamboo rat
  • Large bamboo rat
  • Giant mole-rat
  • Greater mole-rat
  • East African mole-rat


  • Balikun jerboa
  • Gobi jerboa
  • Small five-toed jerboa
  • Hotson's jerboa
  • Great jerboa
  • Severtzov's jerboa
  • Mongolian five-toed jerboa
  • Williams' jerboa
  • Bobrinski's jerboa
  • Northern three-toed jerboa
  • Chinese jumping mouse
  • Lichtenstein's jerboa
  • Long-eared jerboa
  • Blanford's jerboa
  • Lesser Egyptian jerboa
  • Greater Egyptian jerboa
  • Woodland jumping mouse
  • Comb-toed jerboa
  • Lesser fat-tailed jerboa
  • Dwarf fat-tailed jerboa
  • Thick-tailed pygmy jerboa
  • Kozlov's pygmy jerboa
  • Northern birch mouse
  • Chinese birch mouse (Sicista concolor)
  • Altai birch mouse
  • Severtzov's birch mouse
  • Strand's birch mouse
  • Southern birch mouse
  • Tien Shan birch mouse
  • Andrews's three-toed jerboa
  • Mongolian three-toed jerboa
  • Thick-tailed three-toed jerboa
  • Meadow jumping mouse
  • Western jumping mouse
  • Pacific jumping mouse

Mouse-like hamsters

  • Zagros Mountains mouse-like hamster
  • Baluchi mouse-like hamster
  • Goodwin's brush-tailed mouse
  • Hotson's mouse-like hamster
  • Great Balkhan mouse-like hamster
  • Urar mouse-like hamster


There are 79 species and two subspecies in Castorimorpha assessed as least concern.


  • Little desert pocket mouse
  • Narrow-skulled pocket mouse
  • Bailey's pocket mouse
  • California pocket mouse
  • Chihuahuan pocket mouse
  • San Diego pocket mouse
  • Long-tailed pocket mouse
  • Hispid pocket mouse
  • Rock pocket mouse
  • Nelson's pocket mouse
  • Desert pocket mouse
  • Sinaloan pocket mouse
  • Baja pocket mouse
  • Spiny pocket mouse
  • Agile kangaroo rat
  • California kangaroo rat
  • Gulf Coast kangaroo rat
  • Desert kangaroo rat
  • Heermann's kangaroo rat
  • Merriam's kangaroo rat
  • Chisel-toothed kangaroo rat
  • Nelson's kangaroo rat
  • Ord's kangaroo rat
  • Panamint kangaroo rat
  • Phillips' kangaroo rat
  • Dulzura kangaroo rat
  • Narrow-faced kangaroo rat
  • Panamanian spiny pocket mouse
  • Trinidad spiny pocket mouse
  • Southern spiny pocket mouse
  • Desmarest's spiny pocket mouse
  • Gaumer's spiny pocket mouse
  • Mexican spiny pocket mouse
  • Mountain spiny pocket mouse
  • Painted spiny pocket mouse
  • Salvin's spiny pocket mouse
  • Dark kangaroo mouse
  • Pale kangaroo mouse
  • Arizona pocket mouse
  • Olive-backed pocket mouse
  • Plains pocket mouse
  • Silky pocket mouse
  • San Joaquin pocket mouse
  • Little pocket mouse
  • Merriam's pocket mouse
  • Great Basin pocket mouse



  • Yellow-faced pocket gopher
  • Oriental basin pocket gopher
  • Smoky pocket gopher
  • Goldman's pocket gopher
  • Merriam's pocket gopher
  • Cofre de Perote pocket gopher
  • Volcán de Toluca pocket gopher
  • Attwater's pocket gopher
  • Baird's pocket gopher
  • Plains pocket gopher
  • Knox Jones's pocket gopher
  • Texas pocket gopher
  • Southeastern pocket gopher
  • Central Texas pocket gopher
  • Cherrie's pocket gopher
  • Darien pocket gopher
  • Chiriqui pocket gopher
  • Giant pocket gopher
  • Variable pocket gopher
  • Hispid pocket gopher
  • Underwood's pocket gopher
  • Buller's pocket gopher
  • Botta's pocket gopher
  • Camas pocket gopher
  • Wyoming pocket gopher
  • Idaho pocket gopher
  • Mazama pocket gopher
  • Mountain pocket gopher
  • Northern pocket gopher
  • Townsend's pocket gopher
  • Southern pocket gopher


  • Nicaraguan pocket gopher
  • Thaeler's pocket gopher


  • North American beaver
  • Eurasian beaver


There are 199 species in Sciuromorpha assessed as least concern.


Squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, susliks and prairie dogs

  • Harris's antelope squirrel
  • Texas antelope squirrel
  • White-tailed antelope squirrel
  • Barbary ground squirrel
  • Kinabalu squirrel
  • Grey-bellied squirrel
  • Pallas's squirrel
  • Finlayson's squirrel
  • Inornate squirrel
  • Plantain squirrel
  • Borneo black-banded squirrel
  • Phayre's squirrel
  • Prevost's squirrel
  • Irrawaddy squirrel
  • Golden-mantled ground squirrel
  • Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel
  • Gunnison's prairie dog
  • White-tailed prairie dog
  • Black-tailed prairie dog
  • Bornean mountain ground squirrel
  • Red-throated squirrel
  • Orange-bellied Himalayan squirrel
  • Perny's long-nosed squirrel
  • Red-hipped squirrel
  • Asian red-cheeked squirrel
  • Kashmir flying squirrel
  • Western palm squirrel
  • Siberian chipmunk
  • Philippine pygmy squirrel
  • Tufted pygmy squirrel
  • Indian palm squirrel
  • Northern palm squirrel
  • Jungle palm squirrel
  • Thomas's rope squirrel
  • Carruther's mountain squirrel
  • Congo rope squirrel
  • Lady Burton's rope squirrel
  • Ribboned rope squirrel
  • Red-cheeked rope squirrel
  • Fire-footed rope squirrel
  • Northern flying squirrel
  • Southern flying squirrel
  • Gambian sun squirrel
  • Mutable sun squirrel
  • Red-legged sun squirrel
  • Ruwenzori sun squirrel
  • Particolored flying squirrel
  • Indochinese flying squirrel
  • Red-cheeked flying squirrel
  • Montane long-nosed squirrel
  • Mexican ground squirrel
  • Thirteen-lined ground squirrel
  • Javanese flying squirrel
  • Three-striped ground squirrel
  • Gray marmot
  • Bobak marmot
  • Alaska marmot
  • Hoary marmot
  • Black-capped marmot
  • Long-tailed marmot
  • Yellow-bellied marmot
  • Himalayan marmot
  • Alpine marmot
  • Groundhog
  • Olympic marmot
  • Berdmore's ground squirrel
  • Central American dwarf squirrel
  • Western dwarf squirrel
  • African pygmy squirrel
  • Black-eared squirrel
  • Alpine chipmunk
  • Yellow-pine chipmunk
  • Gray-footed chipmunk
  • Gray-collared chipmunk
  • Cliff chipmunk
  • Durango chipmunk
  • Merriam's chipmunk
  • Least chipmunk
  • California chipmunk
  • Yellow-cheeked chipmunk
  • Panamint chipmunk
  • Long-eared chipmunk
  • Colorado chipmunk
  • Red-tailed chipmunk
  • Hopi chipmunk
  • Allen's chipmunk
  • Siskiyou chipmunk
  • Sonoma chipmunk
  • Lodgepole chipmunk
  • Townsend's chipmunk
  • Uinta chipmunk
  • Tropical ground squirrel
  • Ring-tailed ground squirrel
  • California ground squirrel
  • Rock squirrel
  • Alexander's bush squirrel
  • Boehm's bush squirrel
  • Smith's bush squirrel
  • Striped bush squirrel
  • Ochre bush squirrel
  • Red bush squirrel
  • Green bush squirrel
  • Red and white giant flying squirrel
  • Spotted giant flying squirrel
  • Japanese giant flying squirrel
  • Hodgson's giant flying squirrel
  • Red giant flying squirrel
  • Indian giant flying squirrel
  • Chinese giant flying squirrel
  • Basilan flying squirrel
  • Mindanao flying squirrel
  • Franklin's ground squirrel
  • Sanghir squirrel
  • Forest giant squirrel
  • Japanese dwarf flying squirrel
  • Siberian flying squirrel
  • Indian giant squirrel
  • Père David's rock squirrel
  • Forrest's rock squirrel
  • Abert's squirrel
  • Brazilian squirrel
  • Allen's squirrel
  • Caucasian squirrel
  • Mexican gray squirrel
  • Eastern gray squirrel
  • Collie's squirrel
  • Deppe's squirrel
  • Red-tailed squirrel
  • Western gray squirrel
  • Northern Amazon red squirrel
  • Japanese squirrel
  • Mexican fox squirrel
  • Fox squirrel
  • Peters's squirrel
  • Southern Amazon red squirrel
  • Guayaquil squirrel
  • Variegated squirrel
  • Red squirrel
  • Yucatan squirrel
  • Long-clawed ground squirrel
  • Alashan ground squirrel
  • Brandt's ground squirrel
  • Daurian ground squirrel
  • Red-cheeked ground squirrel
  • Yellow ground squirrel
  • Russet ground squirrel
  • Pallid ground squirrel
  • Little ground squirrel
  • Spermophilus ralli
  • Spermophilus relictus
  • Taurus ground squirrel
  • Brooke's squirrel
  • Busuanga squirrel
  • Jentink's squirrel
  • Northern Palawan tree squirrel
  • Low's squirrel
  • Mindanao squirrel
  • Philippine tree squirrel
  • Samar squirrel
  • Southern Palawan tree squirrel
  • Slender squirrel
  • Eastern chipmunk
  • Douglas squirrel
  • American red squirrel
  • Himalayan striped squirrel
  • Maritime striped squirrel
  • Cambodian striped squirrel
  • Swinhoe's striped squirrel
  • Uinta ground squirrel
  • Belding's ground squirrel
  • Merriam's ground squirrel
  • Columbian ground squirrel
  • Wyoming ground squirrel
  • Piute ground squirrel
  • Arctic ground squirrel
  • Richardson's ground squirrel
  • Long-tailed ground squirrel
  • Spotted ground squirrel
  • Round-tailed ground squirrel
  • Striped ground squirrel
  • Cape ground squirrel
  • Mountain ground squirrel
  • Unstriped ground squirrel


  • Forest dormouse
  • Asian garden dormouse
  • Maghreb garden dormouse
  • Japanese dormouse
  • Edible dormouse
  • Christy's dormouse
  • Kellen's dormouse
  • Lorrain dormouse
  • Small-eared dormouse
  • Woodland dormouse
  • Nagtglas's African dormouse
  • Spectacled dormouse
  • Rock dormouse
  • Stone dormouse
  • Hazel dormouse


  • Mountain beaver



  • Beecroft's flying squirrel
  • Lord Derby's scaly-tailed squirrel
  • Dwarf scaly-tailed squirrel
  • Long-eared flying mouse
  • Pygmy scaly-tailed flying squirrel
  • South African springhare
  • East African spring-hare
  • Cameroon scaly-tail


  • Greater naked-tailed armadillo
  • Southern naked-tailed armadillo
  • Screaming hairy armadillo
  • Big hairy armadillo
  • Greater long-nosed armadillo
  • Nine-banded armadillo
  • Seven-banded armadillo
  • Six-banded armadillo


There are 695 bat species assessed as least concern.


  • Borneo fruit bat
  • Pygmy fruit bat
  • Mindanao pygmy fruit bat
  • Spotted-winged fruit bat
  • Short-palated fruit bat
  • Black-capped fruit bat
  • Lesser short-nosed fruit bat
  • Horsfield's fruit bat
  • Peters's fruit bat
  • Minute fruit bat
  • Nusatenggara short-nosed fruit bat
  • Greater short-nosed fruit bat
  • Indonesian short-nosed fruit bat
  • Andersen's naked-backed fruit bat
  • Beaufort's naked-backed fruit bat
  • Halmahera naked-backed fruit bat
  • Sulawesi naked-backed fruit bat
  • Solomon's naked-backed fruit bat
  • Lesser naked-backed fruit bat
  • Moluccan naked-backed fruit bat
  • Western naked-backed fruit bat
  • New Britain naked-backed fruit bat
  • Greenish naked-backed fruit bat
  • Cave nectar bat
  • Peters's epauletted fruit bat
  • Gambian epauletted fruit bat
  • Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat
  • East African epauletted fruit bat
  • Minor epauletted fruit bat
  • Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat
  • Buettikofer's epauletted fruit bat
  • Dobson's epauletted fruit bat
  • Franquet's epauletted fruit bat
  • Fischer's pygmy fruit bat
  • Harpy fruit bat
  • Hammer-headed bat
  • Angolan rousette
  • Long-tongued nectar bat
  • Long-tongued fruit bat
  • Tailless fruit bat
  • Ratanaworabhan's fruit bat
  • Western Woermann's fruit bat
  • Woermann's bat
  • Fardoulis' blossom bat
  • Black-bellied fruit bat
  • Woodford's fruit bat
  • Peters' dwarf epauletted fruit bat
  • Sierra Leone collared fruit bat
  • East African little collared fruit bat
  • Little collared fruit bat
  • Veldkamp's dwarf epauletted fruit bat
  • Broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Common tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Pallas's tube-nosed bat
  • Mountain tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Island tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Eastern tube-nosed bat
  • Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Luzon fruit bat
  • Lesser tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Steadfast tube-nosed fruit bat
  • Dusky fruit bat
  • Greater musky fruit bat
  • Lesser musky fruit bat
  • Admiralty flying fox
  • Black flying fox
  • Spectacled flying fox
  • Indian flying fox
  • Small flying fox
  • White-winged flying fox
  • Big-eared flying fox
  • Great flying fox
  • Masked flying fox
  • Little red flying fox
  • Seychelles fruit bat
  • Insular flying fox
  • Egyptian fruit bat
  • Geoffroy's rousette
  • Sulawesi rousette
  • Long-haired rousette
  • Leschenault's rousette
  • Zenker's fruit bat
  • Blanford's fruit bat
  • Common blossom bat
  • Moss-forest blossom bat
  • Swift fruit bat


There are 609 microbat species assessed as least concern.

Old World leaf-nosed bats

  • Patrizi's trident leaf-nosed bat
  • Trident bat
  • Stoliczka's trident bat
  • Temminck's trident bat
  • Percival's trident bat
  • East Asian tailless leaf-nosed bat
  • Aba roundleaf bat
  • Great roundleaf bat
  • Dusky leaf-nosed bat
  • Benito roundleaf bat
  • Bicolored roundleaf bat
  • Sundevall's roundleaf bat
  • Spurred roundleaf bat
  • Fawn leaf-nosed bat
  • Ashy roundleaf bat
  • Cyclops roundleaf bat
  • Diadem leaf-nosed bat
  • Dayak roundleaf bat
  • Sooty roundleaf bat
  • Fulvus roundleaf bat
  • Cantor's roundleaf bat
  • Giant roundleaf bat
  • Indian roundleaf bat
  • Intermediate roundleaf bat
  • Shield-faced roundleaf bat
  • Maduran leaf-nosed bat
  • Maggie Taylor's roundleaf bat
  • Ethiopian large-eared roundleaf bat
  • Philippine forest roundleaf bat
  • Biak roundleaf bat
  • Pomona roundleaf bat
  • Pratt's roundleaf bat
  • Philippine pygmy roundleaf bat
  • Laotian leaf-nosed bat
  • Noack's roundleaf bat
  • Schneider's leaf-nosed bat
  • Northern leaf-nosed bat
  • Sumba roundleaf bat
  • Saõ Tomé leaf-nosed bat
  • Wollaston's roundleaf bat
  • Trouessart's trident bat
  • Orange leaf-nosed bat
  • Rufous trident bat
  • Triaenops menamena[upper-alpha 1]

Horseshoe bats

  • Acuminate horseshoe bat
  • Intermediate horseshoe bat
  • Halcyon horseshoe bat
  • Arcuate horseshoe bat
  • Lesser woolly horseshoe bat
  • Blasius's horseshoe bat
  • Bokhara horseshoe bat
  • Bornean horseshoe bat
  • Cape horseshoe bat
  • Sulawesi horseshoe bat
  • Geoffroy's horseshoe bat
  • Croslet horseshoe bat
  • Creagh's horseshoe bat
  • Darling's horseshoe bat
  • Dent's horseshoe bat
  • Eloquent horseshoe bat
  • Broad-eared horseshoe bat
  • Greater horseshoe bat
  • Rüppell's horseshoe bat
  • Hildebrandt's horseshoe bat
  • Lesser horseshoe bat
  • Philippine forest horseshoe bat
  • Lander's horseshoe bat
  • Blyth's horseshoe bat
  • Woolly horseshoe bat
  • Big-eared horseshoe bat
  • Malayan horseshoe bat
  • Marshall's horseshoe bat
  • Smaller horseshoe bat
  • Bourret's horseshoe bat
  • Pearson's horseshoe bat
  • Large-eared horseshoe bat
  • Least horseshoe bat
  • King horseshoe bat
  • Rufous horseshoe bat
  • Shamel's horseshoe bat
  • Shortridge's horseshoe bat
  • Thai horseshoe bat
  • Bushveld horseshoe bat
  • Chinese rufous horseshoe bat
  • Lesser brown horseshoe bat
  • Little Nepalese horseshoe bat
  • Swinny's horseshoe bat
  • Thomas's horseshoe bat
  • Trefoil horseshoe bat
  • Yellow-faced horseshoe bat
  • Dobson's horseshoe bat

Vesper bats

  • Pallid bat
  • Collared pipistrelle
  • Black-gilded pipistrelle
  • Necklace pipistrelle
  • Asian barbastelle
  • Gould's wattled bat
  • Chocolate wattled bat
  • Hoary wattled bat
  • Rafinesque's big-eared bat
  • Townsend's big-eared bat
  • Little black serotine
  • Bobrinski's serotine
  • Botta's serotine
  • Brazilian brown bat
  • Chiriquinan serotine
  • Horn-skinned bat
  • Argentine brown bat
  • Big brown bat
  • Gobi big brown bat
  • Long-tailed house bat
  • Meridional serotine
  • Sind bat
  • Northern bat
  • Thick-eared bat
  • Serotine bat
  • Spotted bat
  • Disk-footed bat
  • Chocolate pipistrelle
  • Eastern false pipistrelle
  • Allen's striped bat
  • Silvered bat
  • Beatrix's bat
  • Abo bat
  • Pied bat
  • Variegated butterfly bat
  • Common thick-thumbed bat
  • Lesser hairy-winged bat
  • Blanford's bat
  • Tickell's bat
  • Big-eared brown bat
  • Southern big-eared brown bat
  • Small big-eared brown bat
  • Savi's pipistrelle
  • Great evening bat
  • Allen's big-eared bat
  • Damara woolly bat
  • Hardwicke's woolly bat
  • Kachin woolly bat
  • Lesser woolly bat
  • Lenis woolly bat
  • Fly River trumpet-eared bat
  • Papillose woolly bat
  • Spurrell's woolly bat
  • Painted bat
  • Smith's woolly bat
  • Titania's woolly bat
  • Whitehead's woolly bat
  • Botswanan long-eared bat
  • Namib long-eared bat
  • De Winton's long-eared bat
  • Silver-haired bat
  • Greater red bat
  • Desert red bat
  • Eastern red bat
  • Hoary bat
  • Southern yellow bat
  • Northern yellow bat
  • Seminole bat
  • Cinnamon red bat
  • Western yellow bat
  • Moloney's mimic bat
  • Little tube-nosed bat
  • Round-eared tube-nosed bat
  • Flute-nosed bat
  • Harrison's tube-nosed bat
  • Hilgendorf's tube-nosed bat
  • Hutton's tube-nosed bat
  • Greater tube-nosed bat
  • Brown tube-nosed bat
  • Scully's tube-nosed bat
  • Ussuri tube-nosed bat
  • Large-footed bat
  • Silver-tipped myotis
  • Szechwan myotis
  • Hairy-faced bat
  • Peters's myotis
  • Steppe whiskered bar
  • Southwestern myotis
  • Southeastern myotis
  • Lesser mouse-eared bat
  • Rufous mouse-eared bat
  • Brandt's bat
  • California myotis
  • Chilean myotis
  • Large myotis
  • Western small-footed bat
  • Daubenton's bat
  • David's myotis
  • Myotis dinellii
  • Elegant myotis
  • Geoffroy's bat
  • Long-eared myotis
  • Fringed long-footed myotis
  • Hodgson's bat
  • Cinnamon myotis
  • Gomantong myotis
  • Malagasy mouse-eared bat
  • Lesser large-footed bat
  • Horsfield's bat
  • Ikonnikov's bat
  • Hairy-legged myotis
  • Keen's myotis
  • Chinese water myotis
  • Eastern small-footed myotis
  • Yellowish myotis
  • Little brown bat
  • Eastern long-fingered bat
  • Myotis macropus
  • Dark-nosed small-footed myotis
  • Maluku myotis
  • Burmese whiskered bat
  • Wall-roosting mouse-eared bat
  • Greater mouse-eared bat
  • Whiskered bat
  • Natterer's bat
  • Curacao myotis
  • Black myotis
  • Nepal myotis
  • Arizona myotis
  • Montane myotis
  • Beijing mouse-eared bat
  • Riparian myotis
  • Thick-thumbed myotis
  • Northern long-eared bat
  • Himalayan whiskered bat
  • Fringed myotis
  • Cape hairy bat
  • Cave myotis
  • Long-legged myotis
  • Welwitsch's bat
  • Yuma myotis
  • Cape serotine
  • Tiny serotine
  • Malagasy serotine
  • Banana pipistrelle bat
  • Rendall's serotine
  • Somali serotine
  • White-winged serotine
  • Zulu serotine
  • Lesser noctule
  • Mountain noctule
  • Common noctule
  • Chinese noctule
  • Schlieffen's bat
  • Evening bat
  • Northern long-eared bat
  • Eastern long-eared bat
  • Lesser long-eared bat
  • Gould's long-eared bat
  • New Guinea long-eared bat
  • Pygmy long-eared bat
  • Desert long-eared bat
  • Rohu's bat
  • Peters's trumpet-eared bat
  • Golden-tipped bat
  • Japanese house bat
  • Forest pipistrelle
  • Alashanian pipistrelle
  • Anchieta's bat
  • Angulate pipistrelle
  • Cadorna's pipistrelle
  • Kelaart's pipistrelle
  • Greater Papuan pipistrelle
  • Indian pipistrelle
  • Broad-headed pipistrelle
  • Dusky pipistrelle
  • Western pipistrelle
  • Brown pipistrelle
  • Java pipistrelle
  • Kuhl's pipistrelle
  • Tiny pipistrelle
  • Nathusius's pipistrelle
  • Lesser Papuan pipistrelle
  • Mount Popa pipistrelle
  • Common pipistrelle
  • Chinese pipistrelle
  • Soprano pipistrelle
  • Rüppell's pipistrelle
  • Rusty pipistrelle
  • Narrow-winged pipistrelle
  • Eastern pipistrelle
  • Least pipistrelle
  • Watts's pipistrelle
  • Northern pipistrelle
  • Brown long-eared bat
  • Grey long-eared bat
  • Kolombatovic's long-eared bat
  • Alpine long-eared bat
  • Plecotus ognevi
  • Japanese long-eared bat
  • Yucatan yellow bat
  • Allen's yellow bat
  • Slender yellow bat
  • Thomas's yellow bat
  • Little yellow bat
  • Black-winged little yellow bat
  • Rüppell's broad-nosed bat
  • Dark-winged lesser house bat
  • Desert yellow bat
  • Harlequin bat
  • Sody's yellow house bat
  • African yellow bat
  • Greater Asiatic yellow bat
  • Lesser Asiatic yellow bat
  • White-bellied yellow bat
  • Marovaza house bat
  • Schreber's yellow bat
  • Nut-colored yellow bat
  • Robust yellow bat
  • Greenish yellow bat
  • Western broad-nosed bat
  • Little broad-nosed bat
  • Eastern broad-nosed bat
  • Northern broad-nosed bat
  • Dormer's bat
  • Lesser bamboo bat
  • Greater bamboo bat
  • Inland forest bat
  • Northern cave bat
  • Large forest bat
  • Yellow-lipped bat
  • Finlayson's cave bat
  • Eastern forest bat
  • Southern forest bat
  • Eastern cave bat
  • Little forest bat
  • Parti-coloured bat
  • Asian particolored bat

Long-fingered bats

  • African long-fingered bat
  • Little bent-wing bat
  • Lesser long-fingered bat
  • Glen's long-fingered bat
  • Greater long-fingered bat
  • Western bent-winged bat
  • Major's long-fingered bat
  • Manavil long-fingered bat
  • Intermediate long-fingered bat
  • Natal long-fingered bat
  • Small bent-winged bat
  • Sororcula long-fingered bat
  • Great bent-winged bat

Sac-winged bats

  • Gray sac-winged bat
  • Thomas's shaggy bat
  • Shaggy bat
  • African sheath-tailed bat
  • Chestnut sac-winged bat
  • Short-eared bat
  • Northern ghost bat
  • Isabelle's ghost bat
  • Lesser ghost bat
  • Small Asian sheath-tailed bat
  • Beccari's sheath-tailed bat
  • Large-eared sheath-tailed bat
  • Lesser sheath-tailed bat
  • Raffray's sheath-tailed bat
  • Seri's sheath-tailed bat
  • Dark sheath-tailed bat
  • Peter's sheath-tailed bat
  • Western sheath-tailed bat
  • Greater dog-like bat
  • White-winged dog-like bat
  • Lesser dog-like bat
  • Proboscis bat
  • Yellow-bellied sheath-tailed bat
  • Pel's pouched bat
  • Naked-rumped pouched bat
  • Greater sac-winged bat
  • Frosted sac-winged bat
  • Lesser sac-winged bat
  • Common sheath-tailed bat
  • Hill's sheath-tailed bat
  • Arnhem sheath-tailed bat
  • Long-winged tomb bat
  • Mauritian tomb bat
  • Black-bearded tomb bat
  • Naked-rumped tomb bat
  • Egyptian tomb bat
  • Theobald's tomb bat
  • Troughton's sheath-tailed bat

Free-tailed bats

  • White-striped free-tailed bat
  • New Guinea free-tailed bat
  • Duke of Abruzzi's free-tailed bat
  • Ansorge's free-tailed bat
  • Gland-tailed free-tailed bat
  • Spotted free-tailed bat
  • Chapin's free-tailed bat
  • Northern freetail bat
  • Black and red free-tailed bat
  • Lappet-eared free-tailed bat
  • Nigerian free-tailed bat
  • Wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat (Chaerephon plicatus)
  • Little free-tailed bat
  • Solomons mastiff bat
  • Lesser naked bat
  • Hairless bat
  • Greenhall's dog-faced bat
  • Mexican dog-faced bat
  • Southern dog-faced bat
  • Black bonneted bat
  • Dwarf bonneted bat
  • Big bonneted bat
  • Wagner's bonneted bat
  • Sanborn's bonneted bat
  • Patagonian bonneted bat
  • Western mastiff bat
  • Colombian bonneted bat
  • Underwood's bonneted bat
  • Mato Grosso dog-faced bat
  • Dwarf dog-faced bat
  • Aztec mastiff bat
  • Coiban mastiff bat
  • Bonda mastiff bat
  • Velvety free-tailed bat
  • Miller's mastiff bat
  • Black mastiff bat
  • Sinaloan mastiff bat
  • Sierra Leone free-tailed bat
  • Angolan free-tailed bat
  • Medje free-tailed bat
  • Mongalla free-tailed bat
  • Malagasy white-bellied free-tailed bat
  • Midas free-tailed bat
  • Dwarf free-tailed bat
  • White-bellied free-tailed bat
  • Spurrell's free-tailed bat
  • Railer bat
  • Beccari's free-tailed bat
  • Peter's wrinkle-lipped bat
  • Kalinowski's mastiff bat
  • Loria's mastiff bat
  • Southern free-tailed bat
  • Bini free-tailed bat
  • Peale's free-tailed bat
  • Pocketed free-tailed bat
  • Broad-eared bat
  • Big free-tailed bat
  • Madagascar free-tailed bat
  • Peters's flat-headed bat
  • Big crested mastiff bat
  • Brown mastiff bat
  • Roberts's flat-headed bat
  • Egyptian free-tailed bat
  • Mexican free-tailed bat
  • Madagascan large free-tailed bat
  • Kenyan big-eared free-tailed bat
  • European free-tailed bat


Includes ghost-faced bats, moustached bats, and naked-backed bats.

  • Antillean ghost-faced bat
  • Ghost-faced bat
  • Davy's naked-backed bat
  • Big naked-backed bat
  • Macleay's mustached bat
  • Parnell's mustached bat
  • Wagner's mustached bat
  • Sooty mustached bat

Leaf-nosed bats

  • Little white-shouldered bat
  • Tailed tailless bat
  • Handley's tailless bat
  • Geoffroy's tailless bat
  • Broad-toothed tailless bat
  • Luis Manuel's tailless bat
  • Tree bat
  • Jamaican fig-eating bat
  • Large fruit-eating bat
  • Brown fruit-eating bat
  • Fringed fruit-eating bat
  • Fraternal fruit-eating bat
  • Hairy fruit-eating bat
  • Jamaican fruit bat
  • Great fruit-eating bat
  • Dark fruit-eating bat
  • Flat-faced fruit-eating bat
  • Antillean fruit-eating bat
  • Cuban fruit-eating bat
  • Silky short-tailed bat
  • Chestnut short-tailed bat
  • Manu short-tailed bat
  • Seba's short-tailed bat
  • Sowell's short-tailed bat
  • Gray short-tailed bat
  • Wrinkle-faced bat
  • Brazilian big-eyed bat
  • Salvin's big-eyed bat
  • Little big-eyed bat
  • Hairy big-eyed bat
  • Godman's long-tailed bat
  • Lesser long-tongued bat
  • Big-eared woolly bat
  • Andersen's fruit-eating bat
  • Aztec fruit-eating bat
  • Gervais's fruit-eating bat
  • Silver fruit-eating bat
  • Gnome fruit-eating bat
  • Pygmy fruit-eating bat
  • Toltec fruit-eating bat
  • Thomas's fruit-eating bat
  • Common vampire bat
  • White-winged vampire bat
  • Hairy-legged vampire bat
  • Velvety fruit-eating bat
  • Brown flower bat
  • Buffy flower bat
  • Commissaris's long-tongued bat
  • Gray long-tongued bat
  • Western long-tongued bat
  • Pallas's long-tongued bat
  • Davies's big-eared bat
  • Tricolored big-eared bat
  • Underwood's long-tongued bat
  • Yellow-throated big-eared bat
  • Dark long-tongued bat
  • Chestnut long-tongued bat
  • Lonchophylla concava
  • Handley's nectar bat
  • Godman's nectar bat
  • Orange nectar bat
  • Thomas's nectar bat
  • Tomes's sword-nosed bat
  • Pygmy round-eared bat
  • Carriker's round-eared bat
  • Davis's round-eared bat
  • Schultz's round-eared bat
  • White-throated round-eared bat
  • Long-legged bat
  • California leaf-nosed bat
  • Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat
  • MacConnell's bat
  • Hairy big-eared bat
  • Little big-eared bat
  • Common big-eared bat
  • White-bellied big-eared bat
  • Schmidts's big-eared bat
  • Golden bat
  • Cozumelan golden bat
  • Striped hairy-nosed bat
  • Insular single leaf bat
  • Leach's single leaf bat
  • Pale-faced bat
  • Cuban flower bat
  • Cuban fig-eating bat
  • Pale spear-nosed bat
  • Lesser spear-nosed bat
  • Greater spear-nosed bat
  • Guianan spear-nosed bat
  • Platyrrhinus albericoi
  • Eldorado broad-nosed bat
  • Short-headed broad-nosed bat
  • Thomas's broad-nosed bat
  • Heller's broad-nosed bat
  • Buffy broad-nosed bat
  • White-lined broad-nosed bat
  • Platyrrhinus masu
  • Platyrrhinus nigellus
  • Recife broad-nosed bat
  • Greater broad-nosed bat
  • Ipanema bat
  • Fischer's little fruit bat
  • Dwarf little fruit bat
  • Ega long-tongued bat
  • Aratathomas's yellow-shouldered bat
  • Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat
  • Bogotá yellow-shouldered bat
  • Hairy yellow-shouldered bat
  • Little yellow-shouldered bat
  • Highland yellow-shouldered bat
  • Louis's yellow-shouldered bat
  • Greater yellow-shouldered bat
  • Tschudi's yellow-shouldered bat
  • Tilda's yellow-shouldered bat
  • Stripe-headed round-eared bat
  • Fringe-lipped bat
  • Niceforo's big-eared bat
  • Tent-making bat
  • Brown tent-making bat
  • Northern little yellow-eared bat
  • Bidentate yellow-eared bat
  • Brock's yellow-eared bat
  • Striped yellow-eared bat
  • Great stripe-faced bat

Slit-faced bats

  • Bate's slit-faced bat
  • Andersen's slit-faced bat
  • Gambian slit-faced bat
  • Large slit-faced bat
  • Hairy slit-faced bat
  • Intermediate slit-faced bat
  • Large-eared slit-faced bat
  • Dwarf slit-faced bat
  • Egyptian slit-faced bat
  • Wood's slit-faced bat

Other microbat species

  • Heart-nosed bat
  • Lesueur's hairy bat
  • Angolan hairy bat
  • Thumbless bat
  • Yellow-winged bat
  • Greater false vampire bat
  • Lesser false vampire bat
  • Madagascar sucker-footed bat
  • Western sucker-footed bat
  • Mexican greater funnel-eared bat
  • Mexican funnel-eared bat
  • Trinidadian funnel-eared bat
  • Lesser bulldog bat
  • Greater bulldog bat
  • Gervais's funnel-eared bat
  • Lesser mouse-tailed bat
  • Greater mouse-tailed bat
  • Small mouse-tailed bat
  • Peter's disk-winged bat
  • Spix's disk-winged bat

Elephant shrews


  • Madras treeshrew
  • Northern smooth-tailed treeshrew
  • Pen-tailed treeshrew
  • Northern treeshrew
  • Common treeshrew
  • Slender treeshrew
  • Horsfield's treeshrew
  • Long-footed treeshrew
  • Pygmy treeshrew
  • Mountain treeshrew
  • Palawan treeshrew
  • Painted treeshrew
  • Ruddy treeshrew
  • Large treeshrew
  • Mindanao treeshrew


  • Southern tree hyrax
  • Western tree hyrax
  • Yellow-spotted rock hyrax
  • Rock hyrax

Other mammal species

  • Philippine flying lemur
  • Kiang
  • Sunda flying lemur
  • Aardvark
  • Short-beaked echidna

See also


  1. Listed by IUCN as Triaenops rufus.


  1. "IUCN Red List version 2016-2". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 8 September 2016.
  2. Beolens, B.; Watkins, M.; Grayson, M. (2009). The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals. The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals. Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 71. ISBN 978-0-8018-9533-3. Retrieved 8 June 2019.
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