List of National Coordinate Reference Systems

The list of national Coordinate Reference systems (or list of official geographic projections, ...) lists geographic projections officially recommended for existing countries. Given that each geographic projection of a country and its spheric reality onto a plane surface generate specific and well known distances, shapes, areas deformations, each country needs are different in order to reduce these distortions. Also, each country, in order to represent its geographic space, need to choose a suitable, low distortion geographic projection. These national projections, or national Coordinate Reference Systems are officially announced by the relevant national agencies. The list below is a collection of available official national Coordinate Reference systems.

For Europe, recommendation are available for each country (Annoni & al. 2001:43-44), as well as for the European Union of 15, of 27, and of the larger geographic Europe (Annoni & al. 2001:16). The most important project collecting geographic projections is the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset project including about 4000 subjects and associated suitable projections, with notorious projections for all major countries. These projections and frames are publicly available online on various sites.[1]



AuthorProjection nameCode name (EPSG)Area of interest
?Lambert-93.[2]Metropolitan France
?Lambert Conformal ConicSR-ORG:7408[3][4]Mainland China & Taiwan
Hellenic Geodetic Reference System 1987Greece
British National GridEPSG:27700[5]Great Britain
Iraq National GridEPSG:3893Iraq[6]
Irish grid reference systemIreland
Israeli Transverse MercatorIsrael
New Zealand Transverse MercatorEPSG:2193New Zealand[7]
Swedish gridSweden
United States National GridUnited States

Supra national areas

AuthorProjection nameCode name (EPSG)Area of interest
National GeographicWinkel tripel projection[8]World
(QGis)Equirectangular, aka "lat/longWGS84 lat/lon (EPSG:4326)World


  1. "Spatial Reference List -- Spatial Reference". Retrieved 10 April 2017.
  2. "décret du 26 décembre 2000". Retrieved 27 December 2017.
  3. Cheng, Pengfei; Wen, Hanjiang; Cheng, Yingyan; Wang, Hua. China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 (PDF). 18th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific (2009). Beijing, China: Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping..
  4. other resource on China:
  5. "OSGB 1936 / British National Grid: EPSG Projection -- Spatial Reference". Retrieved 10 April 2017.
  7. "New Zealand Transverse Mercator". Land Information New Zealand. Retrieved 23 October 2018.
  8. "Winkel Tripel Projections". Retrieved 27 December 2012.


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