Leonard Lockman

Leonard Lockman (1697-1769) was a surgeon and military figure who helped establish Halifax, Nova Scotia (1749) and Lunenburg, Nova Scotia (1753).[1] [2] He is buried under the Little Dutch (Deutsch) Church in Halifax.[3] He is the namesake of Lockman Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia (named changed to Brunswick St. after paving in 1908).[4]


  1. "Canadian Biography - Leonard Lockman". www.biographi.ca. Retrieved April 2, 2017.
  2. https://archive.org/stream/cihm_08405#page/n39/mode/2up
  3. Allan E. Marble, Surgeons, Smallpox and the Poor: A History of Medicine and Social Conditions
  4. 14 December 1896 edition The Acadian Recorder

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