JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library

The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a component of the Java EE Web application development platform. It extends the JSP specification by adding a tag library of JSP tags for common tasks, such as XML data processing, conditional execution, database access, loops and internationalization.

Stable release
1.2.1 / Dec 2011
Filename extensions.jsp .jspf .jsf

JSTL was developed under the Java Community Process (JCP) as Java Specification Request (JSR) 52. On May 8, 2006, JSTL 1.2 was released, followed by JSTL 1.2.1 on Dec 7, 2011.[1]

JSTL provides an effective way to embed logic within a JSP page without using embedded Java code directly. The use of a standardized tag set, rather than breaking in and out of Java code, leads to more maintainable code and enables separation of concerns between the development of the application code and user interface.

There are a total of six JSTL tag library descriptors:

  • Core library. E.g. c:if and c:when[2]
  • i18n-capable formatting library[3]
  • * Database tag library, contains tags for querying, creating and updating database table.[4]
  • XML library[5]
  • functions library[6]
  • TLVs allow translation-time validation of the XML view of a JSP page. The TLVs provided by JSTL allow tag library authors to enforce restrictions regarding the use of scripting elements and permitted tag libraries in JSP pages.[7]

In addition to JSTL, the JCP has the following JSRs to develop standard JSP tag libraries:

See also


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