Indonesia Accuses

Indonesia Accuses (Indonesian: Indonesia Menggugat) is a speech read by future President of Indonesia Sukarno in his defense during his 1930 trial in Landraad, Bandung, Indonesia.[1] Sukarno, along with Gatot Mangkupraja and Maskun Supriadinata, was accused of trying to overthrow the colonial government of the Dutch East Indies and thrown in jail.[2] All three were founders of the Indonesian National Party (PNI). While in prison, Sukarno wrote the speech,[2] which condemned international political conditions and the destruction of Indonesian society under colonial rule,[2] making the speech a landmark political document against colonialism and imperialism.[2]


  1. "Andi Mallarangeng ingin tiru pledoi Bung Karno 'Indonesia Menggugat'". Retrieved 29 May 2014.
  2. Yance Arizona. "Indonesia Menggugat". Retrieved 29 May 2014.
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