Glossary of group theory


abelian group
A group is abelian if is commutative, i.e. for all , . Likewise, a group is nonabelian if this relation fails to hold for any pair , .
center of a group
The center of a group G, denoted Z(G), is the set of those group elements that commute with all elements of G, that is, the set of all hG such that hg = gh for all gG. Z(G) is always a normal subgroup of G. A group G is abelian if and only if Z(G) = G.
centerless group
A group G is centerless if its center Z(G) is trivial.
class number
The class number of a group is the number of its conjugacy classes.
The commutator of two elements g and h of a group G is the element [g, h] = g−1h−1gh. Some authors define the commutator as [g, h] = ghg−1h−1 instead. The commutator of two elements g and h is equal to the group's identity if and only if g and h commutate, that is, if and only if gh = hg.
commutator subgroup
The commutator subgroup or derived subgroup of a group is the subgroup generated by all the commutators of the group.
composition series
A composition series of a group G is a subnormal series of finite length
with strict inclusions, such that each Hi is a maximal strict normal subgroup of Hi+1. Equivalently, a composition series is a subnormal series such that each factor group Hi+1 / Hi is simple. The factor groups are called composition factors.
conjugate elements
Two elements x and y of a group G are conjugate if there exists an element gG such that g−1xg = y. The element g−1xg, denoted xg, is called the conjugate of x by g. Some authors define the conjugate of x by g as gxg−1. This is often denoted gx. Conjugacy is an equivalence relation. Its equivalence classes are called conjugacy classes.
cyclic group
A cyclic group is a group that is generated by a single element, that is, a group such that there is an element g in the group such that every other element of the group may be obtained by repeatedly applying the group operation to g or its inverse.
factor group
See quotient group.
finite group
A finite group is a group of finite order, that is, a group with a finite number of elements.


normal closure
The normal closure of a subset S of a group G is the intersection of all normal subgroups of G that contain S.
For a subset S of a group G, the normalizer of S in G, denoted NG(S), is the subgroup of G defined by
normal series
A normal series of a group G is a sequence of normal subgroups of G such that each element of the sequence is a normal subgroup of the next element:


normal subgroup
A subgroup N of a group G is normal in G (denoted ) if the conjugation of an element n of N by an element g of G is always in N (gng−1N for all gG and nN). A normal subgroup N of a group G can be used to construct the quotient group G/N (G mod N).
order of a group
The order of a group is the cardinality (i.e. number of elements) of . A group with finite order is called a finite group.
order of a group element
The order of an element of a group is the smallest positive integer such that If no such integer exists, then the order of is said to be infinite. The order of a finite group is divisible by the order of every element.
perfect core
The perfect core of a group is its largest perfect subgroup.
perfect group
A perfect group is a group that is equal to its own commutator subgroup.
If is prime, then a -group is one in which the order of every element is a power of . A finite group is a p-group if and only if the order of the group is a power of .
A subgroup which is also a -group. The study of -subgroups is the central object of the Sylow theorems.
quotient group
Given a group and a normal subgroup of , the quotient group is the set / of left cosets together with the operation The relationship between normal subgroups, homomorphisms, and factor groups is summed up in the fundamental theorem on homomorphisms.
real element
An element g of a group G is called a real element of G if it belongs to the same conjugacy class as its inverse. An element of a group G is real if and only if for all representations of G the trace of the corresponding matrix is a real number.
simple group
A simple group is a nontrivial group whose only normal subgroups are the trivial group and the group itself.
subgroup series
A subgroup series of a group G is a sequence of subgroups of G such that each element in the series is a subgroup of the next element:

Basic definitions

Subgroup. A subset of a group which remains a group when the operation is restricted to is called a subgroup of .

Given a subset of . We denote by the smallest subgroup of containing . is called the subgroup of generated by .

Normal subgroup. is a normal subgroup of if for all in and in , also belongs to .

Both subgroups and normal subgroups of a given group form a complete lattice under inclusion of subsets; this property and some related results are described by the lattice theorem.

Group homomorphism. These are functions that have the special property that

for any elements and of .

Kernel of a group homomorphism. It is the preimage of the identity in the codomain of a group homomorphism. Every normal subgroup is the kernel of a group homomorphism and vice versa.

Group isomorphism. Group homomorphisms that have inverse functions. The inverse of an isomorphism, it turns out, must also be a homomorphism.

Isomorphic groups. Two groups are isomorphic if there exists a group isomorphism mapping from one to the other. Isomorphic groups can be thought of as essentially the same, only with different labels on the individual elements. One of the fundamental problems of group theory is the classification of groups up to isomorphism.

Direct product, direct sum, and semidirect product of groups. These are ways of combining groups to construct new groups; please refer to the corresponding links for explanation.

Types of groups

Finitely generated group. If there exists a finite set such that then is said to be finitely generated. If can be taken to have just one element, is a cyclic group of finite order, an infinite cyclic group, or possibly a group with just one element.

Simple group. Simple groups are those groups having only and themselves as normal subgroups. The name is misleading because a simple group can in fact be very complex. An example is the monster group, whose order is about 1054. Every finite group is built up from simple groups via group extensions, so the study of finite simple groups is central to the study of all finite groups. The finite simple groups are known and classified.

The structure of any finite abelian group is relatively simple; every finite abelian group is the direct sum of cyclic p-groups. This can be extended to a complete classification of all finitely generated abelian groups, that is all abelian groups that are generated by a finite set.

The situation is much more complicated for the non-abelian groups.

Free group. Given any set , one can define a group as the smallest group containing the free semigroup of . The group consists of the finite strings (words) that can be composed by elements from , together with other elements that are necessary to form a group. Multiplication of strings is defined by concatenation, for instance

Every group is basically a factor group of a free group generated by . Please refer to presentation of a group for more explanation. One can then ask algorithmic questions about these presentations, such as:

  • Do these two presentations specify isomorphic groups?; or
  • Does this presentation specify the trivial group?

The general case of this is the word problem, and several of these questions are in fact unsolvable by any general algorithm.

General linear group, denoted by GL(n, F), is the group of -by- invertible matrices, where the elements of the matrices are taken from a field such as the real numbers or the complex numbers.

Group representation (not to be confused with the presentation of a group). A group representation is a homomorphism from a group to a general linear group. One basically tries to "represent" a given abstract group as a concrete group of invertible matrices which is much easier to study.

See also

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