Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society

The Friedrich Miescher Laboratory (FML) of the Max Planck Society is a biological research institute located on the Society's campus in Tübingen, Germany. It was founded in 1969 to offer highly qualified junior scientists in the area of biology an opportunity to establish independent research groups and pursue their own line of research within a five-year period. The FML was a bold experiment by the Max Planck Society, in response to the brain drain, to place more resources in the hands of junior scientists and make Germany a more attractive research destination

The group leaders are elected by a committee of scientists from diverse areas and institutions on the basis of a public tendering procedure. There is no specification as to which kind of biological research should be conducted at the FML, and the focus of research changes with the appointment of each new group leader. While at the FML, they can use modern, well-equipped laboratories and work in teams tailored to their ideas. Each group leader is free to allocate their resources as they choose, and in addition there is a central budget for the FML, managed jointly by the group leaders.

Since 2005 the FML has been represented by a managing director in order to relieve the group leaders of administrative burdens and to allow them even more time to focus on their research. There are currently four research groups studying evolutionary genetics, systems biology of development, and the biochemistry of meiotic recombination.

Former Group Leaders

Years active

at FML

Current Affiliation
Wolfram Antonin 2006 – 17 RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Michael Hothorn 2012 – 14 University of Geneva, Switzerland
Silke Hauf 2005 – 13 Virginia Tech, West Virginia, USA
Dimitri Ivanov 2005 – 11
Gunnar Rätsch 2005 – 11 ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Anne Spang 1999 – 06Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland
Gudrun Schwarzer 2000 – 03University of Giessen, Germany
Andreas Mayer 1997 – 03University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Christoph Schuster 1996 – 03University of Heidelberg, Germany
Ralph Rupp 1993 – 99Adolf Butenandt Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Alexander Borst 1993 – 99Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
Martin Bähler 1991 – 97University of Münster, Germany
Christian Lehner 1990 – 96University of Zurich, Switzerland
Stefan Jentsch 1988 – 93Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany
Jürgen Bolz 1987 – 93University of Jena, Germany
Claudia Stürmer 1986 – 90University of Konstanz, Germany
Peter Ekblom 1984 – 90University of Uppsala, Sweden
Walter Birchmeier 1982 – 88Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, Germany
Rolf Kemler 1981 – 87Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology, Freiburg, Germany
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard 1981 – 85Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany
Matthias Wabl 1978 – 84University of California, San Francisco, USA
Heinz Wässle 1977 – 81Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany
Wilfried Seifert 1975 – 82
Reinhard Kurth 1975 – 81Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany
Wolfgang Hennig 1974 – 78Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China
Dieter Oesterhelt 1973 – 74Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany
Günter Gerisch 1969 – 75Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany
Uli Schwarz 1969 – 74Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies, China
Rolf Knippers 1969 – 73University of Konstanz, Germany
Friedrich Bonhoeffer 1969 – 72Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany

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