Elbow witch

Elbow witches are old women with awls in their elbows in the Ojibwa story of Aayaase (also known as "Aayaash" or "Iyash"), "Filcher-of-Meat". Blinded by cooking smoke, the sisters killed each other in their attempts to kill him for their meal.[1]

Elbow Witch is Monster in My Pocket #63, one of only three monsters derived from Native American mythology, the others being Wendigo and (to an extent) Bigfoot. The character's awls look very much like tusks.


  1. Jones, William (1917-19). Ojibwa Texts, vol. ii. Truman Michelson, ed. Leyden, New York: G. E. Stechert & co., pp. 380-393
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