El Hentati Mosque

El Hentati Mosque ' (Arabic: جامع الهنتاتي) is a small mosque in the west of the medina of Tunis, in souk El Leffa.

Porte d'entrée de la mosquée El Hentati


It is located in 88 Souk El Leffa.[1]


The mosque was built during the Hafsid era, in which Ibadi was spread in Tunis. Nowadays, Ibadi can be found mainly in Djerba.


According to Ibn Khaldoun, the name Hentati comes from the Hintata tribe led by Abu Hafs Umar ibn Yahia El Hintati (Arabic: أبو حفص عمر بن يحيى الهنتاتي), the first emir of Ifriqiya and the Hafsid dynasty.[2]


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