
Dodital is a freshwater lake in uttarkashi district, Uttarakhand, India, situated at a height of 3,024 metres (9,921 ft). Assi ganga rises from dodital and joins bhagirathi. The confluence is at Gangori. To reach Dodital, From Uttarkashi, a short jeep ride of q19 kilometers will take you to Sangamchatti from where the 24 km trek to Dodital begins. This is a mostly gentle trek, with overnight halt options at the village of Agora or Bebra. At Agora, which is 6 km from Sangamchatti, one can stay at one of the private lodges or alternatively, camp at Bebra which is 8 km from Sangamchatti. From there one can start the second leg of the trek the next day which will take you to Dodital via the small summer settlement of Manjhi.

There is a forest rest houses at Dodital where one can book a stay by taking a permit at the forest office in Uttarkashi. Alternatively, one can camp by carrying tents. There's a basic canteen where one can get food and tea.

According to one of the popular legends Lord Ganesha chose this place as his abode. There is a temple devoted to Lord Ganesha here. Another name for this lake is 'Dhundital' meaning Ganesh ka tal or lake of Ganesha.

From Dodital the visitors can trek further up to Darwa Top and can cross the pass to descend towards Hanumanchatti in the Yamuna valley or turn towards Chaka Gujjer hut area to cross the Bingad and explore the Bamsaru tal, Gidara and Dayara Bugyals. The trek towards Hanumanchatti is mule supported while for Gidara meadows the only option is porter support.


Dodital : The Birthplace of Ganesha One fine morning at Dodital when Parvati was taking bath, she asked the dedicated bull of Lord Shiva to remain on the entryway of the shower region with the goal that nobody can enter the zone till she says. Nandi took the guidance steadfastly yet the master Shiva drew close to the entryway when Nandi obstructed his direction revealing to him that it was Goddess Parvati's guidance to hinder the way and don't allow anybody to come inside until the point that she says. Shiva get irate, he asserted that he is the spouse of Goddess Parvati and he has the privilege to go in. He additionally directed Nandi that it was Nandi's obligation to tune in to his guidelines. Furthermore, Nandi got defenseless and couldn't prevent him from going in. Goddess Parvati was annoyed with the episode and she thought of someone who will hear her out directions and will be faithful to her and no more. She took turmeric, shoe wood and clay of Dodital for showering and favored it with life and molded a little child out of it and named him Ganesha.

Next time Parvati made Ganesha remain on the way to deny the passage. At the point when ruler Shiva attempted to come in, Ganesha ceased him. Lord Shiva got furious seeing a little kid obstructing his direction and asked his armed force (Gana) to battle the child. Be that as it may, everybody who attempted fizzled. This made master Shiva conviction that the child was not a typical youngster but rather wad favored with some exceptional power. He attempted to battle with the little one and in outrage he decapitated the young kid. At the point when Goddess Parvati saw this trembling scene she got extremely irate and revealed that Ganesha was her creation and now on the off chance that she doesn't gets him back. She will demolish the whole creation around. Hearing this frightened lord Brahma as he is the maker of the world, he asked for goddess Parvati to quiet down and stop that deed. Goddess Parvati expressed that she will just stop on the off chance that she recovers her child and she must be guaranteed that now after at whatever point there is any love or great work in India it will begin with the name of lord Ganesha.

Indeed, even all gods demand Shiva to make Ganesha alive in light of a legitimate concern for the universe, it is anyway difficult to restore ruler Ganesha in a similar shape, yet Shiva educates that another head can be joined to Ganesha's body He further says that before nightfall if any creature will surrender its head, that head ought to be brought and settled. 'Gajasura' is an elephant that Shiva-doots go over, since that time ruler Ganesha is otherwise called the elephant-headed God.


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