Can de Chira

The Can de Chira in a native dog breed of High Aragon, Aragon, Spain, is also known as perro pastor altoaragonés, is almost extinct and currently works for recovery.[1]

Can de Chira
Other namesPerro pastor altoaragonés
OriginAragon (Spain)
Dog (domestic dog)


Old photo of Can de Chira.
Complete view of Can de Chira.

Since the late 19th century it imposes the use of shepherd dogs for herd management of the Pyrenees. Some of these shepherds were consistent with the type now called Can de Chira, as confirmed by photographs of early 20th century. Can de Chira, in Aragonese, literally it means dog for turn or return the cattle.


  • General appearance: they are medium and well balanced dog-sized, agile, have lively eyes and are intelligent, have a small head and are wedge-shaped, have a rather square trunk, with a straight back, they are well-poised and of fluid movement.
  • Size: 42-47 cm (38-43 cm female)
  • Weight: 16 to 20 kg (12 to 16 kg Female)
  • Head: small in relation to the body, lupus-like and wedge-shaped, straight nose and flat skull. Non wide skull or muzzle. The proportion face/skull is more or less balanced (4/5). Black mucous membranes, nose, mouth and eyelids. Medium-high inserted ears, flat when the animal is at rest and falls forward on its face, when it is in focus. The tip comes, roughly, at the lateral angle of the eye. Vivid, dark and slightly almond-shaped eyes, but not slit-eyed. White, healthy teeth, complete dentition and scissor bite. Stop moderately marked. Lively and intelligent expression.
  • Neck: strong and straight, without jowl
  • Trunk: rather square, back straight, ventral line moderately ascending, broad and oval ribs.
  • Tail: are allowed long tails, which in activity rise in sable, and curtos animals with short tails or average length from birth.
  • Legs: strong, well composed, rounded toes, black nails and single or double spurs in hindquarters and doubles in forelegs.
  • Hair and coat:, semi-long coat, longest in the lower abdomen, calzones, arms and neck and shorter in head and trunk. Black coat with depigmentations on light gray or even white on the face, nose and distal areas. Are typical two clear spots (gray or white) and round over its eyes.


Can de Chira (long hair variety).

They have good character, are faithful and submissive to its owner, good workers, obedient, disciplined and show great interest in the cattle from few weeks of life. Today they are appreciated for the work with herds of cattle and sheep. Farmers in the Huescan Pyrenees recognize it and remember it as a kind of shepherd dog common a few decades ago, but very scarce today. Given its intelligence and loyalty, also used as a pet.


This Aragonese breed through a very critical situation, due to the advanced age of the highest quality specimens and at its dispersion, which hinders the purity matings. Currently it is working for its recovery, as of the end of 2011 it has located about 50 specimens, with which began with just half a dozen.


For the recovery of the breed are using various ways, on the one hand the control of specimens and its heats, making scheduled and quality litters, on the other hand are locating new specimens thanks to the popular collaboration, and finally the social networks are playing a crucial role to communicate, find and coordinate specimens of Can de Chira.

See also


  1. Can de Chira Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine History
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