Batman: The Animated Series (video game)

Batman: The Animated Series is a side-scrolling action game by Konami released for the Game Boy in 1993 based on the TV series of the same title. A Super NES version was also planned, but the game was ultimately released under the title The Adventures of Batman & Robin due to the show undergoing a title change between seasons.

Batman: The Animated Series
Platform(s)Game Boy
  • NA: November 1993


The game is an action-adventure platformer. The player can switch between Batman or Robin to gain access to character-specific abilities. Batman uses a grappling hook to scale heights, Robin walks across ceilings, and both characters can perform wall jumps.[1]

See also


  1. Marriott, Scott Alan. "Overview - Batman: The Animated Series". allgame. Archived from the original on December 10, 2014. Retrieved October 23, 2015.

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