
Astrothrill is an animated short film based on the alternative comics of the same name published by Cheeky Press. The film is directed by its creator, Craig Clark, an art rock, darkwave musician (Chorus of Souls on Fluxus Records), animator (Forrest Gump and The Simpsons), comic book artist (Nemesister and Timbuktu) and album cover artist (The Nymphs). Clark produced the film little by little over a period of four years, from 1999-2004.

Directed byCraig Clark
Produced byCraig Clark
Written byCraig Clark
StarringWilliam Joseph Barker
George Bowers
Renée Estevez
David Teague
Music byRays The Bell
Fu Manchu
Edited byJoe Campana
Peter Fandetti
Release date
  • July 17, 2005 (2005-07-17) (Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival)
CountryUnited States

The story features a skateboard riding space alien in his quest to enjoy great rock and roll music and the evil human beings and aliens that he must escape to enjoy it. The film features voice over work by Renee Estevez and music by Fu Manchu and The Bellrays, among others.

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