1981 October Revolution Parade

The 1981 October Revolution Parade took place on Moscow's Red Square on November 7, 1981, and was dedicated to the 64th anniversary of the October Revolution. General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev was among the high-ranking party members who attended the parade. Taking the salute was Dmitry Ustinov, Minister of Defense of the USSR and Marshal of the Soviet Union. Commanding the parade was Petr Lushev, commander of the Moscow Military District. The music was performed by the Combined Orchestra of the Moscow Garrison and conducted by Major General Nikolai Mikhailov. The 1981 parade was the first to introduce a new band layout for the orchestra. This included the full implementation of the sousaphone in the back row, as well as drummers added to the front line, spaced in between the fanfare trumpets. [1]A new model ZiL limousine used for the inspection tour was also included.[2]

See also


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