1980 Summer Olympics national flag bearers

During the Parade of Nations portion of the 1980 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena, preceded by their flag. The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country.

In partial support to the United States boycott, sixteen countries marched into the Olympic stadium under the Olympic flag. Seven of them, however, did not attend the opening ceremonies, their flags were instead carried by Moscow Olympic Committee volunteers. Two other countries (Great Britain and Ireland) paraded into the Stadium only with their officials, while four of them participated under the Olympic flag with their athletes. New Zealand, Portugal, and Spain, on the other hand, participated at the Games under their NOC flags.

Order Nation Russian Transliteration Flag bearer Sport
1 Greece (GRE)ГрецияGretsiyaIlias HatzipavlisSailing
2 Australia (AUS)АвстралияAvstraliyaDenise Boyd
Max Metzker
3 Austria (AUT)АвстрияAvstriyaKarl FerstlSailing
4 Algeria (ALG)АлжирAlzhirDjamel YahioucheSwimming
5 Angola (ANG)АнголаAngolaFernando LopesSwimming
6 Andorra (AND)АндорраAndorraJoan Tomàs RocaShooting
7 Afghanistan (AFG)АфганистанAfghanistan
8 Belgium (BEL)БельгияBeľgiyaMoscow 1980 – Volunteer
9 Benin (BEN)БенинBeninÉtienne Loco GbodolleBoxing
10 Burma (BIR)БирмаBirmaSoe KhinAthletics
11 Bulgaria (BUL)БолгарияBolgariyaAleksandar TomovWrestling
12 Botswana (BOT)БотсванаBotsvanaWilfred KarengAthletics
13 Brazil (BRA)БразилияBraziliaJoão Carlos de OliveiraAthletics
14 Great Britain (GBR)ВеликобританияVelikobritaniyaDick PalmerOfficial
15 Hungary (HUN)ВенгрияVengriyaIstván Szívós, Jr.Water polo
16 Venezuela (VEN)ВенесуэлаVenesuėlaAntonio EsparragozaBoxing
17 Vietnam (VIE)ВьетнамVyetnamPhan Huy KhảngShooting
18 Guyana (GUY)ГайанаGaïanaJames GilkesAthletics
19 Guatemala (GUA)ГватемалаGvatemalaCarlos SilvaShooting
20 Guinea (GUI)ГвинеяGvineaMamadou DialloJudo
21 East Germany (GDR)ГДРGDR[n 1]Kristina RichterHandball
22 Denmark (DEN)ДанияDaniyaJørgen LindhardsenSailing
23 Dominican Republic (DOM)Доминиканская РеспубликаDominikanskaya RespublikaMarisela PeraltaAthletics
24 Zambia (ZAM)ЗамбияZambiyaDamiano MusondaAthletics
25 Zimbabwe (ZIM)ЗимбабвеZimbabveAbel NkhomaAthletics
26 India (IND)ИндияIndiyaRandhir SinghShooting
27 Jordan (JOR)ИорданияIordaniyaAmera KhalifShooting
28 Iraq (IRQ)ИракIrakAbdul Jabbar RahimaAthletics
29 Ireland (IRL)ИрландияIrlandiyaKen RyanOfficial
30 Iceland (ISL)ИсландияIslandiyaBirgir BorgþórssonWeightlifting
31 Spain (ESP)ИспанияIspaniyaHerminio MenéndezCanoeing
32 Italy (ITA)ИталияItaliyaMoscow 1980 – Volunteer
33 Cameroon (CMR)КамерунKamerunNicolas OwonaCycling
34 Cyprus (CYP)КипрKiprKostas PapakostasJudo
35 Colombia (COL)КолумбияKolombiyaEnrique PeñaAthletics
36 Republic of the Congo (CGO)Народная республика КонгоNarodnaya Respublika KongoSolange KoulinkaHandball
37 North Korea (PRK)КНДРKNDR[n 2]
38 Costa Rica (CRC)Коста-РикаKosta-RikaMaría ParísSwimming
39 Cuba (CUB)КубаKubaTeófilo StevensonBoxing
40 Kuwait (KUW)КувейтKuveït
41 Laos (LAO)ЛаосLaosPanh KhemanithAthletics
42 Lesotho (LES)ЛесотоLesoto
43 Liberia (LBR)ЛиберияLiberiya
44 Lebanon (LIB)ЛиванLivan
45 Libya (LBA)Джамахирии Араб ЛивийDzhamakhirii Arab LiviiNuri KaheilCycling
46 Luxembourg (LUX)ЛюксембургLyuksemburgMoscow 1980 – Volunteer
47 Madagascar (MAD)МадагаскарMadagaskarSylvain RajefiarisonBoxing
48 Mali (MLI)МалиMaliNamakoro NiaréAthletics
49 Malta (MLT)МальтаMaľtaFrans ChetcutiShooting
50 Mexico (MEX)МексикаMeksikaCarlos GirónDiving
51 Mozambique (MOZ)МозамбикMozambikRaimundo FranisseSwimming
52 Mongolia (MGL)МонголияMongoliyaZevegiin DüvchinWrestling
53 Nepal (NEP)НепалNepalBishnu MalakarBoxing
54 Nigeria (NGR)НигерияNigeriyaKayode ElegbedeAthletics
55 Netherlands (NED)НидерландыNiderlandyMoscow 1980 – Volunteer
56 Nicaragua (NCA)НикарагуаNikaraguaXiomara LariosAthletics
57 New Zealand (NZL)Новая ЗеландияNovaya ZelandiyaBrian NewthModern pentathlon
58 Peru (PER)ПеруPeruWalter PerónShooting
59 Poland (POL)ПольшаPoľshaCzesław KwiecińskiWrestling
60 Portugal (POR)ПортугалияPortugaliyaEsbela da FonsecaGymnastics
61 Puerto Rico (PUR)Пуэрто-РикоPuėrto-RikoAlberto MercadoBoxing
62 Romania (ROM)РумынияRumyniyaVasile AndreiWrestling
63 San Marino (SMR)Сан-МариноSan-MarinoMoscow 1980 – Volunteer
64 Seychelles (SEY)СейшелыSeïshely
65 Senegal (SEN)СенегалSenegal
66 Sierra Leone (SLE)Сьерра-ЛеонеSyerra-Leone
67 Syria (SYR)СирияSiriya
68 Tanzania (TAN)ТанзанияTanzaniya
69 Trinidad and Tobago (TRI)Тринидад и ТобагоTrinidad i TobagoHasely CrawfordAthletics
70 Uganda (UGA)УгандаUgandaJohn Akii-BuaAthletics
71 Finland (FIN)ФинляндияFinlyandiyaPeter TallbergSailing
72 France (FRA)ФранцияFrantsiyaMoscow 1980 – Volunteer
73 Czechoslovakia (TCH)ЧехословакияChekhoslovakiyaVítězslav MáchaWrestling
74 Switzerland (SUI)ШвейцарияShveïtsariyaMoscow 1980 – Volunteer
75 Sweden (SWE)ШвецияShvetsiyaStig PetterssonAthletics
76 Sri Lanka (SRI)Шри-ЛанкаShri-Lanka
77 Ecuador (ECU)ЭквадорĖkvadorNancy VallecillaAthletics
78 Ethiopia (ETH)ЭфиопияĖfiopiyaMiruts YifterAthletics
79 Yugoslavia (YUG)ЮгославияYugoslaviyaMatija LjubekCanoeing
80 Jamaica (JAM)ЯмайкаYamaĩka
81 Soviet Union (URS)CCCPSSSR[n 3]Nikolay BalboshinWrestling
  1. GDR – Germanskaya Demokraticheskaya Respublika
  2. KNDR – Koreiskii Narodnaya Demokraticheskii Respublika
  3. SSSR – Soyuz Sovetskih Sotsialisticheskih Respublik
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