1546 in music

List of years in music (table)


  • January 1 – Arnold von Bruck retires from his position as Kapellmeister at the Viennese court.
  • May - Cipriano de Rore appointed maestro do cappella at the court in Ferrara, a post he held until 1559.


  • Giulio Abondante - the 1st of three extant books of lute music published in Venice.
  • Alonso Mudarra - 'Three Books of Music for vihuela with figured bass' published in Seville.

Classical music


  • date unknownLuca Bati, Italian composer (died 1608)
  • September 3 - Isabella Bendidio, Italian noblewoman and singer (died 1610)
  • October5 - Cyriakus Schneegas, German Lutheran pastor, hymn-writer, composer and music theorist (died 1597)

date unknown - Joachim a Burck, German hymn writer, composer, organist and Kantor (died 1610)


  • Fridolin Sicher (56), organist and composer, died in Bischofszell, Switzerland.
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