Youkai Army Corps

The fictional Youkai Army Corps (妖怪軍団, Yōkai Gundan, Apparition Army Corps) are the main antagonists in the 1994 Super Sentai series Ninja Sentai Kakuranger.


The Youkai are embodiments of the darkness of humanity that are unable to be fully destroyed due to the darkness in human hearts reviving them over time. While normally independent, some Youkai rally under Daimaou as they possess great power due to an amassed energy of human malice. But after their second leader was sealed away 400 years ago by the Kakurangers' ancestors, this forced the powerless Youkai to go into hiding and change their forms to keep up with the times. Most Youkai have a human form (sometimes distinguished with bizarre markings on their faces) and use the Ninja Arts themselves. It is stated that cowardice is the Youkai right. After Sasuke and Saizou open the Seal Door, the Youkai gain access to the cloud born from human misery and despair and use its lightning to enlarge themselves. But after the Kakurangers destroyed the cloud with their positive emotions, Daimaou became the only source of dark emotions left, prior to being resealed with the Youkai reconstituted yet trapped and powerless.


Daimaou (大魔王, Daimaō, Great Demon King, 23, 24 & 30-53) is a 1,199-year-old Youkai born from the amassed hatred of humans who originally led the Youkai Army Corps before being sealed in the Demon Seal Gate long ago by the Sanshinshou in their original human forms. He also played a role in Ninjaman's sealing and exile a thousand years prior by tricking the hero into attacking humans. In the present day, Daimaou has his son Gashadokuro set up preparations for his coming into the human world by gathering children's souls to begin a ritual to resurrect him within a month's time. Though Super Kakure Daishogun destroyed it, the Seal Door reformed itself and Daimaou emerges, turning the altar into his base of operations. When Ninjaman returns, Daimaou employs Bakuki to capture the ninja to make him a pawn for his own agenda. But as the Kakurangers got to free Ninjaman, Daimaou decides to let his target be at the moment though he briefly battles the Kakurangers when they ruined his 1,200th birthday party prior to falling back after being overwhelmed by Super Muteki Shogun.

After his 1,200th birthday, Daimaou gained the power to spawn clones of himself as he created Daradara to aid him in wiping out the Sanshinshou by putting them in a predicament through Daradara siphoning the powers of Ninjaman and four of the Kakurangers. However, due to Hakamenrou giving Ninja Red the means to ruin his scheme with Junior's manor destroyed in the process and managing to escape after being wounded by a combination of Super Muteki Shogun's Muteki Cannon Full Discharge and Super Kakure Daishogun's Iron Fist Flying Finish, Daimaou turns the human into stone before establishing himself in a new base of operations: The flying skull fortress Skull Castle (ガイコツ城, Gaikotsujō) with plans to build the Youkai Kingdom on Earth and destroy the Kakurangers. After the death of younger brother Daidarabotchi, having severed his ties to him and their sister long ago so he can focus on establishing the Youkai Kingdom, Daimaou decides to employ his sister in a scheme to have Tsuruhime fall into despair. But when the plan failed, crashing the Skull Castle on them, Daimaou provokes the Kakurangers into killing him so the evil comprising his body would consume humanity to renew the Youkai. But when the Three God Generals instructs the Kakurangers to capture him without transforming, Daimaou ups the ante before the ninjas realize the Seal Door is the collective heart of humanity. Though he attempted to escape capture, Daimaou is gravely weakened by the Three God Generals and Ninjaman before being entombed behind the Seal Door where the Youkai are reconstituted.

Daimaou is voiced by Hidekatsu Shibata (柴田 秀勝, Shibata Hidekatsu).


Nurarihyon (ヌラリヒョン, Nurarihyon, 1) is a Youkai who attempted to unite the Youkai army years ago after Daimaou's sealing. However, Nurarihyon ended up being defeated by the ancestors of the Kakurangers and sealed away.

Voiced by Yoshimasa Chida (千田 義正, Chida Yoshimasa).


Gashadokuro (ガシャドクロ, 14-31) is an infamous Youkai who is one of their race's leading figures, a brute who happily slaughters any human he comes across and loves to rock but plays the piano when he is in a bad mood. He normally appears to the Kakurangers in the guise of Young Noble Junior (貴公子ジュニア, Kikōshi Junia), a bleached blonde leather punk, but can revert to his true militant skeleton form when pumped. Uniting the Youkai under him, Junior is bent on killing off most of the humans to create a Youkai paradise. He made his first direct attack on the Kakurangers with the Shuten Douji brothers. He then made it personal for the Kakurangers by murdering Zashiki-warashi after failing to turn him evil. Though they almost got him during the trap he set up with Tsuchigumo, Junior escapes via a hot-air balloon. Junior eventually begins to carry out the ritual to summon his father Daimaoh back into the world, sending Umibozu to capture five children to begin the ritual and using his music to petrify the remaining ten to complete the ritual. As a result, Gashadokuro is infused with Daimaoh's power and is beyond the Kakurangers' ability to fight as he takes the skull-like altar he created on a building and the surrounding district into the sky beyond the Kakurangers' reach so Daimaoh's resurrection can be uninterrupted as he turn the humans trapped in the barrier to stone. While Gashadokuro appears to be completely heartless to even his lackeys and more relentless in combat, he does have some respect for the Kakuranger, as seen when he allowed his Dorodoros to give water to the Kappa-ized Seikai and Saizou to fight Nue.

Once all the Kakurangers had obtained the Shinobi Scrolls, Junior assumes his true form to battle the Chounin Beasts and stop them from destroying the Sealed Door. However, he is overpowered by them until Hakamenrou intervened. The fact that he had to be saved by the very human whom Daimaou prizes above him drove Junior to have Hakamenrou prove himself to him by killing the Kakurangers. But after mortally wounding Sandayuu when he aided Hakamenrou in saving the Kakurangers, Junior assumes his true form and overpowered the Kakurangers at first until Sasuke receives Hikarimaru to defeat Gashadokuro. But Gashadokuro refuse to accept defeat and enlarges, fighting the Chounin Beasts once again with the laser cannon he had Yugami commission for him. With this new gear, he gained an attack called "Crush Beam". But the tables turned when the team form Kakure Daishogun, and then Super Kakure Daishogun, stripping off his gear before killing him. Soon after, Daimaou states that Gashadokuro was no more than a fool to think he would be his heir though vowed to avenge him nonetheless. The mansion Gashadokuro had occupied served as his father's base of operations before it was eventually destroyed.

Dr. Yugami

Dr. Yugami (ユガミ博士, Yugami-hakase, 12-16, 20, 30 & 31): A Youkai scientist who enjoys the suffering of children and develop various weapons to aid his kind. Originally under the employ of Tengu, Yugami used the boys that Tengu kidnapped to create the Youkai Replicas. But after Tengu's defeat, Yugami flees from the town and eventually enters the service of Junior, providing the Youkai prince with mechanical weapons and armor for the other Youkai serving him. He appeared to cheer Gasha Dokuro on during the final stages of their plan until he was horrified to see his master destroyed. He was killed by a slim piece of the Seal Door which was shattered by Super Kakure Daishogun


The Legendary Youkai Nue (妖怪戦士ヌエ, Yōkai Senshi Nue, 27-29) is a legend among the Youkai who abandoned his "undignified" archaic appearance for a new form that combines elements of an eagle, a lion, and a snake with the power of tigers undiminished through the ages. The source of his power came from the tattoo on his left shoulder. Around the year 1986, Nue founded an organization of assassins in Los Angeles and enlisted the services of Gali to eliminate Jiraiya's father when he stumbled upon his activities.

Seeing Gashadokuro unfit to lead the Youkai, Nue appears as an emissary of Daimaou to deal with Saizou and Sekai during their Shinobi Scroll search by turning them into the lowest hierarchy of Kappa. From there, Nue planned to have the two kill each other so the survivor can become human again. But they two overcame their plight and fight Nue, with the aid of the Dorodoro, to change them back. After killing the Dorodoro and defeating Muteki Shogun, an enlarged Nue battles Ninja Blue and Ninja Yellow as their obtain their Hidden Scrolls and left the Youkai buried in the confrontation with their Super Ninja Beasts . However, Nue survived and sent his assassin Gali, to handle Jiraiya for him. Once Gali died, Nue resurfaced with intend to kill Jiraiya personally. However, with Ninja Black gaining God Gammer, Nue is destroyed by the assembled Super Ninja Beasts attacked with Tsubasamaru supporting them.

Nue is voiced by Tesshō Genda (玄田 哲章, Genda Tesshō).


Yamamba (ヤマンバ, Yamanba, 50-52): The younger sister of Daimaou, Yamamba lived in the mountains with their brother Daidarabotchi where she feeds on lost travelers she meets while disguised as an innkeeper named Grandma. When the Kakurangers arrive to their domain after abducting five children that she disguised as chickens, Yamamba attempts to ask Daimaou to join her and Daidarabotchi in killing the ninjas. But when Daimaou refuses, Yamamba decides to handle the trap personally. But Ninja Red manages to save the children, with Yamamba forced to retreat to Daimaou after Daidarabotchi's death. Her hatred towards the Kakurangers allows Daimaou to gives her a power boost that transforms her into a more combat-oriented form. In her new form, Yamamba is sent by Daimaou in a scheme to harvest the rage of sadness of people using the soulless Hakumenro in a scheme to put Tsuruhime on the brink of despair. Yamamba and the Flower Kunoichi-Gumi hold the male Kakurangers off, but Jiro and Taro intervene as they take Hakumenro after she enlarged. While Yamamba uses the Youkai energy lightning from the storm to make herself invincible against Ninjaman and the Three God Generals, the Kakurangers' positive emotions dissolve the cloud with Yamamba destroyed by Samuraiman, Super Muteki Shogun, and Kakure Daishogun.

Yamamba is voiced by Haruko Kitahama (北浜晴子, Kitahama Haruko).


Daidarabotchi (ダイダラボッチ, Daidarabotchi, 50): A giant yeti-like Youkai who is the younger brother of Daimaou, upset by his brother disowning him and his sister, who disguised himself as the mountain Yamamba established her inn by. He also poses as the manager of his sister's inn when not needed to be her eyes and ears in the countryside. Daidarabotchi and Yamamba planned to get rid of the Kakurangers one by one by replacing a member with fakes, but Ninja Red managed to use his shadow clones to destroy the fakes before Daidarabotchi surfaced to fight him in God Saruder. Luckily Ninjaman took over before becoming Samuraiman as he, Muteki Shogun, and Super Kakure Daishogun destroy Daidarabotchi.

Daidarabotchi is voiced by Hisao Egawa (江川 央生, Egawa Hisao).

Flower Kunoichi-Gumi

The Flower Kunoichi-Gumi (花のくノ一組, Hana no Kunoichi Gumi, 15, 16 & 20-53) are Gashadokuro's personal ninja team he created from cats. They are cruel, skilled kunoichis armed with Ninja Magic, and are capable of disguise. They each transform by the command "Battle Change!" (バトル変化, Batoru Henge) and use various Ninpo like Flower Storm, Flower Illusion, Flower Bomb, Kunoichi Missile and Flower Fantasy. Before entering battle, they say, "The Flower Kunoichi-Gumi are here!".

Outside of fighting, the kunoichi reside within their personal indoor swimming pool deck for leisure. The Flower Kunoichi-Gumi first make themselves known to the Kakurangers when Junior sends them to support the Shuten Doji brothers. They later enact a scheme by Junior to take out the Kakurangers one-by-one starting with Sasuke. With Dr. Yugami providing radio silence to render the Kakuranger unable to contact his team, the Flower Kunoichi-Gumi trick Sasuke into discarding his Doron Changer to easily kill him. However, Muteki Shogun intervened by giving Sasuke his Blazing Shogun Sword to force the kunoichi to retreat. After Junior's death, the Flower Kunoichi-Gumi serve under Daimaoh. The Sanshinshou turned them back into cats in the finale.

  • Ayame (菖蒲, Iris): Ayame wears a deep blue uniform.
  • Sakura (, Cherry Blossom): Sakura wears a pink uniform.
  • Suiren (睡蓮, Water Lily): Suiren wears an olive green uniform.
  • Yuri (百合, Lily): Yuri wears an orange uniform.
  • Ran (, Orchid): Ran wears a purple uniform.


The Dorodoro (ドロドロ, Dorodoro) are lowest form of Youkai who serve mainly as grunts. Though they have warped, ghost-like faces and are clad in light-blue tights, Dorodoro can "mold" themselves into human form. The Dorodoro have a fear of Nue, as he would not hesitate to kill them if they get out of line with him yet a group of them sacrificed themselves to aid Saizou and Seikai while the two Kakurangers were turned into lesser Youkai like themselves.

Minor Youkai

  • Kappa (カッパ, Kappa, 1, 2, 12 & 53): A Youkai who is master of Cucumber Bomb and Phantom Space Ninpou. Posing a Bespectacled Man (眼鏡の男, Megane no Otoko) in pilot attire, Kappa tricked Sasuke and Saizou into breaking the Sealing Door so the Youkai can return to power. Though he escaped Muteki Shogun, Kappa's attempt to kill the Kakurangers for making Rokurokubi cry ends with him killed when sliced down the middle by Red Saruder's Saruder Slicer. Kappa was later resurrected by Tengu with a large, curved, silver arm blade in place of his right arm and had metal boots on his feet. He faded once Tengu was killed. Appears during the series' end credits.
  • Rokurokubi (ロクロクビ, Rokurokubi, 1, 2 & 53): Kappa's wife, whose octopus-like head can detach from her body. Posing as a young Sunglasses Woman (サングラスの女, sangurasu no onna) who can extend her neck, Rokurokubi used an arcade building at the Tokyo Amusement Park as a front to make a living. However, she kidnapped Sekai and a youth who reminds her of her long dead son. When the Kakurangers intervene, keeping up with Nekomaru before it eludes her, Rokurokubi's head is enlarged to fight Red Saruder while her body battled the other Kakurangers. But when the body was destroyed by Ninja White, Rokurokubi was dying as a result before being destroyed in the explosion brought by Kappa's death. Appears during the series' end credits.
  • Oboroguruma (オボログルマ, Oboroguruma, 1, 3, 12 & 53): An oxen cart Youkai who evolved into a taxi in modern times with use of the Exhaust Bullet and Honking Flatulence Ninpo. Posing as a taxi cab driver (運転手, untenshu), Oboroguruma is one of Azukiarai's flunkies and is motivated to help him due to the abuse he suffered from humans over the years. He was chasing a man for not paying the fare when he was attacked by the Kakurangers before being saved by Jiraiya and believing there were still humans who respected his kind. But once he learned that Jiraiya used him to gain the scrolls, Oboroguruma personally sought to kill him until Jiraiya became Ninja Black. Oboroguruma then decided to destroy the entire city in a rage, overpowering Red Saruder until Ninja Black obtained the other scrolls with the Beast Generals destroying Oboroguruma with the "Vacuum Hurricane". Oboroguruma was later resurrected by Tengu with a large cannon mounted onto his back. He faded once Tengu was killed. Appears during the series' end credits.
  • Azukiarai (アズキアライ, Azukiarai, 1, 3, 4, 12, 34, 36 & 53): A garbage-based lizard youkai who ends his sentences with "shoki" and is a master of the Illusionary Trash Can, Trash Can Vacuum and Azuki Ball Ninpo. With his underlings, Azukiarai sets up his base of operations in the resident police department as its chief after kidnapping the previous one when he was snooping into their affairs. He also took four of the Jusho Ninpo scrolls for centuries. When the Kakurangers regain the scrolls, Azukiarai abuses his authority to arrest Sekai for jay walking so he can capture Saizo, Tsuruhime, and Jiraiya when they try to rescue him. While he and his group have a party to celebrate while have their way with their captives, Azukiarai finds Sasuke infiltrated the party to free his friends. Though Azukiarai used the real chief of police as a human shield, the interference of the man's son Shigeru allowed them to defeat Azukiarai. Though he traps them in his trash can so can burn them with a bonfire, the Beast Generals break free and form Muteki Shogun to finish him off. A replica of Azukiarai with a right forearm cannon was created by Dr. Yugami using a boy named Masao as the Youkai Replica's core, ceasing to be once Tengu is destroyed. Appears during the series' end credits.
  • Nurikabe (ヌリカベ, Nurikabe, 1, 5, 6, 12, & 53): A brick-wall youkai who posed as a Varsity Jacket Man (スタジャン男, Sutajan Otoko) and uses the Brick Hurricane and Wall Crush Ninpo. Nurikabe plays a maze game with his brother Mokumokuren where they bet on which of the two humans they abduct escape the trap-filled maze first. When Saizo escapes, Nurikabe loses the bet and takes out his frustration on the boy for losing his gold. When Ninja Blue comes to the boy's aid, Nurikabe uses his Brick Tile transformation Ninpou to fight the Kakurangers before enlarging with Blue Logan defeating him before destroying the manor. Blue Logan was about to destroy Nurikabe when Mokumokuren intervened. Wanting revenge, Nurikabe targeted Tsuruhime before he is destroyed by the Shark Driver attack. Nurikabe was later resurrected by Tengu with a large mechanical pincer arm in place of his right one. He faded once Tengu was killed. Appears during the series' end credits.
  • Mokumokuren (モクモクレン, Mokumokuren, 1, 5, 6, 12 & 53): Nurikabe's younger brother, this youkai posed a young Coated Man (コート男, Kōto Otoku) wearing sunglasses. In his true flasher-like form, Mokumokuren has the ability to use genjutsu on humans and various other Ninpo through the many eyes on his belly. He plays a maze game with his brother Nurikabe where they bet on which of the two humans they abduct escape the trap-filled maze first. Though he thanked Saizou for winning with a gold coin, Mokumokuren aided his brother in seeking revenge on the Kakurangers through Tsuruhime. Having fallen in love with Tsuruhime, Mokumokuren uses a necklace he and his brother bought under false pretenses to place the kunoichi under his spell to trick her into a legal binding marriage. After a "fixed" Youkai marriage court and Nurikabe's death, Mokumokuren is enlarged and is overpowered by White Kark before being destroyed by Muteki Shogun. Mokumokuren was later resurrected by Tengu with a bladed weapon in place of his right hand, fading once Tengu was killed. Appears during the series' end credits.
  • Gakitsuki (ガキツキ, Gakitsuki, 7, 36 & 53): A hungry ghost youkai with a big mouth and an even bigger appetite. Posing as an overweight Aproned Man (エプロンの男, Epuron no Otoko) with a second mouth on his belly, his true form wielded a giant knife and fork-like weapons while using the Cha Siu Roll and Soybean Cannon Ninpo. While eating at a burger joint, Gakitsuki almost devours Sekai when the others came to his aid. Gakitsuki managed to escape the Shark Drive in the guise of a fly and hid away in Sekai's stomach. From there, Gakitsuki had Sekai start eating large amounts of food in an uncontrollable manner, turning him into a giant fatso before the others learn what happened. After a few failed attempts, the group have to consider learning him behind. However, seeing Sekai in a new light, Tsuruhime assumes the form of a cheeseburger so Sekai can will himself from eating her in order for Gakitsuki to leave him. After being defeated by Ninja White and Ninja Yellow, Gakitsuki is enlarged before being destroyed by Muteki Shogun.
  • Bakeneko (バケネコ, Bakeneko, 8): A buxom white-cat youkai who hates humans for their crimes against cats, able to use scratch attacks and Illusion Ninpo along with breathing flame and using a katana. Posing as a young Pet Shop Woman (ペットショップの女, Pettoshoppu no Onna), Bakeneko set up a pet shop that serves as a front for a Yokai restaurant her customers eat the children she captured with her Kamikakushi Ninpo. When the Kakurangers ended up at her manor, Bakeneko attempts to eliminate them after they ate the food she drugged with a paralysis poison. But Sasuke and Tsuruhime saw through it with the former tracking Bakeneko to her restaurant. Though Tsuruhime saved the children, Bakeneko's hold on the children captured the kunoichi while she seemingly killed Ninja Red. After the Kakurangers save their ally from being boiled alive, getting knocked down by Nekomaru, Bakeneko is enlarged and battles Red Saruder and White Kark before being destroyed by Muteki Shogun.
  • Hitotsume-kozō Bros. (ヒトツメコゾウ兄弟, Hitotsume Kozō Kyōdai, Movie & 53): These trickster Youkai brothers in 70's clothing, the older in red and the younger in white, terrorize Yumiko and Shigeru in getting rid of the house guardian they have at their house until it drove them out with them nearly getting killed by the Kakurangers. They eventually kidnap Shigeru to force Yumiko into disposing of the guardian to complete Oonyuudou's plan. The two later fight the Kakurangers for Oonynuudou with the older brother killed by the Shark Driver attack. The enraged younger brother is enlarged alongside Oonyuudou to avenge his brother with his "giant bowling", only to be killed by Red Saruder's Saru Slicer.
  • Oonyuudou (オオニュウドウ, Ōnyūdō, Movie & 53): A giant elephant/kappa youkai who is the loser son of the Youkai Bank's owner. Annoyed with being seen as a loser, Oonyuudou uses his wand to shrink objects and create his "dream town" to rule over. He uses his tuba to place people under his illusions until the Kakurangers' "Lightning Wave" negated this effect. He tries to shrink Muteki Shogun, but it ends up being returned to normal size when he is killed by the Shogun's sword, with everything he shrunk returning to normal.
  • Dorotabo (ドロタボウ, Dorotabō, 3, 4, Movie & 9): A cauliflower-like fame-driven Youkai whose kind is scarce due to Japan's modernization, master of the Mud Ball and able to fire beams from his eyes. In the guise of the dead beat slob Mr. Dorota, Dorotabo became obsessed with TV. Using a news program to get 15 minutes of fame, Dorotabo ends up picking a fight with Jiraiya and Saizou before falling back. Upon learning that Jiraiya is on Super Battle Quiz, Dorotabo crashes the program and is challenge to a cage match to the death. After losing to Jiraiya in judo, swordsmanship, and boxing, an enraged Dorotabo is enlarged. After being pummeled by Black Gammer, Dorotabo is destroyed by Muteki Shogun.
  • Konakijiji (コナキジジイ, Konakijijī, 10 & 34): A baby-size elderly Youkai able to expand his body to a human size one, increase his weight, stretch his arms, and use the Rocky Abyss Ninpou. Posing as a gentleman (紳士, shinsei) owner of the Neverland store that served as his base of operations, Konaki-Jiji assumes an infant form to strangle any adult who gets close enough to steal their souls to bring his dolls to life so he can have a family. In order to intercept Konaki-Jiji, Sasuke was drafted to disguised himself as a baby to lure the Youkai. However, Konaki-Jiji is not fooled and has Sasuke captured to show him the fruit of his work. However, as others arrive, Sasuke escapes the deathtrap Konaki-Jiji prepared for him and defeats the Youkai with the Kakure Shoot. After Being Enlarged, Konaki-Jiji is quickly destroyed by Muteki Shogun with the souls returned to their rightful bodies.
  • Shirouneri (シロウネリ, Shirōneri, 3, 4, Movie, 11 & 53): A dust cloth Tsukumogami-type youkai who is master of the Rag Revolt, Rag Conceal, Rag Mattress Roll, and Rag Dancing Ninpo. Posing as a tattered-capped man (オンボロ帽の男, onboro bou no Otoko) in tacky clothes, Shirouneri lived in an abandoned factory with his rag collection and a magic mirror that he often asked if he is the most fashionable. But when the mirror mentioned that rags are out of season and newer clothes are in, Shirouneri shatters the mirror as he goes prove that everyone else's sense of fashion was wrong. Using his Ninja Art: Rag-a-Morphosis (忍法:ぼろヘンゲン, Ninpō: Borohengen), Shirouneri turned numerous clothes into rags which had no worth to the people who desired them. His abilities expanded to the telekinetic control of any rag and turning his right forearm into a weapon. Shirouneri eventually abducted a girl Seikai fell for who was going to ruin his plan with recycling the rags into new clothes, capturing Seikai as well before the other Kakuranger save them. After being defeated by Kakure Shoot, Shirouneri is enlarged before being destroyed by Muteki Shogun.
  • Tengu (テング, Tengu, 12): A long-nosed Youkai who can shooting beams from his eyes and fight with a wind-producing magic fan. Though considered the strongest Yokai, Tengu feels he is being overlooked by his kin and resolves to kill the Kaurangers. To that end, he placed the entire town under his control to use the populace to assist him before sicking the Youkai Replicas on them. When he gets impatient, Tengu enlarges himself and the Youkai Replicas to overwhelm the Beast Generals as he uses the Youkai Replicas as shields. However, the Kakurangers summon the Beast General Fighters to even the odds before Muteki Shogun destroys Tengu while slicing his nose off. With Tengu dead, the Yokai Replicas dissolve with the children restored to normal.
  • Kanedama (カネダマ, Kanedama, 13 & 53): A golden Youkai in robotic armor with a magnet arm attachment, he was originally a benevolent Youkai who brings luck to households before becoming evil and greedy. Posing as a gold robed exorcist named Fukuo Daikichi, Kanedama plants the golden coins Prof. Yugami developed into houses to make a profit and fleece the residents of everything they have. However, only the wife of the baker turned him down and Kanedama attempt to force the woman to reconsider by putting up the ante as the Kakurangers help her out. However, due to getting a bump on the back of his head while fighting the Kakurangers, Kanedama's con is exposed as he laced the entire building with his coins before going after Hiroshi with Sasuke saving the baker's son. Though he uses his Thievery Jutsu to take the Kakurangers' Kakulasers from them, he is defeated by Ninja Red using his Full-Moon Cut on the Yokai. Kanedama is quickly enlarged, with the Beast General Fighters delivering a quick beating to Kanedama before destroying him with Fighter Crush. Once he was destroyed, Kanedama's coins faded and his spell was broken.
  • Keukegen (ケウケゲン, Keukegen, 3-6, Movie, 14, 34 & 53): A mask adorned hairy Youkai who is able to infect people with diseased hairballs. He also uses a katana and a pair of scissors as weapons. While entertained his fellow Youkai in outing in the form of dancing, Keukegen assumes the form of a quacked doctor named Kueke before the Kakurangers encounter him when they took Seikai to his practice. He is overwhelmed by Beast General Fighters until saved by Gashadokuro. Ending up in Junior's manor, after being beaten up for losing, Keukegen is given an arm-mounted blaster by Prof. Yugami to have an advantage on the Beast General Fighters. Though he traps the Beast Generals and Beast General Fighters to subject them to his Flame Hell (炎地獄, Kaen Jigoku) Ninpo, Keukegen is caught off guard by Battle Kumard as Yellow Kumard comes to his team's aid. Transferring from the Beast Generals to the Beast General Fighters, the Kakurangers destroy the Youkai with Fighter Crush.
  • Shuten-Doji brothers (シュテンドウジ兄弟, Shuten-Dōji kyōdai, 15, 16 & 53): A pair of Oni-like Youkai that are heavy sake-drinking masters of the sword, able to fight as a unit with their United Blade fighting style. The Elder red brother has two-horns and carries a flask of sake that he uses to breathe fire. The Younger blue brother is one-horned. They were both imprisoned for killing 100 Youkai while in drunken stupor, sealed away in an underground dungeon built for the most dangerous Youkai. However, the brothers are released by Junior with the condition to kill the Kakurangers for him. With the Flowery Kunoichi Team luring the Kakurangers into the Wandering Forest and separating them, the Shuten-Doji brothers ambush the ninja group. Only Sasuke escaped the trap and managed to free the others before the brothers can turn them into sake. While the others battle the Flowery Kunoichi Team and Dorodoro, Ninja Red counters the Shuten-Doji brothers with his shadow clones before using his Full Moon Cut x 8 on them. Upon being enlarged, they were equipped with armor created by Prof. Yugami with the elder brother using a drill and the younger a buzzsaw. The Shuten-Doji brothers started to overwhelm the Beast General Fighters until the elder brother accidentally injured the younger one with an attack meant for Battle Saruder. Taking advantage, the Kakurangers form Muteki Shogun to finish the brothers off.
  • Amikiri (アミキリ, Amikiri, 3-6, Movie & 17): A bladed witch-like Youkai under Junior's command who swore to kill Saizou's bloodline for the fact his ancestor chopped her arm off in a duel, having replaced it with the bladed Demon Sword prosthesis provided by Prof. Yugami, which she used by launching the blade on it like a missile. In the form of a Beautiful Woman with a black gloved prosthetic arm, Amikiri attacked Saizou in their first meeting, cutting his SUV and clothes to pieces but forced to fall back when the other Kakurangers arrive. When Junior kidnaped of a boy named Toru who took picture of her destroying Saizou's SUV, the photos turning out to be poor, Amikiri uses the child to force Saizou into a duel to settle things. Though she overpowers him, Amikiri failed to realize that Toru took more accurate photographs of her fighting style and gave them to the other Kakurangers. Once Ninja Blue is shown the image, he duels Amikiri and defeats her with Square Formation cut. When Amikiri grew, the Kakurangers immediately formed Muteki Shogun to finish off the Youkai with the flaming sword attack.
  • Tsuchigumo (ツチグモ, Tsuchigumo, 19): A spider Youkai under Junior's command who poses as a middle aged mechanic who drives a tow truck. Capable of shooting out spiderwebs from the arms and mouth while moving at a blinding speed, Tsuchigumo abducts his victims in the dark and takes them the abandoned factory to convert into sausages. His actions were witnessed by a boy named Satoru, who told the Kakurangers of him. On Junior's order when the Kakurangers investigate his garage, Tsuchigumo captures Seikai and Satoru to lure the Kakurangers to his lair. As Sasuke manages to elude the trap and deals with Gashadokuro, the others end up in the chamber Tsuchigumo keeps his victims and are overpowered by the Youkai before Seikai breaks free and uses his Triple Slash to defeat the Youkai. Though he was enlarged with a wheel-like ring projecting from his back, Tsuchigumo is overpowered by the Beast General Fighters before Muteki Shogun finished him off. Upon his demise, his victims are freed as Gashadokuro escapes.
  • Sarugami (サルガミ, Sarugami, 21 & 36): A wicked monkey spirit under Junior's command, dressed in reggae attire, Sarugami assumes the guise of a ninja master named Daigoro Kasumi. With Dorodoro posing as his daughter, ill wife and three soccer kids, Sarugami claims his dojo is failing to trick Saizou and the other Kakurangers into showing off their attacks in a demonstration. Once the demonstration ended, Sarugami and his Dorodoro used what they have learned to defeat the Kakurangers. However, learning that they have been played, the Kakurangers trick Sarugami by teaching him a 6-member variation of the Kakuranger Ball that they turn back on him. Enraged by being outwitted, Sarugami is enlarged and then destroyed when Battle Logan takes Battle Saruder's place in the Fighter Crush attack.
  • Enra Enra (エンラエンラ, Enraenra, 22): A smoke Youkai born from car exhaust, able to transform into smoke at will and feed on carbon monoxide. He wields a variety of gases: laughing, tear gas, and numbing gas. In the form of a soda can, Enra Enra uses his laughing gas to make the populace laugh before he was discovered by Ninja White as the Kakurangers take him to the train tracks. Though he escaped them, Enra Enra is horrified by Nekomaru's added solar panels and smashes them before overwhelming Seikai before resuming his gassing of the city. However, with the aid of Maiko and her brothers, Seikai sucked Enra Enra into a vacuum cleaner. Enra Enra managed to use the Gigantism youjutsu to escape his prison and overwhelms Muteki Shogun while defeating subjecting him with his gases. Enra Enra was about to kill the Kakurangers when Maiko arrives with a machine to freeze the Youkai so the Beast General Fighters can finish him off with the Giant Kakuranger Ball.
  • Umibōzu (ウミボウズ, Umibōzu, 23 & 53): An arrogant sea Youkai under Junior, Umibozu is a powerful Youkai who breathes fire and is armed with a large sword, anchors and depth charges Umibozu was called to capture five children and petrify them to begin the ritual to resurrect Daimaou. While Junior's music petrifies the other ten needed for the ritual, Umibozu battles the Kakurangers before being enlarged after being defeated by Ninja Red fighting at his full power. Overpowering Muteki Shogun, Umibozu defeats the Kakurangers and nearly killed them were it not for Tsubasamaru arriving to even the odds. Umibozu was destroyed by the newly formed Super Muteki Shogun.
  • Ittan-momen (イッタンモメン, Ittanmomen, 25 & 36): A Youkai hitman who is specialized in strangling via colorful cloths and rides a motorcycle. He is hired by Junior to stop Sasuke from getting his Hidden Scroll. After mortally injuring Reika, his guide to the scroll, Sasuke took her death personally and was bent on gaining the Shinobi Scroll more than ever. Enlarging to stop Sasuke, Ittan-momen uses his blowtorch and cannon arm attachments to incinerate the countryside to take the ninja out. However, Ninja Red managed to knock down the giant Youkai on his own before getting his Hidden Scroll. The summoned God Saruder overwhelms Ittanmomen with Super Muteki Shogun's aid before finishing off.
  • Kasabake (カサバケ, Kasabake, 26 & 36): A cycloptic umbrella Tsukumogami-type Youkai with a fish-like face whose kind used to live in rainy weather until the creation of parasols allow him his kind to move in the day. He is sent by Junior to hinder Tsuruhime's quest for her Hidden Scroll. But once Tsuruhime obtains her scroll from Jiro and Taro after stopping him from grabbing it, Kasabake is enlarged as he finds himself facing God Kark before being destroyed by Super Muteki Shogun.
  • Nuppefuhofu (ヌッペフホフ, Nuppefuhofu, 32 & 53): A Yokai made of dead flesh who used to live in dark corners and cellars until assuming his current form with his face having a jack-o-lantern wing casing over it. He uses his long tongue to lick the faces off of people and mounts them in his room for display. Posing as a popsicle man, Nuppefuhofu is sent by Daimaou to steal peoples' faces in the dead of night to cause confusion and chaos. Though he and other Kakurangers attempt to stop him, Nuppefuhofu manages to lick Saizou's face off. However, when he attempts to go after the other Kakurangers, Nuppefuhofu is lured into a trap and is defeated by Ninja Blue. Enlarging in retaliation, Nuppefuhofu is destroyed by Super Kakure Daishogun with his victims regaining their faces.
  • Amanojaku (アマノジャク, Amanojaku, 33): A deceptive Youkai armed with a halberd, he was trapped under Bishamon statue's club within a mountain temple for his rebellious ways until he tricked Sasuke's young cousin Kosuke into freeing him. Assuming the identity of the temple's head priest, Amanojaku plots his revenge on the residents of the town who mocked him over the centuries with special mushrooms to turn them into Amanojaku like himself. He attracted the Kakurangers' attention when he kicked the temple's cat Tama in the way of Nekomaru, stumbling into Amanojaku's scheme. Chasing after Amanojaku when he abducts Kosuke, Ninja Red defeats the Yokai before destroying him with God Saruder.
  • Sunakake-Babaa (スナカケババア, Sunakake Babā, 34 & 53): While her kind were normally tricksters, with the source of their power coming from their breast size, Sunakake-Babaa uses the sand in her urn for malicious means like her signature Sand Hell attack. She also attempted to marry various Youkai - including Nurikabe, Keukegen, Azukiarai, and Konakijiji - who ended up getting killed off by the Kakurangers before falling in love with Daimaou. In the form of a Painted Lady, using Saizou as a test to gain the power to turn food into sand, Sunakake-Babaa spreads her sand into food to win Daimaou's heart in Operation Leave Everybody Starved at Barren Sand Hell. After being grounded by Nekomaru, Sunakake-Babaa counters the Kakurangers' Kakuranger Ball with her Sunakake Ball before taking her leave. However, taking advantage of her before she learns of his true identity, Saizou poses as Daimaou to learn her secret before taking out her bust. After being enlarged with her bust restored before her urn got shattered, Sunakake-Babaa is destroyed by Kakure Daishogun.
  • Kamaitachi (カマイタチ, Kamaitachi, 35): A weasel youkai posing as an elementary school principal named Itachi, Kamaitachi placed his students under his spell to turn them into Youkai. Alerted to the Kakurangers' presence, Kamaitchi uses the converted students to fight for him. However, having kidnapped their younger sister in the process, Kamaitachi finds himself getting a beat down from Yukiyo and Tsukiyo when they and Tsuruhime reformed the Punishment Sailor Sisters while the other Kakurangers held the Flower Kunoichi off. With Yukiyo and Tsukiyo taking their leave to check on the children, Ninja White finishes the Kamaitachi off before he could be enlarged.
  • Bakuki (バクキ, Bakuki, 36 & 53): A fearsome youkai who uses nightmarish illusions in conjunction with his katana, Bakuki is employed by Daimaou to obtain the Jar of Seals that held Ninjaman so that Daimaou could take him into his ranks. But when the Kakurangers intervene, Bakuki kidnaps a young girl named Mitsuko to hold for ransom at Jigoku Valley. Though appearing that he won, Bakuki the Kakurangers get both the jar and Mitsuko with Hakamenrou taking out of the Yokai's eyes from afar. After being Enlarged, Bakuki battles the newly freed Ninjaman in his world of illusions and gets the upper hand until provoking his opponent. Weakened by Samuraiman, Bakuki is destroyed by Super Kakure Daishogun's Iron Fist Flying Finish.
  • Karakasa (カラカサ, Karakasa, 37 & 53): A Western-style umbrella Youkai who came to help celebrate Daimaou's 1200th birthday through dancing, enlisted by the Youkai leader to capture the Kakurangers so she can serve their livers to him. She tricks two pranksters to get Saizo, Sekai, and Jiraiya into putting on special shoes that subject the wearer to obey her every order. Though unable to save the others, Ninja Red rescue Jiraiya with Ninjaman's help with the group using the shoes to find Karakasa at the site of Daimaou's party. Though it turned out to be trap, the actions of Ninjaman and Hakumenrou enable the Kakurangers to escape. Furious as she assumes a fighting form, Karakasa is enlarged to fight alongside Daimaou before being abandoned by him prior to her death at the hands of Samuraiman and Kakure Daishogun.
  • Ushioni (ウシオニ, 38 & 53): A bull-headed Youkai in a poncho who uses guns rather than brute strength like his ancestors, calling himself the "Youkai Rifleman". Ushioni uses bullets containing his essence to convert those he shoots with rifles into his Ushioni Human slaves to steal precious metals to fund the construction of the Onigashima Land amusement park for the Youkai. Despite Jiraiya disarming him in a gunner's duel, Ushioni's bovine instincts cause him powers up when he sees Ninja Red's suit and defeats the Kakurangers with his brute strength. However, after Ninjaman uses matador-based fighting style to weaken the Youkai, the Kakurangers defeat Ushioni with the Kakuranger Ball. After being enlarged and not falling for the matador trick again, Ushioni is destroyed by Samuraiman and Kakure Daishogun with his victims returning to normal.
  • Nopperabo (ノッペラボウ, Nopperabō, 39 & 53): A patchwork Youkai who was originally silly and content to scaring humans before becoming the Youkai world's most feared killer, able to reconstruct his body. On Daimaou's orders, Nopperabo is sent to kill the Kakurangers and is seemingly destroyed by the Shark Driver attack. But he gets a power boost from Daimaou in the form of built-in weapons: The arm-mounted Noppera Machine Gun, the concealed-kneecap Noppera Missile, and the shoulder-mounted Noppera Rifle. Luring the Kakurangers in a trap, Nopperabo is defeated by Ninja Red and is enlarged prior to be destroyed by a combo attack by Battle Saruder using Saruder Claw, Red Saruder throwing him to the ground, and God Saruder using his Twin Sword Slash. But the Youkai quickly reforms with Ninjaman/Samuraiman joining the fray before he and Super Kakure Daishogun destroys him with a Samurai Rage Bomber/Iron Fist Flying Finish combo. Though he reforms again, Nopperabo finds that his stomach is held back by Samuraiman's foot. Without that one piece, Nopperabo could no longer reform completely and thus simply ceased to be.
  • Nine-Tailed Kitsune (キュウビノキツネ, Kyūbi no Kitsune, 40): A cunning female fox youkai clad in lingerie whose ancestors wandered China and India. A greedy trickster who assumes the form of an old woman, Nine-Tailed Kitsune wanted to take advantage of Daimaou's return to buy real estate for the Youkai that would eventually move into Tokyo. To that end, tricking children into witnessing a fox wedding, 9-Tailed Kitsune uses her personal fox masked Dorodoro to kidnap the children so she can take their parents for all they have. Kitsune posed as one of her captives Sakurako to capture Tsuruhime and claim the bounty that Daimaou placed on the kunoichi, only to realize too late that Tsuruhime used herself as a distraction so her comrades could free the children. Enraged at being deceived, Nine-Tailed Kitsune uses her illusions and shotgun to overwhelm the Kakurangers before being defeated by the Kakuranger Ball. Despite being enlarged herself while brandishing a katana, 9-Tailed Kitsune ends up being destroyed by Super Kakure Daishogun and Samuraiman.
  • Chouchin-Kozo (チョウチンコゾウ, Chōchin Kozō, 41 & 53): A giant firebreathing Chinese lantern Tsukumogami-type Youkai whose ancestors were contend to scare people, having the ability to bring back five spirits who still have lingering attachments to the world. To that end, Chouchin-Kozo handpicks five of the most evil ghosts to fulfill their lingering attachments while causing chaos. However, though four meet the Youkai's expectations, the spirit of Shinya Hanada's grandfather took the place of a homicidal ghost. Upon learning it when celebrating prematurely, Chouchin-Kozo attempts to send the old man back to the afterlife to rectify his mistake before being forced to personally fight the Kakurangers alongside his ghosts. After seeing Shinya able to fight his own battles, the grandfather no longer has regrets as he becomes a flame that weakens Chouchin-Kozo so Ninja Red can defeat him and send his ghosts back. Once enlarged, Chouchin-Kozo battles Kakure Daishogun and Samuraiman before being destroyed by Super Kakure Daishogun with his only regret not seeing a line of victory lanterns.
  • Daradara (ダラダラ, Daradara, 42-44): A slime-based Youkai created by Daimaou from the contents of an egg he produced from his being as result of his newly gained cloning ability, being essentially an extension of Daimaou's being. Besides producing a deadly ooze that gives humans agonizing deaths, Daradara has the power to suck the power from his opponents and use it as his own, transferring his injuries into his victims. Used in Daimaou's scheme to destroy the Kakurangers and the Sanshinshou while draining them of their powers, Daradara siphoned Ninjaman's power to achieve a Ninjaman-like form with his own Daradara Rage Bomber attack while overpowering Super Kakure Daishogun and Muteki Shogun. Though the Sanshinshou escape from Daradara siphoning their powers, the Youkai terrorizes the city until Daimaou has him fall back to begin the second phase by siphoning the energies of all the Kakurangers save Sasuke. After being enlarged to lure the Three God Generals out by destroying the city while subjecting people to his ooze, Daradara assumes an Asura-like form with the helmets of Ninja White, Yellow, Blue, and Black around his head and a variation of their attacks, such as the Black Bow and Kakuranger Ball. However, Daradara had a glaring weakness that Hakamenrou uncovered: That he and Daimaou are spiritually linked. With this knowledge, as the Youkai was fighting the Sanshinshou, Sasuke manages to wound Daimaou enough to force Daradara to cancel his siphoning and revert to his original state. Daradara attempts to support an enlarged Daimaoh before being obliterated by Muteki Shogun and Samuraiman combining their signature attacks.
  • Oumukade (オオムカデ, Ōmukade, 45 & 53): A giant centipede Youkai in Football gear-like armor who speaks some English, and posed as Santa Claus. He had attacks like Centipede Punch, Centipede Ball, Centipede Missiles. Also possessing the Elder Santa Claus and stealing Santa's delivery truck, his plan was to give Christmas presents containing his centipedes throughout the world, so that kids who are possessed by the centipedes would move in accordance with his orders and cause chaos in the cities, leaving the Youkai free to dominate the world. Using his Santa disguise, he temporarily managed to trick Ninjaman into trying to delivering his centipede presents with Nekomaru, before the Kakurangers came in with Tsubasamaru and stopped Oumukade with the Kakuranger Ball. Turning into a giant, Oumukade is destroyed by Samuraiman's Samurai Raging Slash & Kakure Daishogun's Iron Fist God Finish attacks respectively.
  • Mujina (ムジナ, Mujina, 46 & 53): A shape-shifting Tanuki who assumed the identity of manga artist Shigeru Mizuki, Mujina waited for a longing and isolated manga lover to buy his work, "The Last Kakuranger". Once that opportunity comes, the Kakurangers find themselves in a surreal dimension where they must follow the manga's script where they are killed by Mujina's hands, as he takes on the forms of a merciless swordsman, a Shanghai spy, a spear-wielding master, an Amazoness, and a Los Angeles cop. But Akira, the boy who Mujina sold the manga to, foils the scheme with the Kakurangers returning to their world. Joined by Ninjaman, the Kakurangers defeat Mujina's assassins before he is enlarged himself and is weakened by Samuraiman as Super Kakure Daishogun lands the deathblow.
  • Kasha (カシャ, Kasha, 47 & 53): A pyromaniac youkai, armed with a giant chakram called the "Flaming Wheel", and two shoulder cannons, whose acts of arson resulted in his capture and imprisonment within the Arctic ice. There, prior to being released from his icy prison, Kasha saw an aurora that inspired him to launching a fireworks display into the winter sky to honor Daimaou. Kasha assumed the guise of a caped man and sought the skill of Ginjiro Karatsu to create a hundred fire words, arranging the destruction of Karatsu's fireworks factory to get the trick the old man into helping him. Kasha also forced Katratsu's granddaughter, Nozomi Karatsu, whose parents in killed in the fire the Youkai started, to dress up as a "Little Match Girl" to help him capture children he needed to place in the fireworks. Sasuke intentionally allowed Kasha to capture him in order to find the Youkai's base, with his teammates swapping out the fireworks that Sasuke and the children were in. After getting defeated by Ninja Red's Lightning Cut, an enlarged Kasha is overwhelmed by Samuraiman before being knocked by Super Kakure Daishogun into an enlarged fireworks launcher and literally going out with a bang.
  • Yuki-Onna (ユキオンナ, Yuki Onna, 48): An ice Youkai whose ancestors used to seduce men with their Fubuki Henshin skills, Yuki-Onna employs snow mandala magic in the Youkai cause by using her breath to turn her victims into snowmen for use in a ritual to cause an eternal winter on the world. After getting her first five victims from athletes, Yuki-Onna gets her sixth in the police officer Mr. Murata. Despite interference from Jiraiya and the Kakurangers, Yuki-Onna gets the "snowman" before learning it is Ninjaman is disguise. Losing her crown before being defeated by Ninja Black, Yuki-Onna is enlarged and uses her snowmen constructs to freeze Samuraiman and Kakure Daishogun before Muteki Shogun arrives to thaw his allies. As Muteki Shogun and Samuraiman take out the snowmen, Kakure Daishogun destroys Yuki-Onna and her spell is undone with her death.
  • Binbogami (ビンボーガミ, Binbōgami, 49 & 53): A clown-faced youkai who was born from the resentment of a greedy moneylender who lost his fortune during an uprising. To keep with the times, Binbogami gains a power boost as he uses his staff to fire his Change Binbo like his Poor Beam. Binbogami is sent by Daimaou to turn the residents of a town into slaves with the promise to restore their wealth in return for their loyalty. The only civilians who didn't fall for his tricks were the Ninomiya family. Though Binbogami had the advantage against the Kakurangers and Ninjaman, they use his past life to break his spell before defeating him the Kakuranger Ball. Binbogami is then enlarged before being destroyed by Samuraiman, Muteki Shogun, and Kakure Daishogun.


  • Onbu-Obake (オンブオバケ, Onbuokake, Piggyback Ghost, Ohranger vs. Kakuranger): A powerful Youkai that was sealed in a temple away from the other Youkai by the ancient Kakurangers. Buldont brought him in for a contest he and his father Bacchus-Rage were having to see who could kill the Ohrangers first. In a duel with Bara Haguruma, he piloted OHBlocker while Bara Gear piloted Ohranger Robo. Onbu-Obake could enlarge himself to the size of the Robos without the use of lightning. Onbu-Obake was a pervert/rapist and had a fetish for young, pretty girls, whom he could/would abduct to take their souls with a few licks from his extendable tongue. His human guise is a clown and his powers include possession and absorption attacks. He also scared Ganmazin away by showing him his spiritual form. However, the Kakurangers and Ohrangers joining forces places Onbu-Obake and Bara Haguruma at a disadvantage. After Buldont and Bacchus made a truce, Onbu-Obake envelops Bara Haguruma to form Onbu-Haguruma (オンブハグルマ, Onbuhaguruma) who endured Oh-Blocker's attack but gets destroyed by Tackle Boy after the Ohrangers' mecha use it to make the merged monster dizzy.
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