Worldwide Universities Network

Worldwide Universities Network
Established 2000
Members 23
Continents Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania,
Countries Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Ghana, Hong Kong, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States
Chair Professor dr Martin Paul (professor), Maastricht University
Executive Director Professor Peter Lennie,
General Manager Dr Mike Hasenmueller
Acronym WUN

The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) is an alliance of 23 research-intensive universities. WUN provides financial and infrastructural support to member universities to foster international research collaboration and facilitate academic mobility.


Founded in 2000, the Worldwide Universities Network is a nonprofit group of 23 research universities from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Ghana, Kenya, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States.

The current members are:

The network is funded principally by its member universities, who each pay an annual subscription fee.


WUN is managed by a Secretariat, which is responsible for the operations, communications and strategy implementation of the network.

Partnership Board

The Partnership Board provides entrepreneurial leadership of the company. The Board sets the strategic direction and vision of the company. The Board comprises the Presidents, Vice-Chancellors or Rectors of the member universities and the WUN Executive Director.

Chair: Professor dr Martin Paul, President, Maastricht University

Board Members

Academic Advisory Group

The Academic Advisory Group is responsible for overseeing the academic portfolio of the Network and advising the Partnership Board on strategic direction. It is made up senior administrators, usually at the level of Vice-President or Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for the research or internationalisation priorities of the member universities.

Institutional Coordinators

Each WUN member university appoints an administrator to manage the implementation of the WUN strategies and programs on campus and to serve as the main contact point for network initiatives. This group shares information on collaborative opportunities and develops WUN’s research programs.

Global Challenges

WUN has identified four Global Challenges as the focus for its thematic research areas. There are numerous research groups within each Global Challenge. They are:

Responding to Climate Change

The Responding to Climate Change Global Challenge encapsulates a number of research projects that address scientific, cultural, health and social issues relating to climate change. Broad themes of the research include:

  • Drivers and pressures of climate change
  • States of and impacts on systems affected by climate change
  • Managing a response to climate change.

Public Health and Non-Communicable Disease

The Public Health and Non-Communicable Disease Global Challenge emphasizes a life-course approach to opportunities for addressing non-communicable diseases, especially in low and middle income countries and transitioning populations, as well as developed societies where there are social disparities in risk. There is a particular focus on:

  • Health of family and migrants across the lifecourse
  • Resilience of adolescents in different cultural contexts
  • Schools as a setting for reducing risk factors associated with NCDs.

Understanding Cultures

The Understanding Cultures Global Challenge focuses on how globalization trends are challenging national, regional and individual cultural practices. These trends include A more integrated transnational economic system, the rise of global communications networks, increasing levels of population mobility, the advent of international consumer brands and widening social inequalities. There is a particular focus on:

  • Global Migration and Population
  • Generations in Global Context
  • Chinese Culture in the World.

Global Higher Education and Research

The Global Higher Education and Research Global Challenge addresses the sources, mechanisms and social structures that give rise to higher education challenges, and proposes reform policies for international research and education. There is a particular focus on issues of access and equity of higher education.


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