Vampire burial

A vampire burial or anti-vampire burial is a burial performed in a way which was believed to prevent the deceased from revenance in the form of a vampire or to prevent an "actual" vampire from revenance. Traditions, known from the medieval times, varied.[1] [2][3]

Archeologists uncovered a number of burials believed to be of this type.

  • A mid-16th century burial of a woman on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo in the Venice lagoon, Italy, [3]
  • Some internments in a cemetery in Greater Poland, dated 1675-1880. [4]
  • Drawsko cemetery, Poland, dated to 17th-18th centuries[5] However the theory about "vampire burials" there has been contested later.[6]
  • Gliwice, Poland, undated [7]
  • Medieval cemetery site in Kałdus, Poland[8]
  • Anti-vampire burial from Sanok


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