United States gubernatorial elections, 1981

United States gubernatorial elections, 1981

November 3, 1981

3 governorships
2 states; 1 territory

  Majority party Minority party
Party Democratic Republican
Last election 27 governorships 23 governorships
Seats before 27 23
Seats after 27 23
Seat change Steady Steady

  Republican pickup
  Democratic pickup

United States gubernatorial elections were held on November 3, 1981 in two states and one territory. Both seats were open due to term limits, and both also switched parties, resulting in zero net change for both parties.

Election results

State Incumbent Party Result Opposing candidates
New Jersey Brendan Byrne Democratic Term-limited, Republican victory Thomas Kean (Republican) 49.5%
James Florio (Democratic) 49.4%[1]
Virginia John N. Dalton Republican Term-limited, Democratic victory Chuck Robb (Democratic) 53.6%
Marshall Coleman (Republican) 46.4%
  1. The original election results were close; Florio called for a recount. The results here are from the recount.

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