United Nations General Assembly Resolution 48/114

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 48/144 is a resolution supporting "emergency international assistance to refugees and displaced persons in Azerbaijan".


UN United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 48/114
Date 20 December 1993
Meeting no. 48th session, 85th plenary meeting
Code A/RES/48/114 ([A/RES/48/114 Document])
Subject Emergency international assistance to refugees and displaced persons in Azerbaijan
Voting summary
none voted against
none abstained
Result Adopted without vote

On September 23, 1994, the United Nations General Assembly (UN GA) made a decision to include the “Report of the High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to the refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions” in the agenda (item 113) of its forty-eighth session upon recommendation of the general committee.

During the 34th meeting of the Committee for Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues[1] in November 16, 1993, the representative of Azerbaijan on behalf of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan, Turkey and Yemen submitted a draft resolution under the name of “Emergency international assistance to refugees and displaced persons in Azerbaijan” (A/C.3/48/L.23).

At the meeting the representative of Armenia suggested amendments to the draft resolution consisting of 14 paragraphs (A/C.3/48/L.29).[2] However, after 6 days, on November 22, 1993, at the 38th meeting, the committee chair stated that Armenia withdrew its amendments to the draft resolution.

Sponsoring countries

At the next meeting, the representative of Azerbaijan, on behalf of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan, the Republic of Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine and Yemen, submitted a final draft of the resolution (A/C.3/48/L.23/Rev.1). Belarus and Senegal supported the sponsoring of the revised draft resolution.

The committee approved the draft resolution (A/C.3/48/L.23/Rev.1) without a vote at the 39th meeting. Belgium issued a statement on behalf of the European Union. The report of the committee also included the draft resolution titled “Emergency international assistance to refugees and displaced persons in Azerbaijan”. It was introduced to the 48th Plenary Session of the UN GA (A/48/631).[3]

In December 20, 1993, the resolution was discussed in the Plenary meeting of the UN GA. The President of the 48th session proposed to adopt the resolution without a vote, and the committee approved this course of action.[4] Resolution 48/114 entitled “Emergency international assistance to refugees and displaced persons in Azerbaijan” was then passed and then continued.

Full text


  1. "UN General Assembly - Third Committee - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural". www.un.org. Retrieved 2017-12-20.
  2. "Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Questions Relating to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons and Humanitarian Questions Armenia: proposed amendments to draft resolution A/C.3/48/L.23" (PDF). www.data.un.org.
  3. "Report of the High Commissioner for Refugees, Questions Relating to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons and Humanitarian Questions" (PDF). www.data.un.org. Retrieved 20 December 2017.
  4. "A/48/PV.85 - E". undocs.org. Retrieved 2017-12-20.
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