Trio Los Condes

Trio Los Condes is a Puerto Rican music trio that has had international success throughout Latin America and in the United States. The trio has released several albums, including collaborations with Tito Lara, Armando Manzanero,[1] Julio Angel, Manny Manuel and others. The trio was formed in 1959 in Manhattan, New York City. The original members were Rafael "Rafita" Maldonado, lead singer and guitar; José Luis "Tato" Díaz Rodríguez, second harmony singer and guitar; and Fernando Ramos, requinto player, third harmony singer and director. [2]

  2. Fundación Nacional para la Cultura Popular | San Juan, Puerto Rico: Trio Los Condes. Published 6 July 2014. Accessed 8 November 2016.

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