
Thummalapenta is a village in Kavali mandal. It is located on the east coast of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is a village of more than 1000 households and 4000 people. It is about 70km from nellore. It is one of the tourist places in Nellore.the village has beach with Haritha resort.there are lot of people come to relax on the beach About 4000 people live in our village . The people are from different castes and communities. There are Hindus and Christians Most of the people are dependent upon agriculture and aquaculture.

There is an association of the people to develop the village . The association helps the por people for loan at low interest. Villagers are cooperative, so our village is an example of co-oprative village People  organize volleyball and cricket tournament annually.
The climate of the village is very good. It is neither so cold and nor so hot.  Pure drinking water is provided. 

As the villagers are hardworking and honest, it is being improved with many facilities. It is one of the best villages


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