Theonoe (daughter of Proteus)

In Greek mythology, Theonoe was a character In Euripides' play Helen, who is the daughter to the Egyptian king Proteus, and sister of Theoclymenus the current king of Egypt.


According to Euripides' telling,[1] Paris only abducted a phantom of the title heroine from her husband Menelaus and the real Helen was taken to Egypt by the gods, where Proteus attempted to marry her, but she would not consent. Theonoe didn't want her brother to marry Helen against the latter's will, and when Menelaus also ended up in Egypt after getting caught in a sea storm on his way home from Troy, she helped them escape together. Theoclymenus accused Theonoe of plotting against him and sentenced her to death, but the Dioscuri (brothers of Helen) intervened and saved her life. According to Conon,[2] Theonoe fell in love with Canopus, the young and handsome pilot of Menelaus' ship; he, however, did not return her feelings.


  1. Euripides, Helen, 865-1029; 1624-1657
  2. Conon, Narrations, 8
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