The Werewolves of Millers Hollow

The Werewolves of Millers Hollow
Designer(s) Philippe des Pallières and Hervé Marly
Illustrator(s) Alexios Tjoyas (Basic Game, New Moon and The Village); Misda and Christine Deschamps (Characters)
Publisher(s) Asmodee Editions
Years active

2001 : Basic Game ; 2006 : New Moon ; 2009 : The Village ; 2012 : Characters ;

2014 : The Pact
Genre(s) Character game
Language(s) French
Players between 8 and 47
Playing time half an hour

The Werewolves of Millers Hollow (French: Les Loups-garous de Thiercelieux) is a card game created by the French authors Philippe des Pallières and Hervé Marly that can be played with 8 to 47 players.[1] The game is based on the Russian game Mafia. It was nominated for the 2003 Spiel des Jahres award.

Basic Game


The game contains 24 cards:

- 4 Werewolves

- 13 Ordinary Townsfolk

- 1 Seer

- 1 Little Girl

- 1 Witch

- 1 Hunter

- 1 Cupid

- 1 Thief

- 1 Sheriff

The rules

The animator preparing the cards
The debate

Before the game, one person is assigned the role of Moderator. The other players sit in a circle, and the Moderator picks the roles he wants to have in this particular game. He gives the players one card each, all the players look at their cards without showing anyone, and put them face-down in front of them. The game takes place in 2 parts:

- Night: all the players close their eyes. The Moderator calls the characters that have abilities, one at a time each person called will open their eyes, perform his/her role's special action, and close them again.

- Day : everybody opens their eyes. The Moderator gives the name(s) of the player(s) which have been killed during the night. Those killed aren't allowed to speak to the living for the rest of the game. Then, all the survivors debate and vote to lynch a player they think is a werewolf.

(see the conditions of victory in the groups)

The groups

In the basic game, there are 2 different groups :

- the werewolves : their goal is to eliminate all the villagers.

- the villagers (all the other cards) : their goal is to eliminate all the werewolves.


Each night, the werewolves pick 1 (this can change with the Personnages expansion pack) player to kill. The victim can be anyone except the Moderator, including other werewolves. The next day, they pretend to be a villager and try to seem unsuspicious. The number of werewolves in a game varies depending on the number of players.

Ordinary Townsfolk

They don't have any special power except thinking and the right to vote.

Seer/ Fortune Teller

Each night, they can discover the real identity of a player. They must help the other villagers but discretely to not be found by werewolves.


If they are killed by werewolves or eliminated by vote, they must immediately kill another player of their choice.


The first night, the Cupid chooses 2 players and make them fall in love. If one dies, the other dies too. A lover can't vote against the other lover. If the lovers are a villager and a werewolf, their objective changes; they must eliminate all the players except them.


She has two potions :

- one to save the werewolves's victim

- one to eliminate a player

She can only use each potion once during the game. She can use both [2] potions during the same night. She can save herself if she has been attacked by the werewolves on the first night.

Little Girl

The little girl, can, secretly, look at the werewolves during their turn. If she is caught in the act, she dies instead of the victim.


This card is given to a player besides their card. They are elected by a vote. This player's vote counts for 2 instead of 1. If they die, they will decide who will be the next Sheriff.


If we play the thief, we have to add two cards more than the number of players. After each player received a card, the two cards are put in the center of the table. The thief can, during the first night, exchange his/her cards with one of those cards that he/she will play until the end of the game. If the two cards are werewolf, the thief has to take one of the two werewolf cards, until the end of the game.

Game's turns

1st Night Only



Every night

Werewolves (Little Girl)



1st Extension : New Moon

New Characters

The village Idiot

If he is chosen by the village to be eliminated, he stays alive, but he cannot vote anymore.

The ancient

He can resist the first werewolf's attack, but if he is killed by the witch, the huntsman, or the villagers, the villagers lose their powers.

The scapegoat

If the village can't agree about who to eliminate, the scapegoat is eliminated. Nevertheless, he can decide about who can vote the next day.

The savior

Each night, he can protect a player from attack by the werewolves. He can protect himself, but he can't protect the same player two consecutive nights.

The pied piper

His objective is to charm all the players alive except him (he can't charm himself). Each night, he can charm two players that wakes up and recognise with those of the nights before.

New moon

Each morning, the animator take a card in the 36 that makes something special. It can be for the rest of the game or for the following day and night.

2nd Extension : The Village

New Characters

This extension contains 3 new characters.

The white werewolf

His objective is to be the only survivor. He wakes up every night with the werewolves. But one night out of two, he wakes up and kills a werewolf.

The raven

Each night, he can choose a player that will have a penalty of two voices for the vote.

The pyromaniac

Once in the game, he can burn a building. If the owner of the building is the target of the werewolf's attack, the owner survives and the werewolf to the right of the owner dies instead.

The buildings

It's other roles that are given to some players by the choice of the animator or by draw that are visible for all the players

The farm

The farmers choose between them the captain.

The bakery

The baker can wake up when the animator says "The werewolves are going back to sleep"

The school

The teacher can't vote. Every day, she can also forbid to two players to vote.

The manor

Once during the game, the lord can save the village's victim.

The church

Once in the game, the priest can oblige a player to show him his character card.

The tavern

Werewolves can't kill him and villagers can't vote against him. He votes before the other players. But if he votes for somebody that gets eliminated, he gets killed.

The mace

Once in the game, the bonesetter can give back the power to somebody that already used it.

The Notary's House

When players die, they can give their building to the other players.

The Barber's House

Once in the game, he can eliminate a player. But, if he isn't a werewolf, he is also eliminated.

3rd Extension : Characters

The villager villager

On the two faces of the cards, there is the illustration of a simple villager. So, everybody knows that it's a simple villager.

The two sisters

They wake up on the night and exchange signs to decide of the decisions to take to save the village. They know who is her other sister and so can trust her.

The three brothers

The same thing that the two sisters except they are three.

The angel

His objective is to die on the village vote of the first day. If he doesn't, he becomes a simple villager.

The judge stutterer

Once in the game, he can decide that there is a second village's vote by a sign that he had shown to the animator during the first night.

The knight with the rusty sword

If he dies during the night. the first werewolf at its left dies the following morning.

The fox

Each night, he can choose three players. If in these three players, there is at least a werewolf, the animator gives the fox a positive sign and he preserves his power. But, if there isn't werewolves in these three players, the animator gives the fox a negative sign and he loses his power.

The bear leader

If one of his two neighbours is a werewolf, the animator informs the bear leader that he is next to a werewolf.

The actor

If the actor option is played, three extra cards are added more than the number of player. So three cards won't be distributed to the players. The actor can, during the three first nights, exchange his card with one of these three cards. After the third night, he becomes a simple villager.

The devoted servant

The devoted servant can, whenever during the game, exchange her card with the village vote's victim's. She plays this character until the end of the game.

The abominable sectarian

At the beginning of the game, the animator divides the players in two groups (for example: men/women). Its objective is to kill all the players of the other group than its.

The wild child

The wild child is a villager who, at the beginning of the game, chooses a player. If during the game this player dies, the wild child becomes a werewolf.

The dog wolf

At the beginning of the game, he can choose if he want to be a simple villager or a werewolf.

The big bad wolf

It's a werewolf. But, until no wolf, wild child or dog wolf died, he wakes up again and eats another villager.

The vile father of wolves

It's a werewolf. Once in the game, he can transform the werewolves's victim into a werewolf. This one preserves his powers.

In connecting with the New Moon extension

The gypsy without potion

Five times in a game, she can use her power and the following day a spiritism card instead will be taken instead of the policeman's package.

The policemen

It's a responsibility more than the character. He is chosen by the captain, and he is in charge of the event cards.

The pact

Since 2014, the basic game and all the extension are available in the same box : the pact.

Loups Garous en ligne

Since 2011, the Werewolves of Millers Hollow has an online adaptation. This adaptation has 2 special characters and you can play different types of games :

  • Fun game : to play to relax and in which you can make special rules for a game
  • Carnage game : a little and fast fun game
  • Normal game : a mix of the fun and serious game
  • Serious game : to play a very serious game

Special characters

The shaman

Each night, the shaman can see the dead's messages.

The puppeteer

Once during the game, he can take the place of a werewolf.


  1. "The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow (2001)". Retrieved 10 February 2017.
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