The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism

The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism
Author Charles D Ferguson
William C Potter
Amy Sands
Subject Nuclear terrorism
Publication date
Pages 376 pp.
ISBN 978-0-415-95243-9
OCLC 57965807

The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism is a 2004 book by Charles D. Ferguson and William C. Potter (with Amy Sands, Leonard S. Spector and Fred L. Wehling) which explores the motivations and capabilities of terrorist organizations to carry out significant attacks using stolen nuclear weapons, to construct and detonate crude nuclear weapons, to release radiation by attacking or sabotaging nuclear facilities, and to build and use radiological weapons or "dirty bombs." The authors argue that these "four faces" of nuclear terrorism are real threats which U.S. policy has failed to take into account. The book is the result of a two-year study by the Monterey Institute's Center for Nonproliferation Studies.[1][2][3]

See also


  1. The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism
  2. The American Physical Society
  3. Bennett Ramberg (March 1, 2005). "Avoiding the Nuclear Nightmare". Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. pp. 67–68.

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