The Cabinet of Dr. Fritz

The Cabinet of Dr. Fritz was a 1984–85 binaural radio drama series produced by Thomas Lopez and the ZBS Foundation for NPR. At the beginning of each show, it was suggested that listeners wear headphones.


The stories were recorded with dummy head recording or "Kunstkopf binaural sound". The Cabinet of Dr Fritz production used a Neumann Ku81 solid rubber head with microphones set inside the inner ear chambers, nicknamed "Fritz".[1]

The series was produced with funds provided by the New York State Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting through National Public Radio Satellite Program Development Fund.[2]

Sticks, from Karl Edward Wagner's story,[2] and The Mist, adapted from Stephen King's novella,[3] were later offered commercially in "3D-Sound" on cassettes and CDs.

In Stereophile, Thomas J. Norton reviewed:

Clearly demonstrates the dramatic possibilities of the binaural art... It's a striking recording... The sense of depth and space is startling; the ambient feel of the environment combined with the sense of movement and positioning of the dialog and highly effective sound effect makes for a memorable experience... Listen in a darkened room for maximum impact.[3]


  1. ZBS Foundation » Catalog » 3D Binaural Sound "All the 'Cabinet of Doctor Fritz' stories were recorded in Kunstkopf binaural sound. Kunstkopf literally translated means 'art head', and refers to a German-manufactured recording device: a Ku81 solid rubber head with microphones set inside the inner ear chambers. Nicknamed 'Fritz', the Ku81 picks up sound so perfectly that when you listen to the recording you'll be convinced that those heavy shuffling footsteps, demented little chuckles and wheezing gasps are six inches from the nape of your neck."
  2. 1 2 "Craig A. Finseth's episode guide". The Nation's Report Card. Retrieved 21 September 2012.
  3. 1 2 "The Binaural Source". Retrieved 21 September 2012.
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