
Tinglish (US and Thailand)[1] or Thaiglish (UK) (also Thenglish, Thailish or Thainglish) is the imperfect, macaronic form of English produced by native Thai speakers due to language interference from the first language . Differences from standard native English include errant pronunciation, unusual word choices, and grammatical anomalies, as well as innovative vocabulary items .

Characteristics and examples

Characteristics and examples (direct translation) include :

  • omission of pronouns
  • zero copula
  • use of present tense + already, in contrast to past tense of Standard English
  • non-standard use or omissions of articles, declension, prepositions, and conjugation.
  • addition of Thai final particles, e.g., I don’t know na
  • any and every are used interchangeably
  • different use of conditional constructions
  • pronunciation of silent letters in a word
  • omission of the consonant at the end of words ending in a diphthong and a consonant, for instance Mickey Mouse pronounced “Mickey Mao”, white wine pronounced “why why”, and news pronounced “new”.
  • inserting vowel sounds into consonant clusters, for instance slow pronounced “sah-low”
  • no use of double negatives
  • /ɹ/ pronounced as /l/
  • ⟨th⟩ pronounced as /t/
  • using "N" to replace an "L" sound at the end of the word, for instance "school" pronounced "sah-koon" or "football" pronounced "futbon"
  • moving "S" on singular verbs to the subject, for instance "He's talk too much" instead of "He talks too much"
  • omission of prepositions, for instance "I wait you" instead of "I'll wait for you" or "I listen him" for "I listened to him".
  • "very" and "very much" are used interchangeably, for instance "I very love my daughter" and "She beautiful very much".

Examples of words and phrases

Examples (direct translation) include:

Phrase Meaning
Same sameSimilar, as usual
Same same but differentSeems similar but different in some ways
He same youHe is/looks like you
Open/close the lightTurn on/off the light
No have …There is no ..., I do not have a …
I send you airportI will take you to the airport
I have ever been to LondonI have been to London
I'm interesting in footballI am interested in football
I very like itI really like it, I like it very much
I used to go PhuketI have been to Phuket before
Take a bathTake a shower
She blackShe's dark skinned/tanned
Are you spicy?Does your food taste spicy?
Are you boring?Do you feel bored?
I play internet/phoneI'm using the internet/my phone
Check billCan I have the bill, please?


As some sounds in English just simply don't exist in Thai language, this affects the way native Thai speakers pronounce English words :

  • Non-rhotic, e.g., more -> maw ([mɔː]), gear -> gia ([kia]), and car -> kah ([kʰaː]).
  • all syllables are stressed with the same intensity
  • omits consonant clusters. "Mixed" is pronounced "mik".
  • final consonants are often omitted or converted according to the rules of Thai pronunciation: l and r become n; p; b and f become an occlusive p; t, th, d, s, st, sh, ch and j become an occlusive t.
  • Perversely, given the language constraints for d and l among the rules above, l can become r and d can become sh, for instance blood can become brush.
  • If there is more than one consonant at the end of a syllable, only the first is pronounced, the others are omitted. "W" and "Y" sounds count as consonants, too. So, "count down" becomes "cow dow", "size" becomes "sigh"
  • "sh" and "ch" sounds can be indistinguishable as the Thai language does not have the "sh" sound, e.g., ship/chip, sheep/cheap
  • "v" sound is almost always replaced by "w" sound, e.g. "TV" is pronounced "tee-wee" and "video" is pronounced "wee-dee-oh".
  • "g" and "z" sounds are usually devoiced, e.g., dog -> dock ([ˈdɔk]), zoo -> sue ([ˈsuː])
  • "th" sound is often replaced by "t" or "d" sound. Particularly, the voiceless "th" (/θ/) is replaced by [t] or [tʰ], while the voiced "th" (/ð/) is replaced by [d], e.g. thin -> tin ([ˈtin]) or [ˈtʰin]), through -> true ([ˈtʰɹuː]), thank you -> tang kyou ([tɛŋ kiw]) or ([tʰɛŋ kiw]), and then -> den ([ˈden]).
  • ambiguity between the short "e" (/ɛ/), as in "bled", and a long "a" (/eɪ/), as in "blade" because both are pronounced as [e(ː)].
  • "e (vowel) " so cherry is pronounced chuhr-lee, error is pronounced err-rer

In Thai, certain consonants cannot occur as a consonant cluster. Such illicit clusters include those with sibilant sounds followed by obstruent sounds. In order to avoid such illicit forms, a short "a" (ah; [ə]) sound is added between these consonants:

  • start - sahtat (/səˈtaːt/)
  • sleep - sahleep (/səˈliːp/)
  • speak - sahpeak (/səˈpiːk/)
  • snore - sahnore (/səˈnɔː/)
  • swim - sahwim (/səˈwim/)
  • school - sahkoon (/səˈkʰuːn/)
  • album - alabum (/ələˈbam/)

'R' or 'l' after another consonant may be omitted completely.


  1. Kong Rithdee (2012-03-10). "Davos, Tokyo and clueless Tinglish". Bangkok Post. p. 7. Seriously, watching that clip, I rooted for her to pull it off, to show that Suvarnabhumi English, our Tinglish, is as good as any as long as what she meant to say came off.
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