Terry Darlington

Terry Darlington is the author of three books Narrow Dog to Carcassonne (2004), Narrow Dog to Indian River (2006) and Narrow Dog to Wigan Pier (2013).[1] The three books, which humorously describe his narrowboat travels with his wife Monica and pet whippet Jim, have sold a quarter of a million copies to date.[2]

Darlington was brought up in Pembroke Dock. He moved to Stone, where he founded market research company,Research Associates, in 1976. He was a founder member of the Stone Master Marathoners running club.[3]

Narrow Dog to Carcassonne

On their retirement, and against the advice of many, Terry and Monica Darlington decided to sail their canal narrowboat across the English Channel and down to the Mediterranean. Accompanyig them on the voyage was their pet whippet Jim – the narrow dog of the title. [4] [5] [6][7]

Narrow Dog to Indian River

Inspired by the success of his first book, the Darlingtons navigated the US Intracoastal Waterway from Norfolk, Virginia to the Gulf of Mexico.[8] [9]

Narrow Dog to Wigan Pier

Darlington's third book is about the loss of the Phyllis May in a fire, and two summers spent exploring the northern canals of England in the boat's replacement, Phyllis May II. [10][11][12] [13]


In 2009 the Darlington's narrow boat, Phyllis May, was destroyed by fire while moored in the Canal Cruising Company's boatyard in Crown Street, Stone.[14] The fire, which had started in a nearby boat, spread to an adjacent one and then to the Phyllis May, which was gutted from bow to stern.[15] It was replaced by Phyllis May II.


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