
Founder Saito Hangan Denkibo Katsuhide
Date founded November 21, 1582
Period founded Late Muromachi period
Current information
Current headmaster Kimura Yasuko
Arts taught
Art Description
Naginatajutsu Glaive art
Kenjutsu - ōdachi, kodachi, nitō, tantō, kaiken Sword art - long sword, short sword, two swords, dagger
Jōjutsu Short staff art, used to simulate a broken naginata
Kusarigamajutsu Chain and sickle art
Ancestor schools
Kashima Shintō-ryū
Descendant schools
None identified

Tendō-ryū (天道流) is a koryū (school of traditional Japanese martial arts) founded in 1582 by Saito Hangan Denkibo Katsuhide.[1] Current headmaster (as in 2014) is 17th sōke Kimura Yasuko. [2]

Although Denkibo was already an incredibly talented Samurai, he felt that his technique was still incomplete and went to the Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine in Kamakura to pray for 100 days. In 1581, Denkibo had the revelation he was longing for and created his school named Ten Ryu, the “School of Heaven”, which later became the Tendo Ryu, the “School of the Way to Heaven”.

Although it is mainly renown today for its techniques with the Naginata, the Japanese glaive, Tendō-ryū actually includes the practice of various other weapons: the long and short swords, both swords simultaneously, the dagger, the staff (representing the shaft of a broken Naginata), and the Japanese sickle with a chain (Kusarigama).

The modern version of the Naginata practice, called Atarashii Naginata, is one of the 9 official modern Budo recognized by the Nippon Budokan. Tendō-ryū is one of the two original styles of Naginata Jutsu it comes from, with the Jiki Shinkage Ryu.


  1. Skoss, Diane (1997). Koryu Bujutsu. Classical Warrior traditions of Japan, Volume 1. New Jersey, Koryu Books. p. 81. ISBN 1-890536-04-0.
  2. Seido - Budo Equipment & Practice in Japan (2018-03-22), Yasuko Kimura Soke - Tendo Ryu Sogobujutsu [Interview Part 1/2 - EN/FR/JP], retrieved 2018-05-03

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