Technical performance measure

Technical performance measures (TPM) is a term used by the US military to refer to key technical goals that needed to be met, where the technical goals were vital for the functioning of a system in its environment.


TPM is defined as "the continuing prediction and demonstration of the degree of anticipated or actual achievement of selected technical objectives."[1]

A definition given by Dr. Norman Waks, formerly Director of Defense Research and Engineering in the Office of the Secretary of Defense is as follows:

"... we know that the regular demonstration through test or prediction, extrapolation, or other forecasting technique, of the degree of actual or anticipated achievement of selected technical goals or objectives of a system, component, or equipment project/program and an accounting, in the causal sense, for the difference between the result of this status reading and that which was planned, in a fashion which permits appropriate managers to take timely action on indicated problems."[2]


  1. Technical Performance Measurement Handbook. Fort Belvoir: Defense Systems Management College. 1984. p. 3. Retrieved 20 November 2014.
  2. Waks, Norman (December 1968). "Technical Performance Measurement - A Defense Department View". Defence Industry Bulletin. , quoted in "TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT HANDBOOK". Defense Systems Management College. July 31, 1984. Retrieved October 19, 2009.
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