Tadeusz Pikus

Bp Tadeusz Pikus
Coat of arms of Tadeusz Pikus

Tadeusz Pikus (born September 1, 1949 in Zabiele, Mońki County) is a Polish Roman Catholic bishop and professor of fundamental theology, who has been Auxiliary Bishop of Warsaw from 1999 to 2014, bishop of Drohiczyn since 2014.


He studied at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw and at the University of Navarre in Pamplona, Spain. He was ordained on June 7, 1981. For two years he served as vicar and catechist in the parish of Holy Family in Jaktorów.

Returning from Spain, he was a lecturer, Prefect, and then Vice-Rector at the Major Metropolitan Seminary of St. John the Baptist in Warsaw. He was also appointed minister of entrepreneurs and promoters of economic life in Warsaw and was the rector of the seminary church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Białystok.

On May 8, 1999 he was consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Warsaw.[1] He currently teaches at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. On October 13, 2005 the Ministry of Education awarded him the Medal of the National Education Commission for outstanding contribution to education.

On 29 March 2014 was named bishop of Drohiczyn.


  • Aleksander Mień, kapłan Kościoła prawosławnego – zamordowany, ISBN 83-7192-012-1, Warsaw 1997
  • Rosja w objęciach ateizmu, ISBN 83-85706-35-6, Warsaw 1997
  • Aksjologiczny wymiar religii w twórczości Aleksandra Mienia : studium analityczno-krytyczne, ISBN 83-86851-88-0, Warsaw 1998
  • Katolik w Rosji, ISBN 83-87802-67-0, Warsaw 2003
  • O władzy w Kościele, ISBN 83-89203-06-5, Warsaw 2003
  • Etiologiczna demarkacja dialogu religijnego w Kościele Katolickim, ISBN 83-7072-414-0, Warsaw 2006


  1. "Bishop Tadeusz Pikus". Catholic Hierarchy. Retrieved 4 January 2012.

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