Suea rong hai

Suea rong hai served on a dish

Sua Rong Hai (Thai: เสือร้องไห้) is a Northeastern Thai local food cooked from brisket of beef, seasoned with flavored with spices, rare grilled, sliced into small pieces, and served with sticky rice and other dishes. Its name is based on local myth, which means “crying tiger”.

Ancient belief

As the ancient Thai culture life depend on the forest, which is food source for people. There are many cows in the forest which is tiger’s food, when people saw the remaining of cow that was hunted down and eaten by tiger. They assume that if tigers had have an emotion and feeling like human, they would have cried because most of them leave the brisket cut rotten. People use this cut to cook delicious dish and named it “crying tiger".[1] On the other hand, it is imagination of ancient people that compare the appearance of brisket cut to the skin of tiger and called it tiger meat. When grill the meat, the fat that accumulated in muscle fiber are melted by the heat and dropped like a tear, so they named the dish “crying tiger” by the imagination.



1. 500grams of brisket cut beef thickness of 1 cm.

2. 1 tablespoon of fish sauce.

3. 1 tablespoon of white soy sauce.

4. ½ teaspoon of salt.

5. ½ teaspoon of ground pepper.


1. Mix the beef with prepared seasoning and then put in fridge for 2 hours.

2. Grill the marinated beef on medium heat until it is rare level.

3. Sliced the grilled beef into small pieces and serve on the dish.


Nam Jim Jeaw

The originally dipping sauce called “Nam Jim Jeaw” also known as sour and spicy chili dip which made from standard vegetable and spices mixed up , the ratio of ingredient and taste is up to the vendor’s recipe which have special ingredients such as tamarind sauce instead of lemon juice and red onion and roasted chili for good smell.

Standard ingredients[3]

1. 2 tablespoon of powdered chili.

2. 1 tablespoon of coconut palm sugar.

3. 1 tablespoon of roasted rice.

4. 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

5. 2 tablespoon of fish sauce.


  1. Wararat (2005). Tamnan Puenbaan central and east region. Baan nang sue publisher
  2. "สูตรวิธีทำเสือร้องไห้".
  3. "สูตรทำน้ำจิ้มแจ่วรสแซ่บ".
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