
Stenogyne rugosa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Stenogyne
  • Phaeopsis Nutt. ex Benth.

Stenogyne is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family first described in 1830. The entire genus is endemic to Hawaii.[1][2]

  1. Stenogyne angustifolia A.Gray - narrowleaf stenogyne
  2. Stenogyne bifida Hillebr. - twocleft stenogyne - Molokai
  3. Stenogyne calaminthoides A.Gray - bog stenogyne - Big Island
  4. Stenogyne calycosa Sherff - Maui
  5. Stenogyne campanulata Weller & Sakai - Kalalau Valley stenogyne - Kauai
  6. Stenogyne cinerea Hillebr - Maui but extinct
  7. Stenogyne cranwelliae Sherff - Big Island
  8. Stenogyne haliakalae Wawra - Maui but extinct
  9. Stenogyne kaalae Wawra - Oahu
  10. Stenogyne kamehamehae Wawra - Molokai, Maui
  11. Stenogyne kanehoana O.Deg. & Sherff - Oahu stenogyne - Oahu
  12. Stenogyne kauaulaensis K.R.Wood & H.Oppenh. [4] - Maui
  13. Stenogyne kealiae Wawra - Kauai
  14. Stenogyne macrantha Benth. - Big Island
  15. Stenogyne microphylla Benth. - Maui, Big Island
  16. Stenogyne oxygona O.Deg. & Sherff - Big Island but extinct
  17. Stenogyne purpurea H.Mann - Kauai
  18. Stenogyne rotundifolia A.Gray - pua'ainaka - Maui
  19. Stenogyne rugosa Benth . - ma'ohi'ohi - Maui, Big Island
  20. Stenogyne scrophularioides Benth. - mohihi - Big Island
  21. Stenogyne sessilis Benth. - Lanai, Maui, Big Island
  22. Stenogyne viridis Hillebr. - Maui but extinct


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