Robert D. Buchanan

Robert D. Buchanan (born 17 August 1931) is a creator of several animated TV shows in the 1950s and 1960s.

Most notably, he created the five-minute cartoon Colonel Bleep, the first color cartoon produced for television. Produced at Soundac Studios in Miami, Colonel Bleep was syndicated in 1957.

In 1965, Buchanan co-produced another animated series, Mighty Mr. Titan. Soundac also produced Weather Man, a series of short animated clips for stations that relied on Weather Bureau forecasts to relay the weather.[1]

Buchanan and Soundac ceased operations in the early 1970s. Master tapes of his productions were stolen during the closedown process, and as a result, only a portion of the company's productions remain: roughly a fourth of Colonel Bleep episodes, and one black-and-white kinescope reel of Weather Man clips (Mighty Mr. Titan is believed to be mostly intact).


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