Slow living

Slow living is a lifestyle emphasizing slower approaches to aspects of everyday life.[1] The concept of 'slow' lifestyles started with the slow food movement, which emphasizes more 'traditional' food production processes as a reaction to fast food emerged in Italy during the 1980s and 1990s. Slow food and slow living are frequently, but not always, proposed as solutions to what the green movement describes as problems in materialistic and industrial lifestyles.

People every day are constantly living at a fast pace which is making them feel like their lives are chaotic – but with slow living they end up taking a step back and start enjoying life being conscious of sensory profusion. Slow living also incorporates slow food, slow money, and slow cities. The term slow is a movement or action at a relaxed or leisurely pace.[2]

This approach to life lived slowly does not refuse the usage of things such as mobile phones, Internet, and access to goods and services.[3]

The term slow is used as an acronym to show different issues:

S = Sustainable – not having an impact

L = Local – not someone else’s patch

O = Organic – not mass-produced

W = Whole – not processed[4]

Slow Food Movement

Slow food logo

Slow food movement, originally known as Arcigola, was renamed Slow Food in 1989 in Italy. It has over 78,000 members in 85 countries, in which include Japan, Australia and the US. This movement continues to grow in reputation and in membership. Slow food is a concept with the target being the taste, comfort, and quality of the food that is natural using locally sourced ingredients.[5]

See also


  1. Parkins, Wendy; Craig, Geoffrey (2006). Slow living. Oxford, UK: Berg. ISBN 978-1-84520-160-9.
  2. Tam, Daisy (2008). "Slow journeys: What does it mean to go slow?". Food, culture and society. 11 (2): 207–218. doi:10.2752/175174408X317570.
  3. Steager, Tabitha (2009). Slow living by wendy parkin and geoffrey craig. Routledge. p. 241. doi:10.2752/1751774409X400774.
  4. Marie, Kate; Thomas, Christopher; Abbey, Kris;, Mahony, Ananda (2009). Fast living, slow ageing: How to age less, look great, live longer, get more. Newton, NSW: Mileage Media.
  5. Parkins, Wendy (2004). "Out of time: Fast subjects and slow living". Time & society. 13 (2–3): 363–382. doi:10.1177/0961463X04045662.

Further reading

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