Slovenski glasnik

Slovenski glasnik
Editor Anton Janežič
Frequency Monthly
First issue 1858
Final issue 1869
Country Austria
Language Slovene
ISSN 2350-5540
OCLC number 442388661

Slovenski glasnik (English: The Slovene Herald) was a Slovene-language magazine published monthly from 1858 till 1869.

History and profile

Slovenski glasnik was established by Slovenian Corinthian Anton Janežič.[1] The magazine was edited by Janežič and published in Klagenfurt, then in the Duchy of Carinthia (now in Austria). Among the contributors were the most important Slovene writers of the period, namely Simon Jenko, Josip Jurčič, Fran Erjavec, Valentin Mandelc and Fran Levstik.

Slovenski glasnik was the first Slovene language magazine with a chess column. It was edited by Josip Ogrinec and Ivan Kos, and for the first time in history presented chess terminology and chess problems in Slovene.[2]

See also


  1. Oto Luthar (2008). The Land Between: A History of Slovenia. Peter Lang. p. 290. ISBN 978-3-631-57011-1. Retrieved 10 December 2014.
  2. "Ivan O. Kos". Chess Composers. Retrieved 10 December 2014.
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