List of current Sinn Féin elected representatives

This is a list of currently elected Sinn Féin representatives.

Members of Dáil Éireann

Sinn Féin has 22 TDs in the Dáil Éireann (lower house) (most recent election in 2016):

Members of Seanad Éireann

Sinn Féin has six senators in the Seanad Éireann (upper house) (most recent election in 2016):

Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly

Sinn Féin have 27 MLAs in the Northern Ireland Assembly (most recent election in 2017):

Members of the United Kingdom Parliament

Sinn Féin has seven MPs (most recent election in 2017):

All Sinn Féin MPs follow an abstentionist policy with regard to Westminster, meaning they do not take their seats in that parliament.

  • A by-election had to be held following Barry McElduff's controversial video post which was perceived to commemorate the Kingsmill massacre as McElduff had coincidentially posted the video on January 5 2018. coinciding with the 42nd anniversary of the massacre. McElduff faced three months' suspension and Begley was elected as his successor as MP for West Tyrone following his resignation.

Members of the European Parliament

Sinn Féin has four MEPs (Most recent election in 2014):

Member of Údarás na Gaeltachta


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