Silk Performer

Silk Performer
Developer(s) Micro Focus
Stable release
18.0 / June 27, 2017 (2017-06-27)
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Available in English, Japanese, Chinese
Type Load testing
License Commercial proprietary software

Silk Performer is a software performance testing tool across web, mobile and enterprise applications. It was originally developed by Segue Software which was acquired by Borland in 2006. Borland was acquired by Micro Focus International in 2009.

Silk Performer ensures that applications and server up times are maintained when faced with peak customer usage. Silk Performer allows identification of such problems using integrated diagnostics and trending reports.


Silk Performer supports major Web 2.0 environments like Adobe’s Flash/Flex, Microsoft Silverlight, and HTML/AJAX. Silk Performer also supports load testing Web applications at the protocol level (HTTP).

Silk performer helps predict and prevent outages to future-proof business performance. Supports mobile web devices and cloud computing generation load through cloud technologies.[1]

Usability in Business

  • Pinpoint problem location and causes.
  • Ensure optimal performance through peak times.
  • Track and monitor applications performance and stability.


  • Predict and prevent outages future-proofing performance of business.
  • Reduce cost and complexity of testing by simulating users in a cloud environment.
  • Resolve capacity problems before they have an operational impact.
  • Simulate business scenarios across a broad range of enterprise applications.

Key Features

  • Web 2.0 Support.
  • Cloud integration.
  • Server monitoring, reporting and analysis.


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