Satu Suro

Satu Suro (Javanese:ꦱꦶꦗꦶꦱꦸꦫ) is the first day of the Javanese calendar year in the month of Sura (also transcribed as "Suro"), corresponding with the Islamic month of Muharram.[1]

Satu Suro has numerous associations in folk tales and superstitions in Java, Indonesia that vary considerably through regional variation in cultural practices. The prevalent theme through most superstitions is one of the danger of going out from the home - similar to the Balinese day of Nyepi. There is an Indonesian film that exploits the danger - called Malam Satu Suro.

Rituals during Satu Suro Night/Eve

The Javanese day starts at the sunset of the previous day, not at midnight - as a consequence considerable emphasis is made in the 'eve' of the first Day of the month of Sura.[2][3]

During Satu Suro Night, there are several rituals that can be conducted, such as:

  • Meditation
Meditation is a common practice of Kejawen/Shiva-Budha religion. The objective is to have self-instropection of what has been done within the past year and then to prepare what should be done in the future.
  • Tapa Bisu: To meditate while being silent and not talking during the ritual
  • Tapa Kungkum: To meditate while submerged in water
  • Tirakatan and tuguran: The act of not sleeping the whole night while having self-reflection and prayer, usually accompanied by Puppet Shadow performance. Also many travel to sacred grave sites to perform Tirakatan.
  • Ruwatan: rituals to free the surroundings (e.g. of a house, building or area) from evil spirits and calamity.
  • Kirab Malam Satu Suro: Traditionally Cleansing ritual of royal pusaka (heirloom) items held at the royal palace of Surakarta. [4]

See also


  1. Kamajaya, 1915- (1992) 1 Suro tahun baru Jawa perpaduan Jawa-Islam Yogyakarta : UP. Indonesia, 1992
  2. "Javanese set to celebrate 'Satu Suro'", Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, Financial Times Ltd, 2005-02-08, retrieved 25 October 2017
  3. "A distinctively new year", Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, Financial Times Ltd, 2005-02-08, retrieved 25 October 2017
  4. Paku Buwono, Sunan of Surakarta XII, 1925- XII (2006), Karaton Surakarta : a look into the court of Surakarta Hadiningrat, Central Java, Marshall Cavendish Editions, ISBN 978-981-261-226-7 - Kirab Pusoko - page 283, and 299-301 - procession of the heirlooms

Further reading

  • Soebardi. Calendrical traditions in Indonesia Madjalah IIlmu-ilmu Satsra Indonesia, 1965 no.3.

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