Running bowline

Running bowline
Category Running
Origin Ancient
Related bowline, noose
Releasing Non-jamming
Typical use Fishing out floating objects that have fallen overboard. Tightening the squaresail to the yard in high winds.
Caveat None.
ABoK #1117, #2071

The running bowline is a knot consisting of a bowline looped around its own standing end to create a noose.

The running bowline is strong and secure. It slides easily and can be undone just as simply.

1117. The RUNNING BOWLINE KNOT is referred to by name, in A Four Years' Voyage by G. Roberts (1726), as the "RUNNING BOWLING KNOT." It is the knot universally used at sea when a NOOSE is called for. According to an old nautical authority it "is used for throwing over anything out of reach, or anything under water." Any lumber that has dropped overboard or any rigging that has gone adrift is recovered by its means. [1]


Tie a bowline in the end of a line with a small loop, and pass the standing part through the loop. Alternatively, the bowline can be tied directly around the standing part.


  1. Ashley, Clifford W (1944). The Ashley Book of Knots. Doubleday. p. 204.
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