Ruling Class, Ruling Culture: Studies of Conflict, Power and Hegemony in Australian Life

Ruling Class, Ruling Culture: Studies of Conflict, Power and Hegemony in Australian Life
First edition cover
Author Raewyn Connell
Country Australia
Language English
Subject Sociology
Genre Non-fiction
Published 1977
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Pages 264

Ruling Class Ruling Culture [1] is an influential sociological analysis of class in the 1970s by Australian academic, Raewyn Connell. It covers an extensive range of topics from class conflict, ideological formation, popular culture and the Whitlam dismissal. It was an important text in the development of the Australian New Left, and would substantially inform Connell's collaborative work Class Structure in Australian History. [2]


  1. Connell, R W 1977, Ruling Class, Ruling Culture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  2. Williams-Brooks, Llewellyn (2016). "Radical Theories of Capitalism in Australia", Honours Thesis, University of Sydney, viewed 20 April 2017

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