Rose Ganguzza

Rose Ganguzza is a New York City based producer, with over 30 years of experience in the entertainment industry. She specializes in independent films, which she takes from the initial phases to packaging through production. In 2014 she founded Rose Pictures LLC a production company specializing in independent film and long and short form television.

Production work

She is known worldwide for movies such as Kill Your Darlings (2014), The Words (2012), Margin Call (2011), New York, I Love You (2008). Thanks to her work, she recently received the title of "Godmother of NY Independent film"[1] by the Herald de Paris. With her work, she fosters productions and talent within New York City, because this “creates jobs and stimulates the economy, but it also keeps New York’s creative juices flowing”[2] as l she stated in her Alumni profile on the Fairleigh Dickinson University's website.

She is currently working on the production of Fatima (2017), a movie revolving around the Miracle of Fatima, to be directed by Marco Pontecorvo.

Personal life

Rose Ganguzza holds a master's degree in International Affairs from Columbia University. She is the mother of director and producer Antonio Campos and is married with Brazilian born TV journalist Lucas Mendes.


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