Romo Lampkin

Romo Lampkin
Battlestar Galactica character
First appearance "The Son Also Rises"
Last appearance "Daybreak"
Portrayed by Mark Sheppard
Species Human
Gender Male
Occupation Defense attorney; President of the Twelve Colonies Of Kobol (Daybreak pt.3)

Romo Lampkin is a fictional character in Battlestar Galactica. He is portrayed by Mark Sheppard.

Character arc

Before the Cylon attacks on the Colonies, Lampkin was an attorney with the Caprica City Public Defender's Office; earlier in his career, he had worked for the same office under Joseph Adama, father of Bill and grandfather of Lee.[1] On the morning of the attacks, he was about to board a shuttle off of Gemenon, having retrieved Lance, his wife's cat, from a vet there, and thence escaped with the ragtag fleet.[2]

After former President Gaius Baltar is recaptured by Colonial forces halfway through season three, the government decides to try him for crimes against humanity. Lampkin accepts appointment as Baltar's attorney after the first attorney is murdered by bomb. An attempt on Lampkin's life follows, again by bomb. A hospitalized and drugged Lampkin admits kleptomaniacal habits to Lee, and in the collection of items that he has "borrowed" during his time on Galactica is what Lee recognizes as a military-issue explosive detonator. Lampkin "borrowed" it (not knowing what it was) from Aaron Kelly, who is thus revealed as the bomber.

Lampkin is portrayed as ethically sketchy, using deceit and manipulation to learn useful information. During Baltar's trial, a few weeks after the bombing, he makes exaggerated use of a walking-stick, discarded as soon as the verdict comes in. He typically wears dark sunglasses, implicitly for purposes of reading and observing those around him without giving anything away himself. Nevertheless, he risks his life for the good of others; for example, helping Starbuck get Samuel Anders to the infirmary during Felix Gaeta's mutiny.[3]

In Sine Qua Non, when Lee again enlists Lampkin's help, he is revealed to have had a wife (Faye) and daughters (Jennifer and Katie), who were killed in the attacks. Despite his complaints about Lance, the cat has been his last link to his family, and when his shipmates kill Lance (for unexplained reasons), he suffers a brief psychotic break and considers murdering Lee. Lee talks him down, and to replace Lance, gives him wardship of Jake, a dog who is regarded (tongue-in-cheek) as a hero of the New Caprica resistance.[2]

During the attack on the Cylon Colony, with Roslin incapacitated and Lee a part of the strike force, Lampkin is made President of the Colonies in their stead. After the planet the Colonials dub Earth is found, Lampkin is shown (presumably still acting as President) planning for the future and is last seen leading a group of survivors.[4]


  1. "The Son Also Rises". Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series).
  2. 1 2 "Sine Qua Non". Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series).
  3. "Blood on the Scales". Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series).
  4. "Daybreak". Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series).
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