Riyaz Uddin (painter)

Riyaz Uddin is an Indian miniature painter from Jaipur Jaipur is in India.[1] He has collaborated with British artist Alexander Gorlizki to produce cross-cultural artworks.[2][3]


  1. Arts of Asia - Volume 35 -2005 - Page 12 "Just ten years ago however, British artist Alexander Gorlizki, working with Indian artist Riyaz Uddin, shook it out of its slumber. . . A reminder to our readers that the attractive art of Indian miniature painting survives on to our day with subjects "...
  2. Hand Eye magazine Cosmic Microcosm 2009 "Alexander Gorlizki’s fifteen-year fascination with Indian miniature paintings has blossomed into a body of work notable for its intricate beauty, and fluid, almost free associative imagery, not to mention the collaborative nature of how it is made. By commissioning Riyaz Uddin, a master miniaturist painter in Jaipur, these imaginative and compelling works bring together some radically different approaches to art."
  3. "Amrita Jhaveri". www.amritajhaveri.com. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
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