
Rhaphium sp.
Scientific classification
Meigen, 1803
Type species
Rhaphium macrocerum
Meigen, 1824

Rhaphium is a genus of flies in the family Dolichopodidae. It is the largest genus within the subfamily Rhaphiinae, with more than 180 species currently known.[1]


  • Rhaphium aequale Van Duzee, 1927
  • Rhaphium albibarbum (Van Duzee, 1924)
  • Rhaphium albifrons Zetterstedt, 1843
  • Rhaphium albomaculatum (Becker, 1891)
  • Rhaphium aldrichi (Van Duzee, 1922)
  • Rhaphium antennatum (Carlier, 1835)
  • Rhaphium apicinigrum Yang & Saigusa, 1999[2]
  • Rhaphium apophysatum Tang, Wang & Yang, 2016[1]
  • Rhaphium appendiculatum Zetterstedt, 1849
  • Rhaphium arboreum Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium armatum Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium atkinsoni Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium auctum Loew, 1857
  • Rhaphium baihuashanum Yang, 1998[3]
  • Rhaphium banksi Van Duzee, 1926
  • Rhaphium barbipes (Van Duzee, 1923)
  • Rhaphium basale Loew, 1850
  • Rhaphium beringiense Negrobov & Vockeroth, 1979
  • Rhaphium bidilatatum (Parent, 1954)
  • Rhaphium bilobum Tang, Wang & Yang, 2016[1]
  • Rhaphium bisectum Tang, Wang & Yang, 2016[1]
  • Rhaphium boreale (Van Duzee, 1923)
  • Rhaphium borisovi Negrobov, Barkalov & Selivanova, 2012[4]
  • Rhaphium brachycerus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1999[5]
  • Rhaphium brevicorne Curtis, 1835
  • Rhaphium brevilamellatum Van Duzee in Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium brooksi Negrobov, Barkalov & Selivanova, 2011
  • Rhaphium browni Curran, 1931
  • Rhaphium bukzeevae Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium bulyginskayae Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium calcaratum Van Duzee, 1928
  • Rhaphium caliginosum Meigen, 1824
  • Rhaphium campestre Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium canadense Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium caucasicum Negrobov, Grichanov & Selivanova, 2013[6]
  • Rhaphium caudatum Van Duzee in Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium ciliatum Curran, 1929
  • Rhaphium coloradense Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium colute Harmston & James, 1942
  • Rhaphium commune (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium confine Zetterstedt, 1843
  • Rhaphium crassipes (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium crinitum Negrobov & Onishchenko, 1991
  • Rhaphium cupreum Macquart, 1827
  • Rhaphium currani (Parent, 1939)
  • Rhaphium daqinggouense Tang, Wang & Yang, 2016[1]
  • Rhaphium dichromum Negrobov, 1976
  • Rhaphium dilatatum Wiedemann, 1830
  • Rhaphium discigerum Stenhammar, 1850
  • Rhaphium discolor Zetterstedt, 1838
  • Rhaphium dispar Coquillett, 1898
  • Rhaphium doroninae Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium doroteum Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium dorsiseta Tang, Wang & Yang, 2016[1]
  • Rhaphium dubium (Van Duzee, 1922)
  • Rhaphium effilatum (Wheeler, 1899)
  • Rhaphium elegantulum (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium elongatum Van Duzee, 1933
  • Rhaphium ensicorne Meigen, 1824
  • Rhaphium essoense Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium exile Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium fasciatum Meigen, 1824
  • Rhaphium fascipes (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium femineum (Van Duzee, 1922)
  • Rhaphium femoratum (Van Duzee, 1922)
  • Rhaphium firsovi Stackelberg & Negrobov in Negrobov, 1976
  • Rhaphium fissum Loew, 1850
  • Rhaphium flavicoxa (Van Duzee, 1922)
  • Rhaphium flavilabre Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium foliatum Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium fulvipes (Macquart, 1827)
  • Rhaphium furcatum Yang & Saigusa, 2000[7]
  • Rhaphium furciferum Curran, 1931
  • Rhaphium gansuanum Yang, 1998[3]
  • Rhaphium gibsoni Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium glaciale (Ringdahl, 1920)
  • Rhaphium gracile Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium grandicercum Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium grande (Curran, 1923)
  • Rhaphium gravipes Haliday in Walker, Stainton & Wilkinson, 1851
  • Rhaphium gruniniani Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium gussakovskii Stackelberg & Negrobov in Negrobov, 1976
  • Rhaphium heilongjiangense Wang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005
  • Rhaphium hirtimanum Van Duzee, 1933
  • Rhaphium holmgreni (Mik, 1878)
  • Rhaphium hungaricum (Becker, 1918)
  • Rhaphium impetuum Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium insolitum Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium intermedium (Becker, 1918)
  • Rhaphium jamalense Negrobov, 1986
  • Rhaphium johnrichardi Negrobov & Grichanov, 2010[8]
  • Rhaphium johnsoni (Van Duzee, 1923)
  • Rhaphium lanceolatum Loew, 1850
  • Rhaphium latifacies Van Duzee, 1930
  • Rhaphium latimanum Kahanpaa, 2007
  • Rhaphium lehri Negrobov, 1977
  • Rhaphium longibara Van Duzee, 1930
  • Rhaphium longicorne (Fallen, 1823)
  • Rhaphium longipalpe Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium longipes (Loew, 1864)
  • Rhaphium lugubre Loew, 1861
  • Rhaphium lumbricum Wei, 2006
  • Rhaphium macalpini Negrobov, 1986
  • Rhaphium macrocerum Meigen, 1824
  • Rhaphium maculipes (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium magnicorne (Zetterstedt, 1843)
  • Rhaphium mcveighi Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium mediocre (Becker, 1922)
  • Rhaphium melampus (Loew, 1861)
  • Rhaphium mesasiaticum Negrobov, Selivanova & Maslova, 2013[9]
  • Rhaphium micans (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium monotrichum Loew, 1850
  • Rhaphium montanum (Van Duzee, 1920)
  • Rhaphium nasutum (Fallen, 1823)
  • Rhaphium neimengense Tang, Wang & Yang, 2016[1]
  • Rhaphium neolatifacies Yang & Wang, 2006
  • Rhaphium nigrum (Van Duzee, 1923)
  • Rhaphium nigribarbatum (Becker, 1900)
  • Rhaphium nigricoxa (Loew, 1861)
  • Rhaphium nigrociliatum Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium nigrovittatum Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium nubilum Van Duzee, 1930
  • Rhaphium nudiusculum Negrobov, 1976
  • Rhaphium nuortevai Negrobov, 1977
  • Rhaphium obscuripes Zetterstedt, 1849
  • Rhaphium obtusum Van Duzee, 1928
  • Rhaphium occipitale Curran, 1927
  • Rhaphium orientale Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium ovsyannikovae Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium palliaristatum Yang & Saigusa, 2001[10]
  • Rhaphium palpale Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium parentianum Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium patellitarse (Becker, 1900)
  • Rhaphium patulum (Raddatz, 1873)
  • Rhaphium paulseni Philippi, 1865
  • Rhaphium pectinatum (Loew, 1859)
  • Rhaphium pectinigerum (Parent, 1938)
  • Rhaphium penicillatum Loew, 1850
  • Rhaphium petchi Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium picketti Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium pitkini Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium pollex (Van Duzee, 1922)
  • Rhaphium psilopodum (Becker, 1918)
  • Rhaphium punctitarse Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium qinghaiense Yang, 1998[11]
  • Rhaphium quadrispinosum (Strobl, 1898)
  • Rhaphium reaveyi Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium relatum (Becker, 1922)
  • Rhaphium rhaphioides Zetterstedt, 1838
  • Rhaphium richterae Negrobov, 1977
  • Rhaphium riparium (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium rivale (Loew, 1869)
  • Rhaphium robustum Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium rossi Harmston & Knowlton, 1940
  • Rhaphium rotundiceps (Loew, 1861)
  • Rhaphium sachalinense Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium septentrionale Curran, 1931
  • Rhaphium sexsetosum (Vanschuytbroeck, 1951)
  • Rhaphium shamshevi Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium shannoni Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium sibiricum Negrobov, Barkalov & Selivanova, 2011[12]
  • Rhaphium sichotense Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium sichuanense Yang & Saigusa, 1999[2]
  • Rhaphium signifer (Osten Sacken, 1878)
  • Rhaphium simplicipes Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium sinense Negrobov, 1979
  • Rhaphium speciosum (S. Abreu, 1929)
  • Rhaphium spinitarse Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium srilankense Naglis & Grootaert, 2011
  • Rhaphium stackelbergi Negrobov, 1976
  • Rhaphium steyskali Robinson, 1967[13]
  • Rhaphium suave (Loew, 1859)
  • Rhaphium subarmatum Curran, 1924
  • Rhaphium subfurcatum Van Duzee, 1932
  • Rhaphium subtridactylum Negrobov, Barkalov & Selivanova, 2011
  • Rhaphium temerarium (Becker, 1922)
  • Rhaphium terminale (Van Duzee, 1924)
  • Rhaphium thoracicum (Meigen, 1824)
  • Rhaphium tianshanicum Negrobov, Grichanov & Selivanova, 2013[6]
  • Rhaphium tibiale (von Roser, 1840)
  • Rhaphium triangulatum (Van Duzee, 1922)
  • Rhaphium tricaudatum (Van Duzee, 1923)
  • Rhaphium tridactylum (Frey, 1915)
  • Rhaphium tripartitum (Frey, 1913)
  • Rhaphium tuberculatum (Negrobov, 1973)
  • Rhaphium turanicola (Stackelberg, 1927)
  • Rhaphium umbripenne (Frey, 1915)
  • Rhaphium vanduzeei Curran, 1926
  • Rhaphium venustum Negrobov, 1977
  • Rhaphium vockerothi Robinson, 1964
  • Rhaphium wheeleri Van Duzee, 1932
  • Rhaphium wuduanum Wang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005
  • Rhaphium xinjiangense Yang, 1998[3]
  • Rhaphium xipheres (Wheeler, 1899)
  • Rhaphium xiphias Meigen, 1824
  • Rhaphium zairense Negrobov, Grichanov & Bakary, 1982
  • Rhaphium zakonnikovae Grichanov, 1995
  • Rhaphium zhongdianum Yang & Saigusa, 2001[14]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tang, C.; Wang, N.; Yang, D. "Rhaphium (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Rhaphiinae) from China with six new species". Zootaxa. 4162 (3): 581–593. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4162.3.11.
  2. 1 2 Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (1999). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VI): Diptera from Emei Mountain (1)" (PDF). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 69: 233–250.
  3. 1 2 3 Yang, D. (1998). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (I)" (PDF). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 68: 151–164.
  4. Negrobov, O. P.; Barkalov, A. B.; Selivanova, O. B. (2012). "Rhaphium Meigen (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from the Taimyr Peninsula (Russia), with description of a new species" (PDF). Zootaxa. 3548: 75–87.
  5. Meuffels, H. J. G.; Grootaert, Patrick (1999). "New names in the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera)" (PDF). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 69: 289–292. Retrieved 30 March 2018.
  6. 1 2 Negrobov, O.P.; Grichanov, I.Ya.; Selivanova, O.V. (2013). "Palearctic species of the Rhaphium albifrons group (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)" (PDF). Euroasian Entomological Journal. 12 (6): 601–606.
  7. Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2000). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VII): Diptera from Emei Mountain (2)" (PDF). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 70: 219–242.
  8. Negrobov, O.P.; Grichanov, I.Ya. (2010). "The Rhaphium crassipes species group in the Palearctic Region with the description of a new species from Uzbekistan (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" (PDF). Caucasian Entomological Bulletin. 6 (1): 117–122.
  9. Negrobov, O.P.; Selivanova, O.V.; Maslova, O.O. (2013). "НОВЫЙ ВИД РОДА RHAPHIUM MEIGEN, 1803 (DOLICHOPODIDAE, DIPTERA) ИЗ СРЕДНЕЙ АЗИИ" [NEW SPECIES RHAPHIUM MEIGEN, 1803 (DOLICHOPODIDAE, DIPTERA) FROM CENTRAL ASIA] (PDF). Byulleten Moskovskogo Obschestva Ispytatelei Prirody. Otdel Biologicheskii [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists, Biological Series] (in Russian). 118 (6): 22–26.
  10. Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2001). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (XI)" (PDF). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 71: 237–256.
  11. Yang, D. (1998). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (III)" (PDF). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 68: 177–183.
  12. Negrobov, O. P.; Barkalov, A. V.; Selivanova, O. V. (2011). "A New Species of the Genus Rhaphium (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Siberia" (PDF). Vestnik Zoologii. 45 (3): e-42–e-44. doi:10.2478/v10058-011-0018-1.
  13. Robinson, H. (1967). "New species of Dolichopodidae from the United States and Mexico (Diptera)". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 69: 114–127.
  14. Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2001). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (IX)" (PDF). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie. 71: 165–188.
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